It seems that my best moments involve mines of some sort: I go to ninja the BE com, who is still in there base next to the rax but I forgot that I need 8 mines to pull this off. This only occurs to me as I am already placing the mines. 1 RPG later, the BE com is missing a bunch of rear armor and I get killed. I re spawn with ammo upgrade, fill up on mines, walk into the enemy base, this time with guys in it and proceed to barrel roll the com a good 200 feet up. Not so memorable for the ninja, but that they failed to stop me after the first one. Rex is com with a noob team and starts rageing at us for losing the last few rounds. I find the NF com next to the rax, 8 mines and an RPG later, the com is perfectly flipped and I killed the rax. Escort as NF, drop a stack of 8 mines, wait for a heavy to roll over them without defusal. Epic lulz to follow: pics to come
Me and Gamecmdr started out on BE, joining a squad and going to lower left on Hazard.(Is that the name? It has evil nuclear gunk rivers or something) we took the area and held out for a long time until a partybus of our teamates showed up with an AFV. NF had L3 turrets however, and we were being pushed back. Even worse was that not too many people were guarding Homebase anymore, and the com quits after we get Arty. So, I spawn at main.The enemy has Lt rushed us, and we were losing lower left. So, I decided to com, got us HE, and almost 2 seconds after that, we lost the radar. The Com vehicle was bruised and battered.I placed a Rax for some lost gren near the enemy base as a last resort. I managed to drive the com to the new rax, and somehow this nearly clannerless team of people I'd almost never heard of, spawned all together as a bunch of grens and a few engineers, working like clockwork. We sticky stun their com, wall him in and hit him with >9000 missles, winning.
Yeah, I was comm on that. It was pretty sad . In the end game shot, the comm veh had a single BE engineer on one side - and 4 NF tanks circling around, having killed everyone else. A single engineer managed to stay alive and finish it off. However, I had much more fun a few hours later when I joined a District game. Late game, we were pushing through the sewers. I was leading a squad as a Scout. Had all 4 skills - Speed, Melee, Health, and Hide. We got into a stalemate around a corner - about 8 BE on one side, us 6-7 NF on the other. I hurled a few flashbangs around the corner, popped Squad Hide, and went to town. 10 melees later (one engineer was persistantly reviving people), we were on our way.
As the pictures thread was locked(?) I'll post this one here: 8 Mine gone wrong (and I'm too lazy to find another imageshack thingy).
Reminds me of the good old days of 2.12 when I used to be able to 9mine pretty much every vehicle onto the NF building as BE. Fun times...
By-the-book firing anti-tank weapons with multiple grens at a time, surprising the shit out the driver, killing the crew, everything. Felt like the army training paid off. I am gonna try and do a comic book thing of that moment with the LT flipping over the AFV and LT gunner melee-killing the AFV gunner. Sounds like such a badass thing.
One day, a comm should just order all his men to go grenadier. Line up and rush them wave after wave firing advanced RPGs at any tank. Have them all in a single line, their goal: kill the enemy tanks before they run them over.
We were playing TropicVendetta...they had 3 raxes on our flag...only 4 people went back...we still won.,
Getting out of an almost dead light tank and running away, then two enemies come up and hijak it and I run back and calculator kill the tank and both of them. I once saw someone shove an APC into the the tunnels on the second flag of escort, blocking them completely for BE. I once was in an unarmed APC getting chased by a tank. I ran behind a VF, spun around, then pushed it into the water when it came looking for me. Stickying a heavy tank with my last sticky, the driver gets scared and jumps out and gets killed when it goes off. The tank was fine. Once, commanding against communism on slaughtered, he comm rushed across the bridge and dropped a rax, and I comm rushed over to stop him. I went inside and empties my SMG into him. He lived and finished the rax and then unloaded his SMG into me as I ran back to the comm. I lived and we comm summoed and then I drove off. On his way back across the bridge he got stuck and then someone rocket sniped it and he fell in the water. It took another 30 minutes or so to loose to Jekotian submarine admiral communism. Falling into the water after trying to run over a scout on research, and still winning. Eventually they figured out where I was and a couple APC's came flying into the lake I was in. At least 1 noob sat in the APC until it died, but the other 4 or so people swam over and me and my engineer team had a swashbuckling pirate fight with them. We survived and eventually won. Earlier I saw a tank hit some mines, do 2 barrel rolls and a 360 and land perfectly. Dropping a line of walls then watching a bunch of enemy tanks bump into them, and just turn around and leave. On money I was in an APC and spent 2-3 minutes being chased in circles around a single ref point by a plain engine BE heavy, before he gave up and left.
sandbag : i think half of this are lies anyways also, guys please post something really to be worth of remembering , not stuff like " i droppped the wall and tanks bumped into it, dat was funny, am i cool yet?"
