The Politics Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paradox, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Being as I am from Essex I welcome our new orange overlord.
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    those who dont watch america football just missed the entire election boiled down to 4 hours
  4. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    I wanted to watch the Superb Owl but it would have finished just as I was setting off to work.

    I 100% reject the idea that Trump was elected because tiny minded bigots didn't like being accurately described. That's not to say what's considered to be 'Left' in the USA isn't partly to blame:

    flasche likes this.
  5. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    Make no mistake about it, racist and bigoted behaviour in Britain is being re-normalised.


    The process has been going on for years with one lurid anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee propaganda piece after another emblazoned across the front pages of the right-wing tabloid rags (Daily Mail, The S*n, Express) but things are getting worse and worse.

    One of the biggest culprits is Facebook, which continues to allow the ex-BNP criminals at Britain First to operate their vile hate-fuelled echo chamber which encourages anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim abuse and relentlessly purges dissenting opinion. As far as Facebook are concerned, the hate-fest at the Britain First Facebook page makes them tons of cash in ad revenues, so they don't give a damn that by hosting it they normalise hatred, violence, bigotry and abuse and allow the Biffers to blatantly scam money out of people to fund their hate campaign.

    The vote for Brexit was another factor in empowering bigots. Of course not all Leave voters were savagely racist bigots, but it's absolutely undeniable that a significant cohort of them were, and it's also undeniable that racist attacks have soared after the EU referendum.

    Back in the 60s and 70s bigoted and racist abuse was commonplace, black footballers had to endure monkey noises and being pelted with bananas, abuse of non-white families was commonplace, and people felt they had the right to spit into the prams of mixed race babies.

    By the 1990s stuff like this was considered increasingly unacceptable, but the extreme-right fought back against "the tyranny of political correctness" as if the social unacceptability of hurling bigoted abuse was some kind of infringement of their precious freedom of speech.

    Just look at this video of a drunken bigot hurling abuse at a passenger on a bus in Manchester. This is the kind of abuse that happens constantly online. Just check out the comments on Britain First or any of the relentless barrage of hatemongering Daily Mail article about Muslims. It's shocking that this appalling bigot feels that he has the right to sling such vile abuse and force another passenger off the bus, but he's only rendering an analogue version of the constant tide of bigoted abuse that exists in the digital world.

    Of course it's more shocking to see it in real life, but it's very much less likely that bigots like this would feel empowered to abuse people in public if it weren't for stuff like the Britain First hate group, the right-wing tabloid propaganda rags, Nigel Farage's Nazi style anti-immigrant fearmongering and the vote for Brexit (which for an awful lot of people was seen as a vote to get rid of foreigners and as a validation of their bigoted attitudes).

    (Source: Another Angry Voice)
  6. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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  7. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    breaking news: north korea is a democracy, its called democratic peoples republic of korea.

    its like you totally cant call things different from what they are. its like saying ukip are decent human beings, doesnt make it true either.
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  8. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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  9. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    Retards. Doesn't matter what mouth it comes from, they are retarded.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  10. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    no comparisons to hitler ever allowed. comparisons to dictators are off limits for some weird cultural reason
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    This is going to sound like an odd question, but why do you all copy paste articles here instead of just linking them in your posts? It's not much of a discussion if you just copy paste articles.
  12. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    So they can be read and quoted here.

    And then there's this Hitler.
  13. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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  14. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    i honestly dont know either. i link the article and the best parts and if they like those parts they can read it.

    i pretty much skip over every large post
  15. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    what if i call people that fail to make a distinction between social constructs and biologic facts gobineau? is that legit?
    the postitive effect would be that they never heard about him and might do research on the origins of their racist thinking (tho its questionable)
    i mean its good if we deal with our christian-jewish-occidential culture isnt it?

    might be that christian-jewish-occidential culture is a term mainly common in the german far-right. dunno whats the english equivalent
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  16. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    The more you call people names of horrific people, the more likely they are to cement their belief. When you attack someones beliefs, they don't open up to what is being said to them and instead go on the defensive and become more and more close minded. Calling people Hitler, Stalin, Etc isn't helping your cause in the slightest. Not only that, but it makes people think YOU are the dick and will more likely side with the victim.

    Also, I don't know what the political atmosphere in Europe is because I don't really care, but I don't think your left is what our left is. Our left believes in the "Oppression olympics" which essentially ranks people on how oppressed they are and makes it basically a pity party.
  17. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but how to get people to reevaluate their views if you fight against a media machine which doesnt even try to be objective?
    and i dont talk about "msm", i talk about the propaganda battle going on in social media.

    i wonder who made the above picture, it certainly wasnt you.

    its not generally wrong to compair things to what happend in the last century. history is there to save us from doing the same mistakes twice. showing parallels does not imply you want industrial mass murder, thats your interpretation. admitably space_oddity trolls hard, but you also present yourself as easy target if you hop onto it. it takes two to tango (i only just learned the phrase recently, expect to hear it more often)

    my post was meant to draw the attention to me. idk, i certainly sometimes do call people things, but i usually dont, do you have the impression i do? ofc calling people names never is a good idea, at least if you want to discuss things - and thats independent wheter you call them hitler or whatever. you also might notice i barely ever try to argue with authority (aka posting news articles or excessive links to anything) but in my own words. ive read a lot literature (its some masochist thing i guess) on what we argue about and made up my own mind on the matter (tho ofc memes are memes*). i also think, even tho i cant resist being sarcastic from time to time, i try to be somewhat fair in my arguments.

    also the political situation concerning the far right is basically the same as its on the other side of the atlantic, they even use the same catchphrases. you know the internet isnt only for normal people, its also for strategic planning of interest groups (not only the far right ofc). there is this idea that isolationism somehow can save global issues. which is pardoxical if you think about it. all isolationism leads to is a conflict of interest that will either be settled by internationalism reborn or in fire. to look back in the last century, it also was isolationism which paved the way for both world wars.

    *meme in the meaning of the word not image macros.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
  18. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Let me give you a rundown
    1. It started with people making bold claims on both sides either to start a discussion or as a counterargument

    2. I came in and told everyone how stupid this discussion is without actual sources because it is actually stupid.

    3. Everyone started to add sources . So you could still discuss ideas but have legitimacy.

    4. but some became too lazy to add the important bits in text or to summarize. People started to not read each others articles anymore so you start attacking the sources by face value instead of reading the article.

    5. At this point we are posting articles not to discuss concepts or ideas since the election is over, but to dick each other over and call out others foe being idiots with bad ideologies.
  19. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i agree that just posting articles of all sorts is bullshit (tho i found that one complete posted about this rightwing extremist an interesting read). i want to read you peoples opinions.

    or at least only post links and not half the article.
  20. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    We must respect Special Snowflake Hitler's feelings.

    I also prefer posting the article because it doesn't require tags.

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