Thread seems old but I'll jump on the band wagon. I'd have to say when Tanstaffl was our commander and we did a awesome APC rush into BE main and just drove around killing all the infantry as they came out. I just remember that because it was like my 10th game on Empires and I thought it was awesome. But Empty that's a cool story I bet BE was like it's only 1 tank let's kill him.
Today on MValley, I was spec'ing a game. Sadly there was only 6 vs 8 ppl despite the 30ish ppl on the server. Feeling bad for NF for not having a comm (as well as being 2 guys behind BE), I joined NF and hopped in the cv as a scout with vehicle speed upgrade. The round has barely begun and the BE cv has just took off for the north Seeing as there are some of my guys rushing north, I figure I sneak up on their comm, run over any infantry, and try to commander wall him in. Unfortunately after running up right next to him and walling him in (as he did to me at the same time) I realized that all my men that was going north has either died, or changed their mind. I was ready to resolve to my fate as two BE engineers came up to continue the humiliation. I was stuck with nowhere to go, and no way to get out. They built a turret and started to decon me. Enraged, I started moving my cv back and forth like a trapped tiger. One engi ran over. Then two engi ran over. The BE comm, realizing he had no backup, panicked and laid down a barracks to build. He exited the cv, only to be immediately crushed by my wheels. I tried recycling my own walls in hopes to push out on his side. No luck. After checking to see there are no more BE near me, I jumped out and sabbed the turrets then hopped back in. I then hopped back in and laid down a rax to e build... slowly. Counting down and peering over the edge of the cliffs every now and then to see if any BE infantry is rushing to their comm. The rax was up, reinforcments came, and we took over the BE comm. Moral of the story? Never underestimate the cv, even if it's trapped.
I got another one, Our team was obviously going to lose as I relized this on the start. I had 2 people actually doing things and 1 guy was just sitting in the base saying he wanted to command but he only played Empires for like a day. We lasted a while me running around in the command vehicle after a single AFV destroyed our main lol. The end came down to this, I was on a bridge next to our only spawn point that was a flag. A BE main base in front of me and a BE secondary base a ways back. My team layed down a bunch of mines to protect me but a BE jeep came along, then blew up the mines causing the command vehicle to go on its front end the slowly fall on its left side which caused it to smack into the side of the bridge rail then it fell into the water right side up.
on emp money, while the other team was still in their base i sneaked in as a scout and sabotaged all of it and got out and no one noticed! just today i was doin escort,and my team had 100 tix and they other team had 1000, and we won!
There was one very special match for me. Canyon, Be. Be gets trashed early on, sitting on 3 refs for half of the game. Then nf takes out the 3rd ref, be makes a fucking castle of turrets and walls and other shit. When nf Hemeds start to roll in(and arty later on) I start to go ninja as roflo with stix. 20 or more minutes , ~6 tanks, 3 arties and ~ dumb nf DB's later things start to looks reaaaly bad. Tickets out, nf decided to muster every shit they can. Jesus christ, 15 tanks shooting he shells at you constantly is quite a fucking view. NF's final push somehow looses its power, every be rushes to nf main via north. Having like 5 alive dudeds and 3 afvs desperately trying to stay alive while being pounded from 3 sides, SD countdown drops to 0. Bullettime, careful aim, one shot from bear1. NFCV explodes, BE wins. NF moans like never, be micspam is even worse, i fucking fell off my chair from hapiness. also, mindgames with random assholes are always fun dropping from a high building on Cyclo behind a tank and killing it killing AFV's with HE nades fooling the driver into thinking that i have stickies finding tons of glitches to use for my advantage yeah, its mostly 2.12 stuff
Server was way better than it used to be at that number. It only started lagging when everyone was in one place on Mvalley, when NF were finally closing in on the BE main base and there were 60 players and 20-30 tanks all in constant visual range of eachother.
Empty and Blackcooper vs me on district, 2.27 (or .28?) and Tricksters weaponscripts where being tested. Alltalk was on. One time they managed to both survive and kill me. Whilst waiting for respawn I saw them taking positions behind crates at BE 2nd flag where my spawn would be. Since I was cratehuging all the time I deserved such a situation I guess, but who will incriminate me for doing so in 2vs1? Anyways, earlier in such situations I spawned at BE 1st and went sewers to surprise them from behind. This time I didn't manage to change my Spawnpoint before I spawned. So I waited some time inside thinking about what to do. I guess they already became a little nervous when I decided to go Scout and take concussions. I leaned with my back to the right wall of the spawn/flag exit, cooked the concussion and waited for the fuse to go to minimum. I threw it against the opposite wall for bouncings sake, heard the concussion go up and shortly afterwards the shouts of Empty and Blackcooper. So I rushed out and instantly started shooting at the one running with his back turned towards me. Since I'm absolutely unused to SMGs (I guess you all know I usually play Riflemen only) I didn't manage to hit him at all first, so I killed him (turned out to be Empty) with the very last bullets of the clip. Turning to the alley, into which Blackcooper probably escaped (maybe he ran around the block though I doubt him to had time to do so) I pulled out the pistol. Gladly he was still a little shocked by the surprise (I guess not blinded anymore though) and didn't manage to kill me in such a close quarter. (we bumped into each other at the edge) I also didn't manage to shoot him down and finally killed him with melee which gladly was improved in this version. We kept loling because they didn't expect me to ever change my behaviour and I didn't expect this to work.
Should I have mentioned you was blinded after that concussion? I thought it would be obvious. Anyways, you always have a 300 ping. And my Ping also isn't much better mostly.