constructive, no? ***BTW THESE ARE JUST MY FIRST THOuGHTS ABOUT THIS PATCH*** Hi, sorry but i'm a bit drunk... (like i-know-how-the-things-are-and-i'm-always-right-drunk) Soo the new patch just sucks... the maps are too big for close combat (too many maps have those open plains with NO cover or anything. (what were they thinking, it's like the beta testers were only playing 'inf only' maps And the same time engi with smg1 is just too OP... It is waay too accurate with aall those skills engi gets :D Vehicles' guns are too way iwerpowered compared to rifleman... Before this patch rifleman was like terminator or rambo vs another infantry and nothing else like it should be, but now average engi and gren can do too much dmg vs rifleman before getting killed and also be more usefull in everything else. If roflmen suck at killing other infantry, what's their purpose?!! So engi and gren can kill vehicles along those decent anti-infantry skills. Is that why everyone play engi or gren? (except noobs) AS I said SMG1 is way too accurate. I dont know about others but for me it's very good weapon for long range combat - maybe the best! (even with only the basic building, healing and ammo spawning skills) Gren with it's pistol and the ability to kill inf (MUCH FURTHER THAN ANY RIFLEMAN CAN KILL ANYTHING LOL WTF) and destroy vehicles new scout just sucks, hooray!!1 the only thing that devs really fully succeeded at. When spawned it has almost no ammo, and even with 30 ammo, he's too dependent on engineer's ammo supply. So scout can't solo anymore, can't flank properly and can't go to enemy base to kill everyone :/ Yeah, scout is nerfed for good... RIP, it was fun for me almost a year Empires is my favorite hl2 mod. I want it to be like that and now i think devs and testers have lost 'the right' path. I don't know how can they be so wrong or have i just missed something??? (Or do they just want to deliberately ruin this mod?) Just tell me i'm wrong and that i should drink more Ps. I had to try three times to make this account because i'm retarded ***BTW THESE ARE JUST MY FIRST THOuGHTS ABOUT THIS PATCH***
After having played Empires for the first time in over a year, i was very happy with the weapon balance. Sure, its not perfect, but its better than the "aim and spray" weapons of the past. Falloff needs to be tweaked a bit, and the mortar is still too powerful but overall its better.
falloff needs to be tweaked but TEAMWORK HASSURGED, NO MORE RAMBO FUCKTARDS, EMPIRES IS GETTING TO IT goal, now all we need is some weapon fixes and itll be great then concentrate on adding in new shit
actually, I think the new weapons DO promote teamwork. rifleman actually being able to protect a squad instead of me an engineer taking out entire average players squads at a time through good positioning and experience is a good thing. I've actually been afraid of groups of enemies now, instead of just taking them all out as i could have before.
Ooh yes lets! How do you do that? I still own people, and i'm not even one of the good ones. You guys always love your drama
We never removed it, we just emphasized it elsewhere (thinking tactically, unless you don't think that's a worthwhile skill). Unfortunately, you are indeed unable to just aim at an enemy regardless of distance and win.
<Recon_>!8ball Do the new weapons in 2.2 make the game no fun? <ChanServ>Recon_: Yes. ChanServ has spoken LOL.
random encounter: 4 meters between us me nfar: 4 bullets in his head, he stays he BE pistol2: 2 bullets hit me im dead awesome...
One person who was really good with a rifleman in 2.1 couldn't win the game. Tactics were used in 2.1 to win. I don't understand why they needed a boost. Bullets travel great distances, if I hit someone from 100 meters in the face, they should drop dead. Why would it be necessary to remove this gaming pleasure? Also to others, an implied opinion is not drama.
I have played with the new patch and guys, the weapons are fine. The engineer has no problem to kill if he gets to shoot first and is close to the enemy with the smg2. I have done it loads of times, taking down three players rapidly if i outflank them and surprises them with smg2. And the riflemen still is superior at ranges, at medium and long ranges the riflemen owns, vs grenadier it could get problems, but it usually takes some shoots for him to zero in and that allows you to either close in to kill him, or run away. And if you close in to kill him and get killed by engineers or rifleman that is with him it is not a weapon balance question, you yust got out played by the other team using combined arms. Also smg stands for small machine guns, these are generally effective at close range, so deal with it if an engineer wins in closecombat if you didn't fire first. Also the riflemen have so many perks to infantry combat so he is already superior. Heavy machine gun with accuracy skill at longer ranges is the best weapon if you are good positioned. And he got explosive grenades which the engineer don't. The Riflemen fills the roll of a medium to long range anti-infantry class with the means to assault enemy positions in close combat if it is done properly and with support. Also irl a mortar platoon wins over a rifle platoon at long ranges... Rifle men needs to close in, and if the mortar platoon are guarded by their own riflemen the assaulting troops need more support and then we are at ordinary military tactics.
What I think is happening is people are pissy that they can't dominate an entire squad with the smg2 anymore.
It takes no teamwork to drop down behind 3 people and full auto them all to death before they know you're there. That is utter rambo that is bad for the mod. Teamplay > rambo != teamplay.
fixed. i managed to do this with 12 (noob) enemies ... that was pure epic pwnage. god, i miss the old smg2.