Quite simple, do you like the new infantry weapons? Give some reasons why. I don't like them, the damage falloff is insane, and they all feel terrible. Along with the fact that everything fires slowly and well, they just feel bad. What about the rest of you?
Horrid, go back to the last version. It was fine the way it was. I've said this before: Don't fix what isn't broken.
it's good to see that BE carbine is a great gun for precise shooting. kinda feels like battle rifle from halo 2. i don't mind any of the changes to the smg's, cause tbh, I never used them. If I was an engineer, I was usually repairing turrets or buildings.
they were modified because they used tricks to fix lag shots. Now that interpolation was fixed with source, weapons had to be redone from scratch. That being said, we have complained about infantry weapons being the way they are the entire time they were being tested : /
Now I can shoot someone with my entire magazine and see more blood than in a Gears of War fanvid without actually getting a kill. This "interpolation was fixed" idea stresses believability. Shooting stationary people is still pretty effortless, but the kill message pops up 0.5 seconds later, oftentimes after I've given up firing because I need to duck for cover. :eek:
Well that clears up a lot as far as why they're so different. If you ask me to fix it... Grenadier: Bring down the radius effect of mortars a bit, shorten the arc and leave the damage slightly less. Rifleman: Increased range and damage, less accuracy. Engineer: Either increased firing rate or accuracy at short range, yet rapidly depleting accuracy over a certain distance away. Testing like this might bring the balance a bit closer to what it was. As it is now turrets and Grenadiers dominate the game. The new BE guns don't scratch up even closely to the NF. Be reasonable and open to feedback when balancing a game, not focusing what you want it to be like.. Heck I'd get machine guns strapped to jeeps if I wanted but I'm not suggesting it am I? As of right now the game balance of empires itself needs to be fixed before any new suggestions come about.
Exactly, why can't we just redo everything, fix a few of the minor issues with guns, and bring everything back so everything feels the same, we can't just get it all back to where it was, but we can keep how infantry combat feels.
Development is a gradual process. Unloading revolutionary, unfamiliar weaponry onto the playerbase for the sake of immediate balance seems like a poor decision. As an infantryman, I find myself as the prey of more grenadiers than ever. If one pops the corner, he can fire off a mortar and retreat faster than I can take off half his damage.
Trouble with nerfing all weapons in a game is that its just no fun. Any sense of acheivement is lost as all you have managed is to randomly splatter the enemy with enough peas to render him unconcious before he randomly splattered you enough to saturate your face into a coma with a mushy green mess. So no, random crappy accuracy with never feel good as there is no skill behind using the guns when it is in play (slight deviation is fine but when its all over the place its a joke). I can almost agree with the damage falloff idea but when its done to such an extreme amount its horrific. And thats before you add the two together. I think many of the devs still claim the new system is beter but i believe the only real way to solve such a major change in gameplay is via open beta so everyone gets a say. As it is, the gameplay will drive away even veterans let alone new players and I for one dont want to see that happen. And dont even get me started on the ranged rifle. I commend the devs on trying such a bold move but imo it fails. Can anyone who likes the new system give an explaination of why? Love this mod, dont break it. plz plz
I shot a guy through his eye with a sniper rifle from the edge of the first platform NF gets across to the back wall of the BE side on escort. Blood splattered, he flew into the wall, and walked away. Highly effective. Highly fail.
I had to resort to using the ranged rifle like a shotgun after 3 headshots on the same guy on escort with no payoff...(intended? haha)
Now you're confusing me. Why were they redone to begin with? Because I take it that something sucks, I'm just not sure which suckitude you're referring to. (Or, indeed, which came first.)
Because of the OB port, there were some issues with the old scripts, things didnt work the same as they did, so they decided to revamp all of them.
I don't think there is much of a problem with them. So the guns can't kill the guys from 5 miles away anymore. that's not a big deal As for the sniper rifle, it's always been like that. Nothing has been changed with sniper rifle except the fact that it no longer takes up stamina.
yes but thats before you take into account the fact that it appears to have the same damage falloff as the smgs... its a sniper rifle, if you headshot someone your gonna wanna see them die. After 3 headshots your gonna wanna see only red mist. This is a gun built for range but as it is you have more success if it had a sharpened stick and a flag with "Bang" written on it folding out everytime you clicked.