which cv? not that it would matter to me, i dont see it exploiting for above reasons, everyone can get to this spots and the, in your view, exploiting team is in a severe disadvantage - i just want to know ... acutally pushing around the cv is kind of an exploit since its absurd that you can do it with a vehicle so small, its probably no intended game mechanic only attributed to noone being able to figuring it out correctly - now that you bring it up, maybe we should start punishing it aswell? :evil:
Vehicles are not infantry. Different rules apply here. Nobody forces you to stay in the water, and if you mass-heal in there, that's exploiting and you should be punished for this. emp_money water is supposed to kill anything that falls in there as there is no way to get back up to the actual playing field. If a CV falls into money water, nobody will repair it. If a CV falls into emp_mvalley water, you can still get it out of there through clever use of game mechanics, which does not mean exploiting. Mass squad heals mid-fight is clever use of game mechanics. Reviving into an enemy base is clever use of game mechanics. Climbing the slaughtered hills is also clever use of game mechanics, but unintended and unfair to the other team. There is a difference there.
why not just put a trigger hurt with 9001 damage a millimeter above the water on money? at least its an easy to fix exploit.
Not saying exploits was the only thing fun. The fact that the admins and community was more laid back. Empires was about playing the game and having fun. Now it's more about sitting in spec and nit picking every thing that's done. Some of the admins are stuck between the old just have fun and the new ban for everything. That's what needs fixing. The change from everythings fair game cost Empires a lot of people. Like the server banning for using 9mine. Pub games should be more laid back.
Yes let's let people just get 100 squad points for 10 minutes of camping a lake or getting on top of the enemy main and just shelling away without any danger. There's a difference between laid back games and complete anarchy, and following the rules is what does it.
which kind of 9mining? 9mining friendlies, even your own tank, to a position you cannot reach by other means has been a bannable offense since i started playing. 9mining your comm because you are bored, dont like him or any other reason but saving him from drowning always was a bannable offense. there have been a lot of really bad admins that exploited themselfs in the past (and there might still are), but when i looked at sm_who the last time i only saw people ive never seen exploiting as admins - which ofc doesnt mean anything. anyway, i think someone said it already, when in doubt if its exploiting or not, assume it is. if you think its just a smart mechanic, check back with server owners or root admins, its not like there is no way to talk to them - quite simple rule isnt it?
Paradox, if you are stupid enough or have not enough common sense to tell what is an exploit and what is not like thatm I wouldnt trust you to be able to tell right from wrong in rl either.
There was a server years ago that would ban for using any form of 9 mine. Not saying all exploits should be allowed. But if a game is stacked and the under stacked team exploit admins should let it slide. Stacked games lasting 5 mins is shitty game play. Also I am kind of high as shit today on pain pills and kind of lost track of the point I was trying to make. Sorry :/
hes just making up stuff to justify what he did for himself. its sad he doesnt realize that a simple, "yeah sorry, i was enraged i couldnt control myself - but i now see what i did"*, would have turned out better then this. but i like internet fights ... maybe i should apply for special olympics? :D *or whatever, i actually dont even know what happend in detail.
Exploits should not be allowed, stacked teams or not. Server rules, however, can only be set by the server owners. Maybe the guy hated 9mines so he said no ot them on his server. It's his rules afterall.
Wow...and again it's not an issue with server rules. It's an issue with selective enforcement of the rules. Also the select few admins and group of friends that are allowed to constantly exploit. But they ban others for doing the same. If exploits just plain out should not be allowed then why are admins doing it and allowing their friends to also.
I'd like to say you are wrong, but you are really not. people such as spike do indeed seem to get absolute carte blanche on abusing maps.
If I was an admin, I'd be handing out day bans like free candy to exploiters. I suppose that's why I shouldn't be an admin.
It was nf cv on isle, same happend to be cv on emp valley a few rounds later. But be cv actually died whilst nf cv got nine mined out after like 5 minutes of repairing = squad points
walking up a hill which is super blatantly obvious is not an exploit to me especially since I didnt do anything on it and got off afterwards.
I'm not making shit up about anything what happend. Everything I have described has happend and you can ask the people that actually play since neither one of you play it often enough to be able to even comment about anything game play wise.
Ok, maybe the server MOTD should be edited to say which specific 'exploits' on maps are allowed or disallowed and if it's not on the list then it's disallowed. Then there can be no more drama or inconsistent enforcement of rules.
Ive played the game for jesus how long and know all nooks and crannies. But sure, since I only now have time for some sporadicl games, the game made a total 180 in its meta that hasnt changed for how long now? And since when exploiting maps have anything to do with anyone having to play all the time. Opinion invalidated. And stop turning this shitty thread around like a carousel.
Umm........ Candles you are the coder.......you have the highest level of admin. Pretty sure Vickie and trickster would give you admin.....or you could give your self admin. Wink wink. Wouldn't be the first time a coder put back doors into Empires.
Paradox, you're really having a problem separating intent and intent. If I heal the CV to keep it alive, then the intent isn't to farm points, the intent is to keep it alive. I am trying to do something that does have a definite side effect of giving points, but I am not doing it with the sole intention of farming squad points. If I am healing a person who's drowning with the sole intent of farming points, then that is against the rules. There is no reason for that person to be down there when it is fully within their power to swim up, so it is obvious that I am only healing them for the points. Intent is 9/10ths of the law. In real life, it's the difference between 3 months in prison and the death penalty. Likewise, in Empires, intent is the difference between having committing no crime and getting a week-ban.