Vicki banned Spike

Discussion in 'General' started by Paradox, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    It's a case of why people get banned though. People can be asshats in spec, but as long as they're not insulting anyone directly, they're able to get away with it. Meanwhile, Spike, being the asshole he is, starts insulting people in the server, and he gets permanently banned. I'm not saying he shouldn't get banned, but I don't see how people can see the way he acts as being any worse than Steve_UK/eth0 & co. Yet they're allowed in the server, to continue speccing, whereas Spike, who for all his faults, does actually play Empires (at a relatively high level), is banned. I can't help but see it as hypocrisy.

    I don't draw a distinction between Vets and non-Vets, but I do draw one between people who play the game, and people who spectate the game.
  2. SwiftPoo

    SwiftPoo Member

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    I am sorry I used the word vet. You all got really hung up on that. I really meant unban the godamn regulars who keep the server alive by helping new people and being com when pop is low and playing the game a lot. Should of been a week ban not perma.
  3. Candles


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    I think the difference is that while others kept it to spec or weren't regular players, Spike would do it in spec and while playing, every day, every round. Steve doesn't do it outside of spec and eth0 barely even joins the server, so they didn't dampen the mood as much.

    Though, this may just as well be me trying to find reasoning behind most everything.
  4. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    What the fuck? I was actually appreciated?

    In all honesty, I held experienced/veteran players to a higher standard, since they usually knew whatever they were doing was wrong, and were doing it anyway; in other words, an experienced player's errors are of a much higher value than those of some random newb.

    A veteran player, at least in my day, meant playing since 2.0, and being damn good at it. Experienced players, by my measure, are those with ~6+ months of regular play, or 200+ hours of play time.

    People can be asshats in spec because they aren't playing the game, and thus aren't disrupting anything meaningful. It seems this "Spike" character is doing the same thing, but on a team.

    Anyways, I'm going to get out before I get roped into Empires again.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  5. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Whilst that is true, anyone could have had a quiet word with me and I'd have dealt with it. Things like this have happened in the past, but the fact is, Spike is in EPIC, and as a result, I can deal with his behaviour. SwiftPoo has a point in that, he is someone who plays, who does populate the server, is worth keeping rather than banning. I can deal with problems like this, I could have told Spike to get his shit in order, but no-one mentioned the problem to me.
  6. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Stopped reading after the underlined section. Remembered why I got out of this game. (It has nothing to do with EPIC in particular.)
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  7. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    Trickster, Spike has been spoken too numerous times, countless times fucking endless times. Yes he is a great player yes he plays everyday and comms regulary, he helps newer players. HE fucking rages at every body all the time. He gives every single admin shit about every god damn decision from a map change to a ban. if its a voted map he rages at admins. Why should we put up with this? We have warned him asked him even pleaded with him to chill the fuck out. so argument invalid next question please.
  8. Candles


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    I still think this is being thrown out of proportion because this isn't a real permanent ban, it just has a different criteria to be lifted. If Spike really wanted to be unbanned, then he simply needs to apologize to Vicki, which I do believe she does deserve for putting up with him for so long. If people really want him back, then don't convince Vicki to unban him, convince him to swallow his pride.

    Besides, he said it himself that he doesn't care, so why does it seem like everyone else does instead on his behalf?
  9. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    me and spike have spoken since his ban, numerous times. Spike as a whole is a great person if not drunk somewhat most of the time :) He has apologised to myself and admitted he has been a huge DICK. He has said he doesnt care anymore about the game and he would rather get on with other things etc. If he wants to come back i have no problems with him doing so. He like candles has said needs to swallow his ego and pride, and apologize to Vicki for the countless hours of shit and abuse he has hurled her way. And yes recon we are here to feed your ego too. You were a great admin :)
  10. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Oh don't get me wrong, Spike deserves absolutely everything he gets. But this could have been resolved long before it got to this point. It's all very well other people speaking to him, but at the end of the day, me telling him to cut it the fuck out is going to have a much greater effect than anyone else telling him that. If he still does it after that, then he knows he has absolutely no backing from anyone. It didn't need to go this far. Spike may well be saying he doesn't care, but let's be honest, he just doesn't want to apologise. Until he does, he shouldn't be unbanned. But my point is, we could have stopped this happening a long time ago if people just talked.
  11. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    I think you all sniff to much glue.
  12. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    Multiple standards has been around, always.

    Remember Dr.Baron..etc?
    He cried about VIPER sucks and all that jazz, even created a steam group against VIPER(though not influent).
    He even actually interrupted some games, trying to depopulate VIPER.

    Yet, he did not receive the slightest punishment, not even a 60 minutes ban, under the shield of Vicki.

    Root admins certainly have the power to make all final decisions, but the least things they should do is keep the stability of the standard.

