I said especially you, simply because you are the main character of this thread. I banned you all equally for 60 mins.
I'm leaning towards this more and more. In the past, permabans seemed to land much more often. I wasn't around back then, but I imagine they all were back up by good reasons. @Paradox your posts have so many issues I want to point out that I'd need half an hour or more to type that out properly with my phone. Wealthy and Candles already went through with a loot of explaining.
Quite a few vets were perma-banned but roots lifted those bans. Tbh, imo not a single one of them changed, some even gone worse, it's just we became more tolerant.
http://epic-empires.co.uk/index.php/board,40.0.html Pretty hard to do things if you dont bother reporting it. Also, your rant should be there, not here. Also, how about instead of using the map exploits you keep talking about (or not sharing them), you either post them in the bugs forum, or if they are more serious, pm them directly to me so that they can be fixed
oh spike, you probably are the last to critizise, if this game wasnt on so low pop - and would have the admins you ask for - you wouldnt be playing anymore for a long time ove: lemme guess trickster didnt want to lose and called it a feature to warrant what hes doing. its only practical he also is server owner - but well, his house, his rules, i have to accept that ... anyway, its quite obvious whats exploiting and whats not, dont play dumb - if you really need help, ask (me) well i really disagree here, killing oneself to get squadpoints is an exploit no matter how you turn it. if you dont use it to kill the cv, you still use it to deny the enemy a fair victory ... also even if paradox really lacks manners, you guys also pick on him a lot. as admin you should try to stay as impartial as possible, if you show an aversion for someone you at least leave the taste of being biased - just saying. and i really hate to break a stick for someone i wouldnt have minded being removed from the game and forums a few days after he joined. a problem with good administration and empires is that those expoiting a lot also are befriended with admins (if not admins themselfs) - this is because we are such small community - but its good seeing well respected members of the community speaking up against this here.
After we banned the guy for the 34th time, it's pretty damn hard for us to stay impartial, especially when we are discussing this shit on Empires forums, not EPIC/VIPER server's forums.
The approach was very much impartial. He was caught exploiting, warned, and then banned after he continued to misbehave in both cases. Can't get much more impartial than that in our system - if we were actually desensitized on this matter, he'd have gotten a week or a month of ban time, not an evening.
I don't think you understand that I don't feel like it was an exploit until yesterda you guys started to complain about it so I had no need to go on the forums and tell everyone you can walk up the cliff cause its so fucking obvious you can walk up the cliff, entire squads have done it.
The approach wasnt very impartial. I was so called exploiting you warned and moaned and I stopped then I argued about it being not an exploit and we moved on to 9 mining, I Called you a stupid idiot for thinking it was an intended feature and get banned for a thing I did 10 minutes ago and you gotten over it, but because some of u got hurt in the arguement I got banned for something that happend in the past. Its like a murderer stealing something and putting it back, owner forgives but because the murderer calls the owner a stupid dick after he put it back he gets to be sent to jail anyway because he tried to steal. Good job on being "impartial" towards noone except me. Entire point of thread.
Yes, but it goes from lame to bad to admin punishment. It often doesn't start off as admin punishment because when it's low level it's not such a big issue to warrant a ban. If I went along and highlighted everything I consider bad play, that would be kind of ridiculous.
34th time? Again excageration and targetting just because its me you imply I've done shittons of stuff wrong. I only got seriously banned this week for that exploit on money I get ( even though it shouldnt have cause you were fucking late and we quit doing it ). And the so called slaughered exploit which as complete bullshit cause you banned me for basicly not agreeing with you and using the exploit as a scapegoat reason. Every single time I got banned before was admins playing with me and friendly abuse never have I gotten really banned for something serious.
You were banned for dodging a gag. This was explained in this thread already. Please read other people's posts before writing something. The money ban was also explained. And just because you got away before doesn't mean you will always get away with shit you do wrong. It's about time some moderation actually took place around here.
Edit (brought it down here instead): You realise that metaphor is lol, right? Also, how about you just don't abuse people and call them r'tards or tell the admin their dicks or climb any walls without paths for a while? Why are you being such a dick Paradox, you're not a dick, so stop pretending. You're really no good at it.
The thing is like you mentioned before where do you draw the line, where is it an exploit and where is it okay to do it. Just because you dont have an impact on the game its okay? Cause that warrants that both my bans should have never happend cause it never had an impact on the gane. Should in the future people who revive point whore for sudden death be banned to? People who kill themselves to revive faster, it's a vague line that admins judge themselfs and most of the time they don't give a shit and allow it until they seem to dislike it and ban. I've seen admins on one team warn another team during sudden death to stop revving because they were winning isnt this clear abuse of the admin because in so many cases it has been let through but now because hes on the other team and biased as fuck it's all of a sudden not allowed
I hate the little bastard as much as the next person, but I don't think we should resort to this yet.
That's my point dude. Empires is more or less impossible to admin unless there's a large exploit, or in many cases a map exploit even if it's small - because it's visible. Therefore, especially from people who have been around longer, we try to get them to work with the admins rather than against them. And that's why you get such short shrift. You should know better. If you don't, they have to give up and expel you from the game, because you'll just keep on doing it. That goes for everyone else too.