Again I'm not mad about the ban noone seems to get that, I'm mad because it's always targetted at me, many players in the past and present have dodged gags and silences continuesly but not get punished for it, I on the otherhand always do, and it didnt bother me that much, but now I have been abused way too many times the past weeks from a lot of different admins. And there were enough people on be team when I so called exploited that were admin on the server but did no such thing as warn me or give action even though I told everyone I Was up there.
I understand what you are saying, but as far as I knew, up to today I thought slaughtered thing was not an exploit because I have done it so many times over and over again and received no tap on the fingers. I'm coming here not to fight my ban since obviously its already gone but to ask for some consistency and less targetting just because I'm me. I get I'm a dickhead sometimes but that doesn't warrant banning me for silly thing like arguing about 9 mining being or not being a feature intended from the start.
It wasn't really about if 9 mining is an exploit. I was talking about how 9 mining started as an exploit and then got accepted as a feature whilst wealthy and destroyer vigourously defended it saying it's false.
When did farming squad points on money become an exploit? years ago when this was brought up the devs said it was feature.
Even though I'm sure paradox deserved it, as much as all ego whores do, the admins on this game are still shit. The only two people I can trust with admin is craig.gates and azk. With good reason, because they are level headed non-retards-non-bigots-non-egowhores.
First: What DDD Destroyer has already said. Second: It was me that extended your ban to 4 hours and quite bluntly that was nice with the way you've been getting on lately. I very rarely have a problem with almost all players. In the past week or two with you alone: 1. I've had to message you over steam telling you to watch your language because of the abuse you were giving new players. 2. Exploiting on money which has been covered. 3. After getting banned for that exploit, to then come on steam and bitch at me about how you DIDNT deserve a ban (I then told you it was only an hour and you were lucky it wasnt longer and you started bitching and name calling even more) 4. You come on tonight, first thing you did (from what I'm aware) was go up there. People bitched. I told you to get down and that if i had to go to spec I would be pissed (about 5 minutes from the end or a ~2 hour game) 5. You went off, but then you started bitching again. After this i gagged you for a minute to talk to you without the ranting (as I do with other players as needed), you decided to rejoin to get around it. When this was mentioned you claimed "connection issues". I kicked you and reznov banned you (again for an hour). 6. You come here bitching about how, once again you didn't deserve it. Seems to me like you should be pretty glad you only got banned for a few hours. As I warned you before if you want to exploit and get on like a dick (on either server) there will be consequences (on the other hand if you actually want to play properly then there won't be a problem). You claim victimisation: Notice how few bans there have been? Also worth noting that the other guys that got banned for money didn't complain and haven't been a problem (that I've seen) since. Victimastion? As far as I'm concerned its purely a result of your attitude.
What DDD said was all about me trying to fight my ban which I'm not I'm fighting the way you guys dealt out the bans I very rarely have a problem with almost all players. In the past week or two with you alone: I have never directly insulted a new player, I only insulted vets like I always do and adress the entire team as retards who should get revive. 2. Exploiting on money which has been covered. we didnt deserve the ban cause we didnt arty spamm like u claimed to be, if u banned us on the spot instead of waited for us to use 17 points which we couldve gotten ourselfs I wouldve been fine I saw it was 25-22 and I Decided me joining be or staying spec wouldnt make a difference to the game so I joined be and walked up there, not planning to actually do anything, and after you warned me to not even try doing anything I didnt and even got off when u all got mad as fuck. = problem of exploit resolved -> incoming tardyness of banning me for exploiting and massive inconsistency with reznov cause he firstly banned me for mic spam then u add in 3 extra hours just for fun sakes of exploit after I got off and didnt do shit. Ban me on the spot next time. I claimed connection issues cause I was fucking trolling, you know as well as I do I was trolling and bullshitting around I''m not saying I dont deserve it, I do but not in the way it was given. Seems to me like you should be pretty glad you only got banned for a few hours. As I warned you before if you want to exploit and get on like a dick (on either server) there will be consequences (on the other hand if you actually want to play properly then there won't be a problem). You claim victimisation: U mean bloodraven and reznov? You do realize noone actually gets scared of getting banned from empires right. Noone gives a shit about the ban. I give a shit about the way it was given ( just to emphasize it again ) Victimastion? As far as I'm concerned its purely a result of your attitude.
OK then. No warnings for paradox in future offences. Proceed straight to ban. Your complaint has been resolved.
You have to warn me first and then straight to ban. What you did now was, warn -> we stopped -> we did something not againt the rules but something you dot like -> because you dont like it u use previously resolved issue to ban. This is afucking problem.
No the water hurts not kill. It is being used for exactly what it is made to do. If your not meant to do it then why can you ? The water could have been made to kill on contact. ....wait I guess this is an exploit (make full use of and derive benefit from a resource.)
