Some days the snipers make me wonder in this game. Is anyone else enjoying my calmness of late, or shall I dispense 400mL cups of rage? Lol, I changed some files and made the scout rifle into a shotgun. I spawned in, clicked, and this happened.
So basically, you don't want a CoD4-style Worthless Shotgun. A shotgun that, while it "does what it's suppose to" (as said by the devs of that game), is so far behind every other weapon in time-it-takes-to-kill (beyond the 2 inch one-hit-KO range it has) that it's practically useless. Yeah, I could see a shotgun in Empires becoming that, but that's where good weapon balance & testing comes in (along with patches if all else fails). I must admit the shotgun is a fairly difficult weapon to balance just based on principle though, since many claim it is simply a point-in-the-general-direction-and-shoot weapon. The difference between way-too-easy & way-too-hard is just a couple feet & a little more spread......
Empires is a close combat game, shotgun pistols would be weaker than a full fledged shotgun, and look how useful they are, albeit not always, but they're useful a lot of the time.
That depends on our intentions with the scout, and you already know we don't want him to be good at ranged fighting.
I HAVE A IDEA! NF shotgun! 4 shoots, each one kills at close-mediumish ranges, and whit pumping delay! BE shotgun. 8 shoots, 2 kills at close-mediumish ranges, and whit faster pumping delay!
Umm (both weird and full of typos )it would be pretty unbalanced.. Miss with nf one would mean ur pretty dead
Replace it with a hijacker class that can steal: a) vehicles with people in b) empty vehicles c) dead vehicles like Tiberium Sun 3.
suck: not used by anyone becouse the chance to get the rare opportunity of getting in effective range is under 5% and the risk involved achiving this will get you punished by death when the first shoot misses. suck: not usefull becouse other weapons or even tools can do the job faster, better, and whit less risk. suck: its to hard to use to achive the reward of a successfull kill. suck: not effective enough and too situational to be worthwhile. these are my definitions of "suck" for virtual weapons.
A pistol isn't supposed to be your primary weapon, so those arguments don't really matter. The grenadier should use his mortar as the primary weapon, and some people do that amazingly well.