[steam guide] Map list - fast preview with rating

Discussion in 'General' started by BlackRedDead, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    @Avatarix In just about every thread and in shoutbox you give orders to people what to do or not, don't post to bump up the thread, don't use emoticons, don't post those words to get likes, don't post your scripts here..blah blah blah.
    its not your place to tell people what to post or what not to post.
  2. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    opinions are fine ordering people around is not.
    flasche likes this.
  3. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    my "opinion" at least is that my thread wasn't meant to mutate to a "bashing ground"! :deadnf::deadimp:
    please clear such things privatly per "PM" ;-)

    and another, if everyone uses some common sense (is that what i'm about to write helpfull?, makes it sense?, does it not offence anyone?, ...:wuut:) then no one has to play "police":| or be taken "villian":veryangry:
  4. Varbles

    Varbles Simply Maptastic. Staff Member

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    Many of the maps in your list have not been updated post-steampipe so are not in good condition. Emp_mearth is one I would recommend ignoring because it is partially broken and quite dumb. Emp_king is a great map but consistently crashes after 10 or 20 minutes.
    Emp_streetsoffire_b1 is a WIP offshoot of the official Emp_streetsoffire.
    Emp_slaughtered_2015 is going to be renamed Emp_massacred to avoid confusion.
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    This is kinda handy, because I always confuse some maps with others(mostly snow maps). Also nice to review all maps so I don't have to boot empires and load each map individually.

    I do think instead of alphabetical order you sort them into infantry and commander maps, and sort commander maps either based on population size or map environment, like group city maps together, group desert maps together. Population size might be better, but environment is probably more handy to people who know it had something but can't remember name.
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    wow this was quite the undertaking. you obviously put alot of effort into it

    and i agree every map has potential but desperately needs edit! in every single way*
    *except for district which is perfectly fine and whose visuals are bar none to any other map in empires (glad you agree)

    edit: bootybay is also perfectly fine in playability aswell
    Señor_Awesome likes this.
  7. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Having a map list somewhere with images is great, good job.

    Would be cool as a community effort if gathered one or two screenshots from within the map instead of just minimaps for each one.

    Btw, the way in which forest is bugged is that with a substantial population it lags the server and eventually crashes.

    Also you take back what you said about bridges, it makes all the fun to play.
  8. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    well, i'm thinkering in sorting them by quality aswell, but all of the sorting only if all maps are present or done rating of the listed ones (because steam is limiting text, i need to spread them over pages - you can imagine how much manual c&p work that is, thus i wanna do that only once!)
    thx for your map suggestions, taken in account and cut out ;)

    yea, i confuse tunnelrats with caverats - though both maps are not that nice but i like theire idea and concept!^^
    thats quite a decent idea, take that into consideration - but because of the text page restriction at steam it would result in massive work to add new maps - so all the sorting is sheduled for when i eighter have all maps or the existing ones got rated ;-)
    i can't promis to sort by type, but adding another tag to search for desert maps and so on should not eat to much text! :)

    thx, the biggest part is the rating and formating!^^
    i'm still not so happy with my rating description, i find it quite hard to describe the criteria in english, maybe i try to explain the process - wich already have changed twice^^ (once to increase rating accuracy and increase streamlining between maps rating - second to safe some time, i spend around 5-10min per map now, regardless of my playerexperience wich is taken into account at "playability" only!)

    well, i do not - there are much maps that are so horrible that spending time on them would be just wasteage - but i saw that you created some maps and try to spend some time giving you critics&suggestions :)
    though i have nearly no mapping experience, especially not at source engine/hammer editor, but still a bit knowledge gathered through modding for over 1 decade now^^

    infantry maps aren't that hard to made "fancy", because you have much more "freeroom" in enhancing visuals than at large scale classic maps! - though i guess the effort between a large classic map and a small infantry map is around the same but different!
    at IO maps you need to take more care about lighting/shadowing while at large classic maps you need to spend much time at improving the terrain - wich many maps clearly lack! - canyon is a prominent example, its such a boring and ugly map terrain wise - wich impacts the gameplay aswell!
    but canyon is still one of the "better" maps, thats why i designed the rating to have 4 steps for each category ;-)

    i wish i could add screens, that was the intentional plan - but steam limits text and the image codes are quite large!
    (despite the fact that there are maps i won't like to spend more time on just to proof that they are ugly, loveless and stupid!)

    but AFTER i'm done i could thinkering with copy that over to the wiki and there we can add more pic's and also more info's about the maps! ;-)

