We may as well just hash it out, once and for all.

Discussion in 'General' started by John Shandy`, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Actually empty is an annoying fuckhead a lot of the time, especially recently because he reminds me a lot more of myself but hell so is everyone to me because I'm antisocial. I don't particularly like him, although he has his moments and I don't particularly dislike him either. He's sort of average on my 'how much I like people' spectrum. Moderation wise he bans people, which I approve of, moderators should moderate, and seems to do it semi-independantly while trying to follow the spirit of the rules, which is again a pretty legitimate moderating method given that I don't think empires has a formal moderating policy, so just going with what you think is against the rules seems like a good method. It also seems to be the one most of the mods/admins employ here. So empty is ok, don't really pay much attention to him.

    I'm more of a supporter of facepunch than anything, given that it was my first forum and most of my idea of how forums work come from it. That and I know of nothing that will change the fundamental way forums work, which is that the person who pays the bill has absolute power. I accept it and I don't find it a detriment to my posting. On carefully moderated forums I respect the wishes of the host and do as they instruct if I want to use their forum, just as I would if I was visiting someone's house.

    On forums which don't give a shit, I tend not to either. Draconian methods aren't really a bother to me given that if I don't like them I can fuck off and find another forum, but usually I find that strictly policed forums tend to be pretty good places to hang out.

    Much like real life actually, I vastly prefer places like cafes and public spaces than some place where nobody is going to stop you acting like a dickhead. The same basic rules apply there as on forums, do as the proprietor says or get the fuck out, there's a dozen more people who want to use this place and they'll be only too happy to come if I keep shit like you out.

    I have no problem with pubs or restaurants so I have no problem with forums.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I have no idea what's going on here either. Can someone please summarize it up for me?

    I don't understand why Granth is all butt hurt over the blackhole getting renamed.
  3. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Bunch of people who are totally not from the democratic movement thing are bitching about empty (because blackhole closure was his fault as we all know) and want to legitimise their whining about being banned by claiming to be doing it for the good of the forum.

    Leastways that's what I get from it anyway.

    Granth is probably complaining because he's *****'s bumbuddy or something.
  4. Deadpool


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    From what I can tell it matters in the extreme to a small percentage of the forum who care way too fucking much about how much fake politicizing they are allowed to spam in the "who gives a fuck" section of the forum, and occasionally send incomprehensible steam messages to the unitiated in an attempt to feel important. Least that's what it seems like to me. :headshot:
  5. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Yeah the whole democratic crap creeps me out, looks like some weird cult or something.
  6. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    sticks and stones
  7. John Shandy`

    John Shandy` Member

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    Black hole aside, and silly democratic movement aside: Either moderators can continue having to deal with guerrilla troll threads & successively deleting forum categories & issuing forum bans... all of which are self-defeating and will not accomplish their goal of stopping the silly democratic movement people... or, they can seek a reasonable resolution that prevents incompetent people from trying to carry out tasks that require competence, and that shifts developer focus back to developing, instead of wasting time fighting a battle over something as silly as the black hole with a group of silly movement people.

    Why is it that both the moderators and the silly movement people insist on walking upward on a downward escalator?

    And Grantrithor, I really wish you'd go away... you come into my serious thread and start spewing a bunch of links to the failure forums of BSID and the very movement which deserves as much criticism as the moderators do. Go to church and pray for Sarah Palin or whatever useless activity you enjoy - let the big kids hold an actual discussion without you making a mockery of it. Please.

    Yes Chris, these forums are a benevolent dictatorship, but if the goal is to kill the mod, then the developers and moderators may as well just speak up and declare it explicitly. However, so long as they're going to pretend that their goal is the betterment of the mod (or the community) Chris, then myself and other rational minds will continue pointing out that the methodology is not accomplishing the goal. You're usually not one to miss the point. That said, I also enjoy cafes.

    Please, keep this thread on topic and refrain from referring to Dee, who is currently irrelevant, and to "documents" from the silly movement people.
  8. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Also where did all the old threads go? I liked searching through them but I can't go further back than 2007. :/
  9. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    The current devs aren't doing enough (read: fixing bugs, adding features, releasing new versions, etc) to satisfy the players.

    The players feel the developers are instead spending their time over-moderating the forums.

    Since no one is doing their "job", e.g. developing or playing the game, we're all sitting around arguing about unimportant bullshit on and about the forums (how meta).
  10. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    That it does, I agree.
  11. Deadpool


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    So Shandy youre saying that all this drama is a waste of energy by the people who work on this fine modification?
  12. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    god can cast adam and eve out of eden, but if it was a shithole, i would be doubtful that they would stick around.
  13. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I honestly still don't see why a ban spree wouldn't solve the problem. Ban everyone who trolls, establish strict rules, maybe see if you can find a couple of people who would enforce them. I'd nominate blizzerd for a start, maybe empty although he has particles to be working on and is as much of a twat as I am so maybe not. hell shandy could probably do some modding as I don't think he's done anything stupid. You shouldn't need more than one or two people to mod the forum.

    It's much easier to ban someone than it is to make a new account, so mods are always at the advantage. Even if you have to ban half the forum posters I don't think it would matter, most of the empires playerbase is made up of random pubbers or people who don't post here, and I'm sure most of the people you ban would just move to the bsid forum or some shithole, either way the official forums don't have to deal with their crap.

    Compromise is for people without absolute power.
  14. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Imagine if everyone realized that... We'd be playing 3.0 with blimps now...
  15. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Er, I was under the impression most of the devs weren't doing anything at all, not that they were modding the forums instead of developing.

    The forums see so little moderation that I don't think they could possibly occupy the time of the dev team.
  16. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    strolling around on the forums for self amusement is sometimes missunderstood as moderating... just becouse a dev once in a while delete/lock a retarded thread which they happend to find...
  17. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    That depends on how you define "solve the problem". Forums with strict, stick up the mod's ___ rules are boring, and people don't post on them.

    As with most things, find a happy medium. Or in your case, a sarcastic, sophomoric medium.

    The forums won't effect who plays the mod, they'll just make it harder to develop the mod, get feedback from people who know what they're talking about, organize tests, etc.

    Duh. But that's the impression I got from the other posts. Krenzo asked for a summary, not a logical analysis.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  18. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Facepunch still has morbidly strict and irrational rules as far as I know and it has a massive userbase.

    Also do realise that I don't actually like being sarcastic, I am sarcastic to people I dislike, I much prefer it when civility is enforced so I don't have to be a dickhead. I am only unpleasant when I feel that civility would be wasted, and I only feel that when most other people in the forum are acting like twats.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  19. {TLP}Sk1nn3r

    {TLP}Sk1nn3r Banned

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    Consoring yay ~brutos
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2010
  20. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I think I've seen trolls there.

    As I said, it won't effect the user base. Just the devs ability to interface with the veteran players that they banned.

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