You still havent gotten the point, what it would be like is getting caught for speeding but then officer lets you go , afterwards you see the officer in a cafe and he is talking about what the fuck ever and I disagree because I disagree and then get into a heated argument he gives me the ticket anyway and tells me to fuck off. How is it you still dont get that I admit to doing those stuff but you guys gave me a ban way after the facts took place and you "forgave" me for them. Stop being such a stubborn bro. EVERYONE KNEW IT WAS 100 PERCENT BULLSHIT and I Lolled after it agreeing to it being bullshit. And btw you can report all you want to an admin they wont do shit cause they dont think its nessescary 100 percent of the time. I've reported shittons to admins they dont give a flying fuck unless it's me. And all you admins out there know its true. Dont even try to say its not cause Ive probably complained to most of you. MOST
So basically your implying that admins just happen to not notice when their friends / other admins are exploiting when half the time admins are in spec talking about what's happening. as for the gag so something could be explained.... I call BS. It is called being on a power trip. Mute would have been a way to not hear someone while your typing. Gag is to keep others from hearing the other persons side. A group of people I know like empires but will not play on the servers due to how some of the admins are. To put it simple.... if your an active admin and you don't know who the problem admins are. Your probably one of them.
there aint that many admins anymore - at least not on viper. last time i played i was positively surprised that a lot did get theirs revoked ... i admit im really lax on banning people since i know how small the community is. even if i turn 35 and one should assume i already know better, i still believe that people are able to reflect on their actions and better. but i understand what you say about inconsitent adminstration and i agree that a lot went horribly wrong the recent years ... ... throwing shit around wont make it better though. report people, report admins, talk to server owner in private and dont start a public witchhunt (ironically paradox started his own) and ultimatively apply for admin yourself and ban the guys you play with for years or even consider friends. put your reputation at stake and have everyone hate you for banning their friends. always be nice and fair, never do things that are in the grey zones anymore - are you above all this?
Actually, he can do what he likes. EPIC is not a democracy, nor will it ever be. If you want fair, due process in which you'll get a right to a fair hearing, you can play on VIPER. I applaud them for being honest and open over there. EPIC is not that place. On EPIC, if you upset me, or anyone I've given admin to, they will ban you, it's plain and simple. There is no democracy, you have no rights, and above all, I give absolutely no shits. That's not to say that admins don't get overruled. If someone feels they were treat unjustly, they come to me, and I deal with it. In your case, from the brief skimming I did of your post, it sounds like you're trying to find some sort of loophole in rules with regard to what is and isn't exploiting. If the admin on at the time felt it was exploiting, then it was exploiting. Exploiting is a dick move. And as Ikalx said, you've been an asshole in the past, now you're labelled as an asshole. I know you'd like to have every thing you do taken on its own, but it won't happen. You're a repeat offender for being a dick, and that's basically the only rule on EPIC. Also, I didn't know DDD wasn't an admin, so I'll sort that out pretty sharpish.
The exploit debate has been going on for years. In the past people was not banned for map issues. Pugs and scrims would be exploited map after map. You know what was done about it......the maps got fixed. I believe it was Security years ago. After a run of exploits map after map that thanked the people for finding the problems and the he would make sure the maps got fixed. Other issues seem to be grey area. Healing in water is bad. - Water should kill you. Healing the CV in water is ok. - ??? 9 mining the CV is bad. - exploiting 9 mine to move location of CV. 9 mining CV out of water is ok. - ?????...... Being on top of the BE rax is ok...... Being on top of the NF rax is bad....... Using Turbo to get on top of places is bad. - Exploiting Turbo Using Turbo to flip / push tanks / CV is ok..... Farming points is bad..... Farming kills in spawn os ok. I know I missed some but are these the rules we are using and expected new people to learn?
Paradox really wants to argue against admin biases'. Admins are playing favorites on EPIC, especially with a game like Empires where exploiting can lead to overall team satisfaction. BUT Trickster is the ruling authority. His server, his rules. I still believe however that some people don't deserve admin on the server, and I'll stand by that for the rest of eternity. If you were an admins favorite, maybe you could've gotten someone's admin revoked. But sadly you aren't as good as Axeman at persuasion. As for this thread, lock it up. There's no point at arguing something that should be appealed on the server's forums.
9 mining is easy - 9 mine as a tool is not considered an exploit anymore. What it can be used for however can still be an exploit. Helping with not loosing the game by using a tool to get the cv out of water is fine. Using 9 mines to exploit terrain or flip your own tanks for giggles is not. Barracks is also easy. BE have a easy accesible rooftop, it can be used by both defenders and attackers alike. Acces is not that hard. Nf's barracks rooftop is normally impossible to get barring abusing stupid turbo, so its not fine. Farming points in a way that does not help the team is also bad form. Farming squad points to use later by suicide/revive is an obvious abuse of the system. Turbo shouldnt really be considered. Its in because *some* people think it fits in. Its not part of the core gameplay. The fact that it can be (and is all the time) used to do both the things you described seems to unfortunately not bother anyone at all.