    (would really like it if that is then really done by community and not only me! :)
    thx, add that to notes

    uhm, i must agree that my "notes" are way to personal and will be changed! - but in case of bridges it would just waste textspace to describe why...
    but just for you some hints:
    - terrain is horrible - driving on it, especially vehicle fighting, is very frustrating - you can get stuck unexpected nearly everywhere!
    - the bridges are awkward and not worth to be called "bridge" (a construction to overlap a terrain gap) - you can get sinked by accident or enemy intension in the water if you chose to fight over the NORMAL ref place in the middle!
    - texturing... fact is the mapper used only 3 textures for the entire map...
    - props: a few trees but nearly no cover - no POI
    - in result the gameplay is horrible and playerexperience on that map i won't even wish my mortal enemys!
    if you have a better formulation of that than "this map makes no fun" then please share it with me :)
  9. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    none of my maps are on there.
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i thought you made emp_break_poc (aka emp_ovaries)?

    also i think the rating system is retarded, it goes from 1-5 but only four maps are given 3 as the highest note. if you desperately want to rate shit, rate it in relation to the other maps, not in relation to other games on more modern engines with a huge team of people busy for months to make them visually appealing.

    and i dont want to get going about the playability rating ...

    ... but then, what did i expect.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
    Donald Trump and Avatarix like this.
  11. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Congrats BRD, you have posted a long list, rated many maps for something that is based SOLELY on your opinion. Really, you should stop trying to condition everyone on how to think and telling us what maps are bad. This is your opinion, not actual fact so quit presenting it as such.

    Actually, I'm going to go into a rant on you now that I have fully read through everything.

    How daft are you to rate maps you haven't even played, and give them a crappy score? That just SCREAMS that you do not have the knowledge or experience to be rating maps. Like seriously dude, cmon. Also, just because YOU don't like a map because it's "wide open map, theres nothing special!" doesn't mean its crappy. This just means YOU don't like that style of gameplay. Well boohoo, not every map can fit your description of maps that you like.

    You are honestly coming into this game, rating maps you have hardly played and giving tips on how to "improve" these maps to your liking. I don't even know where to begin, you are insulting mappers, you are insulting the game, you are insulting this community. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others dont. For my example of this, I point to Emp_2islands:
    "makes some fun, but is awkward and needs massive edits!"

    How many times have you played this map? With what populations? I have played it from tiny population to full server and I can guarantee you this map is fun, albeit big, with any population. It is a different style of gameplay than what you are used to/like, so you don't want to give it a good rating. At least include a giant disclaimer at the head "THIS IS MY OPINION, PLEASE FORM OPINIONS ON YOUR OWN!"

    I also doubt you have experience to rate maps at this point. You have given out ratings to maps you have NEVER EVEN PLAYED. Such as your review for emp_ballastb3: "flat map - luckly never played" to which you gave it a big ol 0. You gave it 0 even though you have NEVER played there, devised a number of players by which is best for it, and then called it boring. Well la-de-da, sorry you don't like the map, and sorry you also have NEVER PLAYED IT.

    On top of this, some of your comments I can't decipher. Such as, Emp_Drygulch: "no country for good old infantry - vehicle combat takes the place!" What does no Country for good old infantry mean? Also, I would argue against that, completely. You can get on the hills as infantry and snipe down, you can do a lot. Especially since it has a slowish res flow compared to others, that means not everyone can be in a tank. This proves to me you haven't even played this map because every time I command it there is a TON of infantry combat for the center.

    Then on Emp_Duststorm: "nice small desert map, you can't hide - race for the ruin to build a fortress^^" First off, it's actually a decently size, if not a large map. On top of that, you have given a TERRIBLE suggestion which is to rush Ruins. Did you know the ref in the top left is a double refinery? That and middle is as well? Probably not, since you have just given the absolutely stupid suggestion of rushing Ruins where teams usually lose when they fort it up.

    Edit: Time for more.

    Emp_Frost you said: "this map is a nightmare". Cool, it's actually a REALLY good low pop map because it has a single lane so it forces even noobs to go down it. On top of this, the gameplay on it isn't even that bad. It usually results in a combined arms feel of tanks and infantry, which is good! But no, you think it's shit so 0 ratings. This just PROVES your absolute bias.

    Then how about Emp_Frozensummit? A map that people like playing because it is kind of diverse and it is for large pop. However, you ruled it low pop and then on top of that give it a 1/idkmaxscore because you said: "too flat, needs much care befor called a map". Wow. You are so biased it is unbelievable. You have no right to rate maps given your bias, you have no right to give suggestions to map makers because YOU don't like it.

    Then GlycenCity, you berate it because TOO MANY VEHICLES. Well have you ever played this map? I have NEVER ONCE experienced "sadly to much resources generation for vehicles - it's supposed to be infantry only with a BIT vehicle support!" in all my time of playing. People prefer infantry because the vehicles have shit armor and shit weapons. Again, you are also telling the mapper what to do and how YOU want his map to play.

