playing a game of slaughtered, we had just cornered NF in their starting base, and taken NW and just pushed past bridge. some good members were on NF, including mkvenner (decent) and some EPICs. I was sitting in BE main, periodically checking for a ninja rax and scouts, inbetween targets and research. I check for a ninja rax above main, and go back to watching the battle. 25 seconds later, I get back in my comm, to find myself walled in, and I start taking RPG fire, fully built NF ninja rax right next to me (just got built). I start moving around in my walls, there seem to be too many to decon (at least 2 on all sides from what I notice, and half overlapping eachother), and I yell to my team as I try to seem like a moving target. I turn my comm vehicle to keep my armor turning, doing 3 point turns over and over. I make it to a total of 90°, and just as I am about to ram the wall in front of me again, suddenly half the walls go down as an engineer on their team changes class, and I happened to be facing the one single opening created in the walls from it, and end up dumbfoundedly rushing out of my cage and leaving to later win, throwing up a wicked laughter over mic as I leave, as possibly the most hilarious things I've seen in empires in a long time. mkvenner says in all chat: "what a fucking idiot". I lol'd. I lol'd hard.
i was raging HSM style at that point, i cant believe how retarded that idiot was to have to messed up what would have been such a perfect ninja victory. i built 2 barracks in your main and managed to get my squad to resist attacking stuff and ruining my attack until we had you walled and we could kill your barracks instantly.
Could've been solved indefinitely by a second engineer just stuffing a turret under him. Oh wait, he was BE.
Nah demented, turrets never get me. First thing I do as comm is equip grenades. get out, drop a nade, get in, boom, drive away. Or if an engineer is building it, get out, drop nade, get in, get out, drop nade, get in, drive away.
9 mines. I remember turning the BE base into a godlike fortress on streets of fire. I vowed that since ER ARTY are kind of useless on the map, I would turn it into an infantry haven. Back when grenadier RPGs used to mean something. SO I get advanced upgraded RPGs, and I was pretty experienced at mine placement (we practiced :§). So 52 mines in front of the BE comm got him all the way to the top of the northern edge of BE base. We also 50 mined a spawning APC up there (one HP fro doom, couldn't even see its health with calc, thank god it did a perfect landing ). At this point NF has pretty much taken the whole map. But I don't care. I make a ramp of armories and walls up tot he top, and have my entire team get up there. Switch to revive or grenadier, and we double walled every floor of the place, while leaving ammo boxes or armories on each floor. I also walled off the enemy tanks during this time. Engineers built wall steps behind all the walls, so grenadiers could stand upright and fire over the walls. Enemies brought lights, got RPG'd. APCs, RPG'd, nuke heavies, they usually hit our walls, but engineers repaired them and they still got RPG'd (there were no higher faces to hit than our top walls, couldn't kill any of our infantry or our APC or COMM. At this point, we start placing LVL3s. Tanks that weren't RPG'd on the way to our base got raped by MLs and the infantry dicking around below us were destroyed. Best 3 hour game of streets of fire I have ever played.
Emp_Slaughtered. Our team was losing badly because the enemy team had heavies first. Me and Youzy made it across the bridge, through the middle, killed their SW base, and was chased into the water. We went up the sandy slope into the SE base, I yelled at my team to respawn as riflemen/stickies, and I did a squad revive. Killed their comm in less than 30 seconds as ours was being chased.
Beat you to it, Cpatton. We were playing on emp_canyon, cpatton was comm. We cornered NF into the northeast, and as I drive my AFV north, cpatton ran into a jeep. The Jeep propped itself up on its back wheels, and continued driving off. Cpatton choked whilst laughing.
Had a good game on slaughtered the other day with newbies, public vets, and some miscellaneous dudes. We lost as BE, but I think that was more a failure on my part to push early rush tactics, and instead go for the steady win as we were doing well. Too bad, NF replaced their comm and came winging awesome team didn't have the edge on the map, and NF always comes through eventually. Ah well...
I bet I have FUCKING SCREENSHOTS of this somewhere. Remind me. I must have taken like 5 of them. The jeep, got uprighted and basically stayed that way. For like 10 seconds. Just fucking straight up on it's trunk, not flipping, not taking dmg, not falling down, right in the middle of a open area on canyon. It's like when my comm got stuck, with no physical objects against it, in a 90 degree flip. Basically I was NF comm on my side, but I wasn't taking dmg, or moving one way or another. Someone had to come push me so I could move again.
Today, Cyclopean, expecting a usual shitty round, I joined NF. Pickled was talking about his bio engine plasma exploit the last round, and he was on BE, their comm immediately went into physics and rushed plasma, they continued to get bio. Our research started in chem and stayed there for ages, for the first 10 minutes I was in an absorbant light, grabbing refs with my good friend cassius. Slowly but surely we lost ground as the impending BE vehicles pushed closer. Me and a few good NF drivers stayed in lights, despite the better BE tech. We got salvos on our lights and rammed them, eventually we got heavies. All seemed lost when a massive force of brenodi rail heavies swarmed into our main, but in a bitter fight we fought them back. Now BE had all of the map but out main. In one decisive push, our team fielded all it could, and with the tickets at 15-30 in our favour we slammed the brenodian forces back at northwest and took their main. Disregarding the need for refs, I rallied the troops, and ordered a full frontal assault on brenodi main. We came to the hill which overlooked their base. And fired volley after volley into the base. our numbers grew to 5 heavies and 3 light tanks as our forces converged. I yelled out. "WE HAVE ONE SHOT. ON MY MARK. WE RUSH ONE. TWO. THREE. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" I drove ahead of the pack, my advanced coolant engine roaring, our own mains rax fell, but we were on 5 tickets so it mattered not. I surged forward in my light, dodging mines and railgun rounds, and handbraked turned as I passed the brenodi rax. Before me stood the CV. Unmanned. Undefended. "THE CV IS IN THE BASE, BEHIND THE VF" I yelled. My team surged forward, lights fell to mines and heavys, our tanks dwindled and with 3 tanks remaining we converged on the commander. I immediately jumped out and walled him, our team focussing purely on the commander. One by one my fellows fell, and I remained, a lonely light tank, assaulting the now smoking BE commander. Enemy infantry swarmed over him like ants, dropping mines, shooting RPGs and repairing him, the brenodi defense came into full swing. But like ants, they were trivial to my goal. With one last salvo. The brenodi commander exploded. I was victorious. The sole survivor of our assaulting force. That is why I still play this game.