nf tanks turn blue if be captures them, and be tanks turn red if nf captures them if you recapture a tank of your own it becomes your color i think
Recounts of the exploits of Whiskey Squad, from The Diary of Jihad Joe. "There are a lot of problems that can be solved with a crappy car, a bit of teamwork, and lots and lots of stickies." - BRYISAZOMBIE I was participating in a losing game on NF on Canyon. The BE team had successfully removed our vehicle factory and all we had left was a Jeep. 2 APCs and an AFV were advancing on our last remaining barracks. Fortunately, we had our Jeep parked in the woods on the south side of the map. The BE team though victory was just moments away, when suddenly they lose their AFV. One of the APCs looks back to see a little jeep drive away from the destroyed AFV. We drove the jeep into the other APC, and a few seconds later it was destroyed as well. The last remaining APC was confused by the series of events that had destroyed the majority of their offense and began to retreat. Luck was on our side once more: they had standard engine, we had three phase. And a few seconds later, that APC was destroyed as well. We were killed minutes after by a mine by an abandoned ammo crate. In short, we had stowed away our Death Jeep in the forest on Canyon. As defeat was upon us, Whiskey Squad filled the jeep, each of us with stickies and ammo upgrade. Because of some well timed nade tosses and some skilled driving, 3 enemy vehicles were destroyed.
I remember one of those moments. Someone on NF managed to hijack one of BE's heavy tanks on the first flag. We were so ecstatic in this sudden shift of luck. I happily volunteered to be the tank driver as an Engineer. Imagine my horror when i found out it was a bio missile, plasma cannon, HE gun paper heavy tank. Well when life gives you lemons.... So I did my best holding off the enemy tanks that kept coming at us. BE kept on rushing at us. They weren't just trying to get to our flag. They were also trying to whittle down our tickets. I kept the tank alive, retreating whenever one side of armor is gone, but alas we had to pull back. There was not enough tickets to justify holding this flag. By now I've switched to Grenadier with Armor Detection, Increased Armor, Diffusal. So no problem right? Just retreat the tank to the next flag. Problem: The wall was still up. We can't get the tank back. Everyone else had to fall back due to the tickets and BE continued to creep closer and captured the flag. And there I was, with this Bio missile Plasma cannon paper tank against the whole BE team. (To be honest, the BE team were also comprised of inexpericed players, but it was still epic nonetheless). Gotta make every shot count, I thought. By now BE only could afford APCs and AFVs with minimum armor. APCs were priority and I took them out first. I kept running using the building on the first flag to thin them out trying to ensure I hit everyone of my shots. My armor slowly whittling away from the standard cannons that manage to hit me. However, I still held on. I knew this was a suicide mission, so I was going to take down as many as I could with me. Eventually I ran completely dry on ammo and resorted to running over any infantry that exited the APCs or spawned at the flag. I faced whatever armor I had left toward the enemy while my hull started flashing red and yellow. My heavy tank was thrashing about like a wild animal running over any hapless infantry. And finally it died. The charred tank could take it no more and exploded. The BE army rushed past to try to take the second flag, third, fourth, all without resistance, because the rest of the team had to fall back to the last flag due to tickets. But that tanks sacrifice was not in vain. It held off BE long enough for NF to set up an unstoppable force of turrets and destoryed many of BE's vehicles and used up a lot of BE's timer. It was my most beloved/hated tank I ever drove. Beloved in how long it served me that map. Hated in every time I saw another tank or infantry I wished I could upgrade it's armor/weapons. (That victory couldn't have been won without my team, even if this post seemed like I just rambo-ed this game. Without the team pulling back, we would have gone to zero tickets and been utterly steamrolled. And without the team they wouldn't have sticky stunned the tank, scaring the driver out and hijacking the tank FTW)
this one time a be medium drove under the last nf flag bridge and for some reason he popped out the top with a smg so i jumped down and gave him a shottypistol in the face and hijacked the be medium and with it our team was able to push BE back to the wall (i didn't drove it, i sat in the top), then engies came and put up a turret farm and we held out until win
Earlier today, we were slaughtering on slaughtered as BE. The enemy comm kept running us over though, at one point squishing 4 people at once. So, we set a trap for him consisting of 24+ mines but we did a horrible job of it and you could totally see how many there were. To cover that up and bait the comm we all went prone over them, eventually getting the majority of the team to all prone in a giant infantry on mine orgy. The comm took the bait, ran over like 6 of us and ASPLODED as all the mines went off. Many lols were had.
Flew off of like, a fifty foot cliff in a LT with three phase at full speed. Did a few flips on the way down, hit, did a barrel roll or two, then recovered perfectly, rammed the fleeing enemy comm and started blasting him. Joined by a few tanks (They took the normal way to get into the valley) and then the comm went down. All of this was happening while I was playing Yackety Sax (The Benny Hill song) over the mic. Epic.
24 hours... Playing empires for 24 hours straight without sleep... when there were enough servers around... :eek: :eek:
drove a be jeep over a hill into the enemy main base once, thing was when i crosed the hill it made a jump, turned 2 times over its head and landed on some guy (with wheels down) and it kept his speed and i could like keep driving his own team was saying like "pwned" and stuff but i didnt even see the guy untill someone told me i landed on him i kinda laughed then and felt like i should remember that event so i did i think it was on cyclopean or some map
This happened yesterday We were playing Forest Obstacle, you know the one with the pumping station at mid, and we had a noob comm the first 10 min of the game, JPL DeadPool took over I think and we had NW and north mid ref. Now while we are fighting at north they brought their comm to our base to try and bait DeadPool, he didn't fall for it, but they had a plan B and that was to set up a rax and vf right next to freakin main. We had like 6 guys at main, 6 at north, and like 2-4 south geting those refs or sabbing the enemy refs. And we managed to turtle for something of 20 minutes until they finnaly ran out of res for their paper LTs due to those sabbed refs, and we destroyed them with our reflective AFVs, they tried to come back with infantry but we eventually got .50 cal MG and killed them. We eventually caught their comm and just pounded him until he died, It was one of the greatest comebacks for BE that I have ever seen personally, I believe BitterJesus was comming for NF too, which made it all the more special.
A couple weeks ago, being saved by my team on Isle from about 6 good enemy rushes, and from being pinned and deconned at least half of those. Awesome team started off badly and managed to advance time after time...going on to win. The type of team they were was the most surprising thing though - usually if a team is good enough to save the CV, not many enemies can get through the lines, especially when you have base defenses up like I did. This team wasn't that great individually, but they managed to work together and beat back a superior team, which had lesser teamwork. A rare game, where the strength of Empires was really shown - good teamwork>good team.
The only really memorable experience i have of empires is where on crossroads, the enemy had their enemy com stuck in the middle with the ramps built. (this was still when i was a noob and didnt know what was going on). So i was going over to attack their com, then out of nowhere, their com flipped (due to a like 45 mine or something) and he completely flipped over the wall to be safe back on their side.