    "Fuck VIPER, fuck you Security" "Fuck VIPER, fuck you Craig."
    A harder punishment for the latter is fine. But if the prior received a short gag, while the latter received a perma ban(Vicki actually did this).
    Then I am sure something is going wrong.
  13. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    You can't undertsand trickster because you are not informed or aware of the situation so before making judgemental statements try and find out the facts.

    As candles pointed out spike is banned until he can act less disruptive on the server.

    I never perma banned freak never even banned him and whoever made this thread should also know the facts before spreading rumors, freak is not perma banned

    To address tricksters remarks,
    I have fought others against perma banning spike for along time, I have talked to him time and time again about him harrassing players, insulting players while INGAME on a team. I have suggested he stay off VIPER when he is so drunk that he can't control his rage.

    Spike at his own admission knows his rage gets out of control.

    I've received numerous complaints about his over the top flaming. But yetI stopped him from being perma banned each time and would talk to him again about it.

    The last straw came when I was given a chat between spike and another player, spike was saying how he commands just to grief his team so everyone would gets angry and leave the server.

    When a player is disrupting an entire server by his harrasment or his determination to ruin the game for everyone, no matter how many times I tried to help him change or modify how he was acting the server, SPIKE left me no choice but to remove him

    If you want to blame anyone for spikes ban.,.blame SPIKE he had more chances than he should have, but he is welcome to come back if he can act more appropriately.

    Now as for steve_uk and ethos, you are really out of the loop if your comparing those two with spike. Steve_uk dedicates hours upons hours adminning viper and playing the game, and doesn't rage at players, ethos, while being a bit long winded doesn't flame players ingame. They both don't disrupt an enitre server by purposely ruining the game for their team or others.

    Your comparison is weak at best and has no merit.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  14. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    Trickster I highly doubt you could have changed anything and spikes behavior was a well known fact by most.
    If craig and I couldnt have gotten through to him I doubt you could have.
    Spike knows how much craig and I care about him, we spent countless hours months and months ago, way before this all came up talking to spike about other situations he was going through and was there for him every step of the way.

    So if we couldn't help him calm down in the server, I highly doubt you or anyone else could have. and others have tried as well.
  15. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Freak spoke to me about his ban just after it happened.
    He didn't sound that concerned about it, according to him he was exploiting because he was bored of the game and he was going to uninstall anyway.

    Which is a shame because I like Freak and I hope he misses Empires and comes back soon. :|ove:
  16. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I never asked for an apology and dont need one. I just need him to let us know he will stop his destructive and disruptive behavior on the server. Craig if he told you that than I am fine with him being unbanned. Message me on steam and we will discuss it.
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Vicki, I'm not saying I could have magically made Spike not be a total dick. But I am saying, I'm surprised you let it go so far without contacting me properly about it. I could have spoken to him weeks ago, and he would have either stopped it, or carried on, in which case he could have been banned weeks ago before he disrupted people's games. You're honestly totally misreading what I've said. I have repeatedly said that Spike deserves his ban, all I'm saying is, I don't know why you let it get so bad without coming to me about it, only to have it result in such a drama-filled manner. It didn't need to turn out like this, with people taking sides in an argument, with so much malice. At the end of the day, what he said in a steam chat to another person isn't the same as doing it ingame. If he's being an ass ingame, then he deserves the ban, but the steamchat shouldn't really come into it, because the amount of times I've been under Spike's command when he's claimed he'll grief, only to command properly, I can't count on 2 hands.

    As for Steve_UK, I'm sorry you feel that way about him, but I think he's a reprehensible human being and I hold him personally responsible for a considerable amount of damage to the general player community. It's all very well sitting in spectator, kicking griefers when you're sat there making snide, unfounded comments and trying to promote a negative atmosphere for the other 50% of the server who is in spec.
  18. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    the chat was reelvant because spike had just done in game what he chatted about, that is why the steamchat existed. Also it didn't occur to me to speak to you, these incidences didnt occrued on epic server and spike and I had a friendship established from previous situations.
    I reposnded to you the way I did because you called what I did hypocrytical and it wasn't. the 3 people you compared was invalid imo.

    I am not causing the drama and I will not be afraid to take action when needed because it might cause drama. the person who made this thread was way off on the facts on both bans, spikes and freaks, he caused the drama. If you look at spikes ban it clearly states he can come back and I never banned freak and he wasnt perma banned. So place the drama on the uninformed person who started this ridiculous thread. I am not responsible for the actions of others

    Banning 1 person with the stipulation they can return hardly constitutes Vicki is banning everyone. Also if you read the posts in this thread the majority of posts understand my decision.

    As moderator of this forum I would think you would issue a warning to the one who started such an erroneous thread and for starting unnecessary drama
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  19. craig.gates

    craig.gates Member

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    As moderator of this forum I would think you would issue a warning to the one who started such an erroneous thread and for starting unnecessary drama
  20. SwiftPoo

    SwiftPoo Member

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    Oh don't turn this around on paradox. It is not paradox bashing time. It is bad admining on viper bashing time.

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