Exactly, films have basically lost plots and make money off these things -famous actors -explosions -fast loud scary things popping up on the screen -3d And most television shows are very predictable. Except good shows like east bound and down or if you wanna go to Britain, da ali g show(big up) and trigger happy tv. I really do love action films and shows but they are so full of crap now a day's its hard to really fall into the plots. example: the movie crank with jason stathem, it ends with him falling thru the sky and calling someone.. did they forget how loud it is for wind to pass by you that fast?
Yeah American movies have no plots, it's like everyone in America has a really short attention span, and if you watch a movie made in the 80's/90's you'd notice it has plot and it has action and shit that blows up, while in the 21st century most of the movies are just "hey lets not explain any storyline, lets have music playing 100% of the time, every scene must have at least 5 explosions OR a fist fight between the main character and a rival character, lets make the antagonist the most evil person in the whole universe, let's over use already overly used movie cliche, such as the big space ship going under the camera, and lets have a sex scene". Snatch and Lock Stock and two smoking barrels had me hooked the whole time, and even if it was really funny I always knew what was going on in the plot without something insane happening, Shawn of the dead also had me hooked the whole time, and it didn't include insane shit most of the time. Now why doesn't Hollywood try that out.
This is exactly my point, America does have great movies like lock stock or shuan of the dead.. But they are not as popular or hyped up as transformers 2.
lock stock and shawn of the dead are brit man. I was referring to how those 3 international movies were better than most of hollywood's shit
America has a culture of it's own? CRAP what happened Rockos Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy? Aren't those shows for children? I mean, my lil cousin whatches them along with Spongebob Squarepants, but they have even less of a thought, they are just like: hey why don't we let something happen and then something which definetly doesnt fit.
Well I was a kid when those shows were still on the air haha and no arrested development is definitely not for kids. They had great plots, sound effects, characters, voice actors, and animations. Plus one thing I loved about rocko which adultswim has somewhat adopted was that they were two 15 min shows. So a whole episode would play with out any commercial interruption.
lol yep, watching repeats I've noticed so many more adult themed jokes that I never would of got back then. Plus one of the main voices on that show turned out to be the dude who does sponge bobs voice, rocko really set his career off.
ren and stimpy.. rocko's modern life.. WERE AWESOME. i would give up anime anytime if they remake or do reruns of those shows.
lol yeah they had an episode where rocko and heffer were on a road trip and they went to a hotel called "hotel no tell" and the guy at the desk asked them how many hours they wanted to stay and they said the whole night and he looked at them(a big ass steer and little ass wallaby) helllla funny and was like oohhhhh wow a whole night.. lol that shit is for kids!?
Well I'd say so. Since I live in germany, we don't care how much our children think or know about sex. We even have public advertise for condoms, sexshops and brothels evidently cognizeable as such from outside. In exchange, our politics is about to prohibit any picture of violence. I guess in 5 years I'll go to jail because I play egoshooters.