thought I might repost this, this was two years ago... Recently playing, NF was loosing and had a weak comm. after having waited for ref and barracks for 10 minutes in one location, the team asked him to swap with me, which I did. Thankfully however, the comm had done decent research towards turrets. Imidiately we set up a secure base and captured north east and center. To be extra safe, I placed turrets everywhere, and even put a base directly next to the BE NE base with repair station and barracks and VF and a ton of turrets. Then my (rubbish) computer crashes. About 10 minutes later, I'm back in the game, I join BE because they seem to be suffering. NF had taken out the BE base at ruins and we were pretty much all over the NF base, blowing up everything with light tanks. I went gren for about 10 minutes, fighting off wave after wave of the tanks, then medium tanks, then heavy tanks. We had quite a nice defensive wall around the base to fight from, but our structures were suffering- we'd already lost the VF once. I realised that this map was only going one direction... there was only one thing I could do. I had to ninja. As I ran to the armoury to load up on mines, the Vehicle factory was already smoking, and being pounded constantly. Moments after I sprinted into it and built a jeep, it finally died. Now was the hard part. Driving the vehicle as fast as I could past the line of heavy tanks, most of which ignored my lowly jeep, I headed south via where there was likely less turrets. Only one light tank tracked my, firing machinegun and shells at me. If that thing followed me, even if I killed it, the guy driving it would spawn and find me at their base. I prayed that it didn't follow. The thing was, I knew the defence on the origional NF base in the south west.... I had made it. Dozens of turrets. It was perfect. There was no way that the jeep was going to get through. God bless the hill east of the NF base. I picked up a lot of speed over the sand flats in the south, hit the hills and launched myself. Straight into the base. A dozen missile turrets lit up, launching their flaming death at my vehicle. The jeep landed badly, tumbled and exploaded, but I was already out and I hit the ground sprinting directly for the CV. Thankfully someone had put some walls near the CV, so hiding behind them I lay mine after mine... slowly getting to 8 mines seemed to take an age. I detonated and the CV did a backflip... but landed on it's feet, smoking, but very much alive. To make matters worse, at that exact moment that the CV detonated, I saw the light tank i had driven past returning to base to investigate. Frantically I pound one rocket into the damaged section of the CV. Two rockets. Smoke was coming out blacker now, the guy in the tank had climbed out and was running around the sides of the CV... he started shooting. With about 1% health, I ran around the CV and reloaded to get the final rocket in from the other side. But he shot me. Dead. BE should have died with a wimper after that... there were more tanks in our base than there were alive players most of the time. But one plucky guy managed to sneak out, destroy their nearby north base and the comm gave him a barracks. All I remember is seeing the BE CV streaming smoke, flying out of our old base towards the new barracks where our whole team was assembled. Our grenadiers took out two tanks chasing it. "GET BEHIND THE BARRACKS! GO COMM! GO!" someone yelled over mic. I ran out with the team towards the commander, our tiny fury battering the armoured division following it. But then as the CV moved past me, I saw behind it three missile turrets the seige base that was set up west of the north east base. Missile turrets I placed. Their missiles shot past me, exploaded into the weak comm vehicle... the game was over. It was fun.
"-heres what happened -we started off -i wasn't playing serious -didn't look good -(BE on crossroads) -anyway -NF took the middle in minutes -we got pushed back -by this point -our comm rage quit -and i took over -i researched HEMGs and we regained some ground -things were looking good but then NF got meds -despite lack of funds -we held out -and i got HE and then MK II AFVs -this was barely enough -considering we had STD armor and engines -i scrounged together cash -we're talking 2 AFVs holding off like 4 meds -and i got gas turbine -and that eased things up -but it was still a losing battle -i spammed MLs and MGs -but they just kept coming -as i finished absorbent -we weren't looking good -by now we had meds -but only 2 refs -the 2nd last ref died -and the enemy team got a missile farm to assault the one inside the base -things looked grim -we had 800 res -1 tank, damaged -1 comm -and i ordered the men. -"spend the res -we have no refs -get in a fucking tank -if you cant drive -shotgun -WE ARE GOING TO RUSH -And we went -through level 3 MLs -and luckily our scout had sabbed their entire base -we dove through at least 4 barracks in the center -beat our way in -rammed the NF comm -walled his ass -and even then it wasn't over -he fought well -and he fought hard -he nearly got out -this is before he even got to smoking -an NF heavy rode in -but it was too late -my engineers sealed the NF comm and I in together with walls and turrets -and he died." - A Victorious commander
i don't like how you judge others on lying while they say quite believable things but still post this highly inconsistent post and expect everyone to tolerate it i dont really care if it is true or not, in my eyes all stories here are true unless proven false and even if they are false they hold an emotional charge and connection to empriesmod as do all the stories don megel wrote have please stop judging others like that? i don't like myself when i am becoming all defensive like this
wtf, that post is entirely true. entirely, word for word. Right, for a start, that was litterally a repost. I went through and capitalised at the start of every sentence, changed the wording for some bits (though not the content), and so that's why it starts "recently", because... fuckit, here's the origional post. so anyway, yeah, by light tanks i should have put AFVs. Basically, NF were getting beaten, I took over, then when i rejoined, BE were getting beaten. That's why I had to join the other team and fight the army I had created. "as BE in an NF base?" would be no. as BE in the starting north east BE base. "is this still the nf vehicle factory that you are defending as BE?", um still BE, this would be the BE factory in the NE BE base. haha i guess I didn't think how hard this would be to read if you wern't actually there... I guess the moral of the story is, don't be a hardarse (this is directed at me, ragging on someone elses storys) I dunno, seemed kinda dumb when he said... someone hijacked his tank. Probably should have just ignored it.
Whats so unbelievable about and almost dead tank getting hijaked on money. It was a long time ago on Nachos, stuff like that would happen all the time. Yea it wasn't epic but this thread is named memorable empires moments and I figured its memorable.