    Play each map with little to lots of players THEN you can rate and give a size appropriate to it. You can't sit here, give a number of players to it AND rate it when you haven't played it with each one. You are an idiot if you think you can, but looking at your rating system I guess that isn't a wild claim either.

    TL;DR for all those who don't want to read: BRD is a joke. He is reviewing maps he hasn't even played and telling people to lobby for maps to be removed from the server. This guide is a joke to the empires community, and the fact that we are letting someone rate maps who hasn't even played them just shows how far this community is sinking.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
    Avatarix and Xyaminou like this.
  12. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    dt you have a lot of negative things to say in an insulting manner. It obvious BRD spent a lot of time doing this whether one agrees with it or not and its obvious it's his opinions on the ratings, which everyone, even you, are entitled too whether you like a map or not for w/e reason.

    Please list all the contributions you have made to the mod.
  13. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    But then again, BlackRedDead also have "a lot of negative things to say in an insulting manner" about the maps. Which mappers spent a lot more effort and time making than BlackRedDead did on his "guide".
    And I don't see you giving him a lesson.
    I know you can't stop yourself Vicki, but please, try and think before you post.
    Donald Trump likes this.
  14. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    So, I can't make a comment if it insults his whole idea? What the fuck. I'm sorry this whole idea was stupid? I'm sorry he points out all of these ratings as facts and totally bashes all the mappers who made these maps. But you know what, maybe... I should be nice. BRD THIS IS B4ST POT I EV3r SE3n! Yu shuld mek more!

    Nice enough for you?

    Vicki, this is the internet, this is a forum. Forums are a place for open debate ever since their inception. Because someone spent a lot of time working on something doesn't mean that it is good, for example my mother once made an apple pie and slaved away on it only to burn it in the oven. Was it good? No. Did we tell her that? Yes. Why? She burnt it. Time =/= me needing to say good things, and if you think so I apologize for ruining your safe space.

    He also needs to put a big ol disclaimer at the top of his map list that says "THESE ARE MY OPINIONS, PLEASE FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS BY PLAYING THE GAME" and he also needs to not insult mappers by saying the maps are bland or that it is essentially shit, he also needs to not make suggestions (Why doesn't he make a map?), and he needs to simply not rate maps he HASNT EVEN PLAYED.

    Thankfully none. I joined the forums like 3 months ago, I have been a very very long time player and I avoided this cancer by staying off of it until I got wind of some changes that I thought were negative to the overall feel of Empires. Then I made an account to be the voice of reason for those who DIDN'T get on the forums since I talk to noobs and help them out and inform them of what was coming. Yes, I was the voice of noobs and vets who didn't have an account.

    I tried mapping long ago, but ya know... personal life comes first rather than some source game. It is also the reason why I show great respect to the devs, even if I disagree with them because they are doing something I won't. However, just because they are doing something I don't want to doesn't mean they aren't open to criticism as that is what drives the aegis of change. Also, I'd rather not make any contributions than shit post at the level BRD does with some of these suggestions.
  15. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    Criticizing his guide is one thing but insulting the person himself by telling him he is a joke and an idiot is what I am referring too. But I guess its a generational thing.
  16. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Or, perhaps, he is an idiot for insulting other people's hard work such as the mappers who put FAR MORE TIME into their maps than BRD put into his guide. What right does he have to give them suggestions and tell them how the map would be better? Or tell them it looks bad? But, I guess you pick up only on one side of the argument and bash me instead of bashing the person who is insulting mappers and content creators.

    Also, this guide is a joke. He presents his opinion as fact which is a big no-no especially for all the noobs who may read it. I feel bad for them to be so misguided, I mean BRD is actively advocating for maps by people to be removed based on his guide, yet we are going to let that one slide. If the guide is a joke, the writer is a joke.

    Edit: Also, idiot and joke are hardly even insults... honestly we can't seriously be advocating for him now to be immune to such basic and non-insulting words. If I were allowed, I would have a much more eloquent vocabulary to describe BRD, but I choose instead to tone it down as to not cause a ruckus and you are still raising hell over the word "idiot" and "joke".
  17. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    server owners decide what maps are on the server or not no matter what someone thinks about a map
  18. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    but I agree with you bashing mappers isn't right either
  19. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Great, his guide is actively advocating for the removal of people's hard work from the server. I don't care if you or creeper decide, he is still insulting those who made it by saying it needs to be removed on top of insulting their work by telling them how he wants it and telling them it looks bad. This whole map guide is based solely on his opinion, and the ratings he gives is based on his opinion as well (another insult). He literally docks points off maps for being "flat" which is the entire point of some of these maps.
  20. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I agreed with you about bashing mappers. But not one person opinion will dictate what mas are on servers, so no need to worry about that

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