Healing in water is okay. Healing while doing a ninja run to avoid getting your head above the water level is okay. Sitting in water for 10 minutes hugging each other and holding LMB to get points/squad points is exploiting. Repairing the CV in the water is okay. 9 mining the CV is okay. 9 mining the CV to an inaccessible place, like the building roofs around NF's main on emp_streetsoffire, is an exploit. Being on top of BE rax is okay. Being on top of NF rax is okay. Getting up on the NF rax with some form of cheat is not okay. You can drive a jeep off a cliff and land on top of the NF rax and it will not be an exploit, but if you magick your way up there it's not allowed. Not sure about turbo because gimmicks, but pushing tanks around is not turbo-based + chances are ViroMan will fix that "feature". Farming points is too general. Repeatedly suiciding and reviving/getting revived to rack up a ton of points is not okay. Sitting in a barracks holding LMB is okay. Running back and forth between a couple vehicles and repairing them is okay. Sitting wtih LMG outside a barracks is okay. Spawncamping people is a dick move, but it's not an exploit as such. Maybe it will get fixed, maybe it won't, until then it's part of Empires. I hope this clears things up a little.
cv gets killed in water on isle, people get killed there too, is it fair to keep the cv healed in the water when it's suppose to kill units and cv's alike? Basicly its okay to exploit to not lose the game but its not okay to exploit to win the game.
There is no damage brush in the water on emp_isle. IF you got your commander submerged then nothing stops you from chain-repairing him and then 9mining him out - vehicles are governed by different rules than infantry, and you don't push the guy into an otherwise inaccessible spot. The examples you brought up are not exploits.
Using 9 mine to get CV out of water is exploiting terrain. Engines are set to stall in water. Years ago just about everything was fair game. This mod has come a long way over the years .......but it seems to have lost something along the way. Anyone that has been playing for at least a few years knows how fun the game was before. Now it seems everybody wants to cry over every little thing. 9 mining the CV out of water is no different then 9 mining it onto a cliff. Both are for the same keep the CV alive. Anyone here only a year or so has no idea what exploiting is. Ask some of the people that have been here for a few years about the old com view exploits or the impulse exploit.
Umm, isle DOES have hurt more like a foot away from the shore. Its there to prevent people from doing stupid shit, but it does inhibit the ability to ungrief the cv.
whaaaaaaa I should go into water more. @42: Yes and no. Water does indeed stop your engine, but it is not designed to kill any vehicle that runs into it. Sure the tank is gonna blow up if you just leave it there, but you can still get it out through quite a bit of teamwork. In short, it's not an exploit to get a vehicle out of water, it's clever use of mechanics.
Years ago it was a clever use of mechanics for the loosening team to 9 mine the CV onto a cliff to buy some time. You ended up loosing more of the map but got time in return. As the other team needed to research arty. It created a way for a losing team to Kalevala comeback. As apposed to now. Yes you can still rush the other CV. But if empires keeps on the path is is........ Rushing will be considered exploiting in a few years. Just so we are clear. I know what is not allowed. It's just try looking at the rules from a new persons point of view. A lot of the rules are retarded and make no sense. Look at what's allowed and what is considered an exploit and think of it from a new persons perspective.
if you want to get the cv out of the water you need quite a few people there and you are very vulnerable to attacks, especially since the CV takes constant damage. a cv sinking somewhere usually is a thing that doesnt get unnoticed by the enemy since he usually was involved in it ending there. except for when it was griefing and i hope you are not going to argue here. this is what easily distinquishes it from exploiting it somewhere the enemy cant get legally. neither of the things you claim to be "fair game" was considered fair game ever. but keep making up arguments now so you dont have excuses later, its good having such things sorted
Damage for the cv is what I mean. How is it okay to repair a comm under water consistently which u could do for points too when it's suppose to kill. Take money infantry are suppose to die in the water and we are told to let them die, shouldnt cv's alike just die in water. This is again perfect exmaple of exploit okay if it's ment to save a team from losing but not the other way around edit: I fucking knew you were bullshitting out of your ass about no damage brush cause I remember me getting damaged going in.
"it's not an exploit to get a vehicle out of water, it's clever use of mechanics." you just rephrased exploiting to cleer use of mechanics. Clever use of map mechanics clever use of map walking up a hill on the map.
I beg to differ, a lot of the times especially when a lot of vets are around and no griefers, enemy comms in the water are a result of a jeep pushing it of some sorts, my isle example is because I did this about week and a half ago, I announced this to my team but to my dismay cv got out of water because of nine mining and constant healing. Pretty sure its not clever us of mechanics but exploit under the definitions given by wealthy and destroyer
well lets put it this way, if you drive the cv into the water and its no accident its griefing and if id see you doing it i wont give you the time to explain that you "only" intended to exploit
Some things were "accepted" because we had a purely vet base and every exploit we found was something we could report. This is in the move from 1.071 to 1.8/2.0. It wasn't "fair game" on the servers after that, it just happens that as vets and used to that sort of play, people did it a lot. People also knew how to counter it, so it wasn't as much of a big deal. Now, people who've been here years don't even know you can guide out of line of sight. The crap I learnt in the first month of Empires people don't learn in the first two years, now - both the good, and the bad stuff. The game used to be more fun for other reasons. Not this exploit crap. You're 100% wrong if you thing the exploits made it fun, no what made it fun was weapons played differently, things all round were slightly different, and most of all we had a dedicated playerbase full of people who wanted to fight hard and play, not suicide the maps and whine. The game is different now. In some ways it's better, in other ways things had to be compromised on to get them moving forward. Now we're at the point where development is exploding within a month and you're like "oh it's crapper now". No. Empires development has continued for moments like this, where we move the game forward and implement and reimplement a number of things that will make it much more enjoyable to play.