He's not talking about shooting lots of little balls out of the gun, he's talking about a small fin-stabilised grenadelike round.
The m16A2? one of those with a scope is just a gun, made for sniping, that can only hit up to medium range targets. now if we had a G36E up here....(lol)
Gimme a freekin break... An ak47 is way better and cheaper and deadlier then some gimmicky full auto shotgun with 30 lb+ magazines that hold like 14 shotgun shells... ya it fires full auto... but so what... it's not like some machine gun that lets you lay down supressing fire... it's some complex weapon that's bound to break/jam. I've fired many shotguns with full rifled barrels and the things sucked even when fireing saboted hornady polymer tipped hollow points. Why? because the rate of twist was piss poor and the barrels were thinned walled so the vibration of the projectile travelling the rifleings was enough to make it oscillate and miss by like 6 inches at 100 ft. Their are other reasons that shotguns fail... mostly tiny magazine capacity, super slow 1-shell-at-a-time reloading and weight and recoil but in comparison to a rifle with no recoil, tons of ammo per magazine, and incredibly accurate, then yes a shotgun will fail to sheer killpower of a rifle at every range (because in reality rifles should be 1 hit weapons in this game... o does that mean shotguns will be 1 hit kill weapons at 300 meters? Has a scope? O i am so going to snipe with it )
Fucused wolf. You fail at debate. Originally Posted by Solokiller Guys, this is a videogame, and our motto is: fuck realism.
Ok, so one thread is locked, and another one is revived to continue the discussion. Do that again, and you're in trouble.
Can we have a scoped shotgun with rifling... just to shut up all the whining about "a scope rifle"?... Give it 50x magnification and a 1" viewport so it'll be so completely useless anyway... I am however all for adding an auto-shotgun for the rifleman, so he'll have a super short-range anti-infantry weapon...
im just gonna say that msot people should know thatshotguns ARE in cuz theres ascreenshot of it in the devs blog
Yes: the sniper can be used as a vital component of a successful squad Yes: the sniper can be used as a lone wolf weapon, reducing team play in which reduces the appeal of the game Yes: personal observations yield a high percentage of lone wolves are engineers, with scouts being second, but noticeably fewer in number Yes: a lone wolf engineer is more useful than a lone wolf scout Yes: if two players of equal skill are aware of each other at range, one with the scout rifle and the other with the assault rifle with accuracy, the rifle will usually win. Yes: the health upgrade makes you immune to an instant headshot death if you are at full HP Yes: the Sniper Rifle's scope makes the scout dangerously vulnerable to anything not directly in front of him/her. Yes: Riflemen average a higher kill count than scouts Yes: sniper scouts yield a distinctly better Kill/Death ratio than riflemen on average. Yes: a great counter to an entrenched rifleman is a sniper Yes: without snipers, Riflemen will more openly go prone in areas if there is no danger of being sniped, and encouraging trench warfare (done with walls in this game) (this "yes" is debatable and will likely be mentioned) Yes that was kinda stated before, but fits down here: a great counter to an entrenched sniper is a rifleman Yes: Shotguns are the perfect "pop out of stealth" weapon for an ambush on an individual Yes: shotguns can do damage at medium range, but are most lethal at close range. Yes: snipers are excellent countermeasures to Turret farms, as they can disable engineers with the slightest exposure, forcing the engineers to run from their turret to heal each other, wasting batteries and exposing themselves to more efficient killers like riflemen. Yes: Early game kills are highly important and are most easily done from hiding, as that is when the run back from the starting barracks is the longest. Personal touch: scout grenades should not take you out of stealth >_> Yes: if you gave a rifleman a sniper rifle, damage increase, dig in, and stamina increase (body armor comes with riflemen, do not forget) you will have a lot more rifleman lone wolves that are much harder to uproot from their much more permanent camping spot. (I'm under the impression that I don't even have to worry about this happening) Yes: the scout already has two close range weapons (I support the replacement concept) Yes: everyone will want to play scout, just because shotguns are cool (fact) and everyone wants to use the famous boom stick, resulting in a scout heavy game.