You can't use the reasoning that "The mapper could've done it in a way to prevent X, but didn't, so X isn't an exploit." By that reasoning, then 9-mining to get an APC to place it shouldn't be or to get the CV to a place where it can't be killed isn't an exploit. That line of reasoning is only valid if the mapper had full knowledge that some feature in their map could be used in an exploitable fashion but did not do anything to prevent it. It's obvious that the water is intended to kill or else it wouldn't do damage. It's well known that squad point farming is against the rules. Inaction is not tantamount to permission; if it was, then the concept of a "known exploit" couldn't even exist because if it is known and nothing is done, then it wouldn't be an exploit and if something was done, then it couldn't be exploitable. Most people, when they make a map and add something to it, don't immediately think, "How can this be exploited?"
Allow me to emphasize, about that money squad point exploiting stuff, I did warn them that if they use those ”illegal” squad points, they are going to be banned. To be fair, I even spammed it. I warned them all the way since they start spamming squad points until they are prepared to use the points on enemy commander, they, especially Paradox, chose to ignore it.
But.... money has been revised. It could have been fixed. The issue of farming points was brought up years ago and the devs said that suicide / revive and taking damage to be healed to get points was a feature not an exploit. Not saying that a mapper should have to fix a map every time an issue is found. But when it has been revised 4+ times and the mapper didn't fix an issue maybe they wanted it to be there. I guess my biggest problem is inconsistency. ""Exploits"" should be determined by developers, the person that made the map, and server owners. Not random admins. Developers - If there is an issue with code or scripts and something is not supposed to something it's doing or not doing they decide if it's an exploit. Mappers - If their map allows unintended game play they decide if it's an exploit. Server owners- If they use a plugin that allows unintended game play they decide if it's an exploit. If you have 20 different admins trying to interpret map, plugin, and code/script exploits you will have 20 different interpretations of what's an exploit and you will never have consistency.
So basicly what you are saying is when I am on the field, and this is done quite alot among the vets, when you are low hp and instead of letting yourself get healed you kill yourself for more points and faster revive is an exploit? This is basicly what you said applied in what we do in squad plays.
Especially me? Are you fucking kidding me? How is it especially me, first of all no offence bloodraven, bloodraven suggested we do the farming I just went along and we quit when u started complaining then we just plaed the game, we probably even got 17 squadpoints just from playing the game and we went to ninja their comm. You need to really get your facts straight. Fucking targetting me again you asshole
Is the player intentionally killing themselves just to get squad points, or are they killing themselves so they can get save time and fight more? The first one has the intention to only get squad points; the second one has the squad getting points as a mere side effect. The first one would be an exploit; the second one would not.
You have the intention to get the most out of it. Healing gives u point per 200 heals I think so basicly 2 revives so people decide to just kill them selves for points and faster hp + you need to start banning people on sudden death point farming. Everyone does it noone talks about banning them. Its like swimmers who dolphin more than 3 times.
The problem with Empires is unlike other games like CS or TF2 there are many many ways to exploit and often you don't have the full facts either as a spectator or on the team. For instance, someone can say the enemy comm griefed, and there'd almost be no way for you to know if they shouted that. Freakanovich did the same strategy on coast twice, once I was on his team, once not. The time I was on his team, I saw what he was actually doing was trying to help his team by boomtanking and distracting the enemy. He was doing a pretty good job of it until he got stunned and pushed and walled (admittedly, it's not a good job if you get stunned). But it still looks like a grief to our own team members who aren't in the same area and don't really know what he was doing. To the spectators, it looks like boomtanking, unless the team shout grief, in which case the specs can't hear the team chat so they don't know if the comm was like "f'ya'll team!" and suicided it. To the enemy team, they have to take advantage of every fail of the enemy, because Empires just isn't a game where you let the other player pick up his sword again. You end it, and battle again next time. Similarly, with farm exploiting, no one really minds if you earn 10 points, but more than that and it starts to get grey, then red. Then when you use those points directly to win, people will mind a lot. If you used them on team rev's however, no one would really care. But no one on spec knows how much you're earning. People on your team don't know how much you're earning and unless they see you, they don't even know you're doing it. Similarly with the enemy, they have no idea. It's very "sex in the toilet" with Empires - most of the time no one has any idea it's going on. And unless it's directly a map exploit it's a pretty grey area. Even then, some people say wall climbing up a mountain is allowed, and some people say it's not. Some people say in some places it's allowed, and...tbh we just need every single map fixed. Which would take a while. So generally, we just ask people to not exploit the more grey areas of maps so that the problems don't become exacerbated. If you have a list of exploitables (like Spike seems to) just pass them off to the mappers and help them get fixed already.