lol your a fucking idiot also joining a team just to tell a person where the com is hiding during sudden death is a douchey thing to do. u suk
Just saying..... It wasn't that long ago someone said you rushing the enemy CV was exploiting and being a dick.
You mean rushing the cv at the start of the game? Hardly an exploit, but a giant dick move nontheless.
Last reply, unless you have other valid things to say. Those are the bans you have, on EPIC server. Allow me to remind you that sourcebans website, at least VIPER afaic have moved for once or twice, some of the ban records can't be tracked. But I am fairly sure that the number of your bans is at least somewhere around 15~20. Are you trying to say that having 20 ban records is a good boy? Not to mention gag/kick/silence/mute/slay...etc
Beginning or as his team is getting owned. A few people including an admin said reving next to enemy CV is exploiting. Just pointing out this isn't just about paradox. @security. I have seen him banned on Viper for driving CV into water, stealing CV recycling base, 9 mining CV into water, avoiding ban with alt, arguing with admins, and a few times just for joining.
zoom thought you meant pre 2.2 cv wrestling. too bad its gone. also pushing people with the cv, you got to positions way faster - or at least you did something fun :p also wrestling with sonecha in mvalley north was a highlight. maybe its exactly this what distinquishes old empires from new empires - i mean you even rushed slaughtered to build a rax in sbend - something you sometimes dont even see happening anymore. but then recycling stuff for early jeeps was something you couldnt do. but anyway, you basically had your comm at the front at start of the game (ofc retreated if you lost it) even if it took less then it does today (or at least in the recent versions) and you know, you gave mass targets AND built stuff all around the map, while wrestling and trying not to get stuck or walled or stickied or ... nowerdays people complain about being overwhelmed - ludicrous ... ... oh how i miss that. you actually had an impact as comm, if only early game. now people decide if you are a good comm or not by their own skill - if THEY win you are ok, if YOU lost (however this is possible) its your fault.
JGF doesnt count as far as telling an exploit apart from a tactic. Of all the things, ninja rev can be shot down by a measly few mg turrets to buy some time.
Yeah but he is an admin. So leaving it up to admins to decide what counts as a exploit isn't always a great idea.
Fortunately for empiresmod VIPER admins keep their opinions to themselves and enforce the rules to Vicki's standard.
squadreviving someone somewhere has never been considered an exploit as long as you didnt intend to get somewhere you couldnt get by other means. squadrevive quite obviously is a game mechanic as it even has its own gui button. but there also is a shite mechanic for empires and its called squadhide, which lets you get an engi pass almost everything quite easily. its a valid strategy in terms of exploiting, yet a shit game-mechanic on such open maps as empries maps are. it just makes it too easy to get pass the enemy. this also is true for normal hide but you at least have to crawl (or duckwalk). anyway, thankfully this isnt even neccessary since theres a million other means to get to the enemy comm somewhat unharmed and squadrev. they are more obvious though, yet often dont get noticed because of few players and open map. but really, how hard is it to tell exploiting from game mechanics? it might be a dick move, especially if you do it repeatedly, but it certainly is no exploit.
Go look them up and look the ones up I showed, none of them are serious bans most of them are a minute or 5 minutes I'm joking around with the admin and he jokes back
Oh I had already edited the motd before you made this post.... Change it back if you want. Although I kind of left the original rules on there and in bold put "Also just because something isn't listed in these rules that doesn't mean it's allowed!". I just wanted to add things that some admins might not consider exploiting that other admins would.