Because you can't just close a 160 page thread and get away with it. Also Trump is actually going to build a wall.
LOL ok where were we did you doubt he would build the wall? hes keeping all his campaign promises so far and he won because of the wall among other things.
Except for the (inadequate) 'compromise' where he would divest himself from his company. And I'm sure many other examples on account of all the times on which he has said things and then later said the exact opposite and denied, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that he ever said or did anything different.
I didnt think he'd build the wall because I thought as a smart bussinessman he would know its a shitton of money that could be better invested in something else.
He made the announcement today that he signed an executive order to build the wall, and the way he is going to make mexico pay is increase its taxes on their exportproducts. Yes thats mexico paying for the wall. But that's not really mexico paying for the wall. Al it does is increase the cost of a product made in mexico in the states. In the end, not mexico but americans are paying for the wall. Or the second, more negative, option is that the prices increase of mexican products but noone buys them. And mexican companies go out of bussiness. This option makes it so mexicans dont pay for the wall cause they have no money and trump is going to have to find money elsewhere ( federal american tax dollar moneys). Either way, indirectly you, the american people are paying for the wall.
They indirectly pay for it. Also, I don't think you guys are realizing but the argument was never "We aren't going to build a wall" the argument has always been "Mexico is going to pay for the wall". I don't think the argument has REALLY been about him getting Mexico paying for the wall. This is one of the brilliant things Trump does. He manages to side step the ACTUAL argument by saying something crazy to detract from the issue and make it so what NORMALLY would be argued against normalized.
I wish Trump would put that wasted 60 billion dollars of tax payers money to actual good use by providing health care to American citizens. But nope, we will get an useless wall. Can't wait. I hope Trump and his supporters realize that crossing the border is not the only way to get into the US illegally. Scaling the wall or going around it is not even the most popular way.
its always a good idea to piss on your trade partners leg. especially if its the 3rd largest. i so hope they say "fuck you" and turn to china who you also promoted by exiting the TPP. but hey, at least your bully nature is satisified. you nuts? thats communism also if this is true, here we have another example of what dense misanthropic motherfucker you beloved savior is. i hope you dont call yourself a civilized country anymore. hows plans for creating concentration camps?
Ohh good, I don't think we really understand what side of the fence everyone sits on. Lets discuss some more how much we all loath each other. PS. Trump is a poopy head.
the wall is about drugs too from coming into our country, not just illegals. Trump is doing what the people who put him in office wanted. I have always found it funny how you people in Europe think protecting one's country from drugs and illegals is a bad thing. If our borders weren't abused there would be no need for a wall.
In all honesty a secure border isn't really a bad idea between USA & Mexico. It will help in a couple of areas I'm sure - but it will make very little difference to illegal immigration and I'm sure the whole war on drugs thing was lost 2 decades ago. Pretty much impossible to shut out. But it will make a lot of people happy. When things are fucked up throw a huge infrastructure project on the table. Course it would be a lot better to fix the roads.
our infrastructure is going to be fixed, its a bipartisan issue and the bills are being worked on as we speak. and as for trade with Mexico they have been getting away with alot on that end as well, the USA has gotten the short end of the stick. Hopefully now not anymore.
100% mules will find a way around a wall. The only difference is the price per gram of coke will maybe go up £5 a gram to pay for all the drones. It is just a physical manifestation of safety because everyone is terrified. Safety is such a huge motivator in the states, people are scared of everything constantly thanks to your 24/7 news telling you the sky is falling in. In reality it will be a several billion dollar pile of bricks that costs a fortune to maintain.
its not just about the wall, there are many other things he is doing to that will help keep our country secure that go along with building the wall. Open borders, yeah hows that working out for you in Germany, France and now Sweden and others. Enjoying the huge increase in crime rate and rapes?
adding technology, 1000's more border patrol agents, ended catch and release, more detentions centers, increasing the number of immigration enforcement officers who carry out deportations. The orders also call for stripping sanctuary cities of federal grant funding etc etc you can read all of it here, its too much to type and here no new laws he is using the laws that already exist