why on earth would u want salted - u can buy salt seperated if you are a salt-junkie? u cant even buy salted butter here
Salted butter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unsalted Butter 'nuff said, @tasteless bottle ...:D I still don't have a clue how crumpets taste ... :confused:
Nah, prob is you would have to melt the butter, mix it with salt, sterilize it and freeze it, there won't be any profit, and if you don't combine them you would bite on hard salt, both alternatives suck ... 1. buy salted butter 2. ??? 3. buy salted butter company 4. ??? 5. profit
I can see some arizona iced lemon tea or snapple peach ice tea going good with english muffins for breakfeast.
the lemon iced tea ones are too sweet, the green tea ones are better when eating something like english muffins. Green tea is god, drink it every day, arizona and tea bag.
Chocolate milk, Belgium Waffles with whipped cream... And maybe some Yoghurt with Belgium Pralines in them. should give u the research victory
toasted english muffin with butter,eggs over easy(with bacon is optional), and a glass full of OJ = win