I was playing AoC and this scottish guy claimed that he gets MTV in scotland, and that it's complete shit. Only good American shows air on HBO, like da ali g show and Dexter.
Da Ali G show is actually British, and is sold to HBO. But thank you for proving my point, it's much appreciated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da_Ali_G_Show Also, Dexter is in fact, one of the best shows ever made.
/offtopic post It's soooooooo BADASS because it's HUGH LAURIE! So many people don't even know what he usually sounds like outside of the UK :D I get MTV in london...if you get cable/sky ofc you can get these channels. I don't watch MTV tho...it's not a music channel anymore lol. You know, my cousin is training to be a surgeon in America, where she lives and was born and brought up. I have many cousins from there. You only think all of us have no clue about regular americans. It's part of what makes that attitude annoying - the idea that we will have no idea, and have no way to associate with Americans. But we do. I've met many people who are just plain awesome, no few of them American and even from Empires. Even those people who have no idea can be great, simply because they have the mindsets that they'll listen and discuss whatever it is, being open to other ideas. Assuming the other person doesn't have any clue what they're talking about simply because they're not american is, in actual fact, the attitude that spreads hate for america. You're not a separate race, so don't throw up all these barriers around ya. Free Love, yo!
It would help if Amerifags stop thinking that there's one consensus in Europe for what an American is like. There are US rednecks, US dropouts, US hambeasts, US militaryfags, etc. So don't worry, we can classify you.
They probably think that everyone in UK wear top hats, monocle, drink tea, smoke pipes, and speak like rich people with the common English slang of someone living in the 1800s.
to make personal gear more international friendly.. the canteen should have tea and crumpets (UK) shark fin soup (chinese) kimchi (korean) kurrywurst (german) chicken tika masala (indian) escargo (french) etc etc etc ;3...
OMG THERES LIKE TWO CONVERSATIONS AT ONCE please visit the toronto international film festival, september 9-18, 2010
I don't understand the tea and crumpets thing. I mean, I fucking love tea. And I fucking love crumpets. But I would never, EVER, eat them in the same sitting. They're both hot, and I don't want a hot drink with a hot snack. It's just wrong. Also, most British people do in fact, drink copious amounts of tea.
lol after page 3 ish its becoming a troll topic :p Fairy who can revive u for 500 res? Pimps who deal pot :p had a good laugh at this. I support this feature, but with less items, like a few that cost a lot 100 res for 20 extra health.(used medic kit) 200 res for 50 extra health.(medic kit) 350 res for 100 extra health.(advanced medic kit) 150res for full stamina (stim pack) like these small things, that doesnt make the game to much of an rpg and stops camping
learn to write curry, ... I like tea too, and I'm not from the UK, but brits really drink a lot of tea, at least the tricksters under the brits also i've to agree with tricksters rant post about your idea, it is ... crap, cigaretts, srsly, -.- complicated ideas which need tons of coding, modeling, and lead to a far more complex gameplay in our already very complex empires, not to mention the balancing issues getting caused by them ... are usually crap, just as a rule of thumb ...:p
asdafasdasdas Why do people think it's tea and crumpets. Tea is nice. Crumpets are nice. But you would never,ever, EVER have them at the same time. That's just wrong.
I took some pictures once. This is tea. It is hot. This is a crumpet. It is hot. You don't have a hot drink and a hot food together. It's wrong. I myself either eat a crumpet for breakfast (but usually toast) or supper. I have a cup of tea when I wake up and during the day, but not at night. More commonly, people have tea and biscuits.