emm, since no one cares about the last one... what about giving TD bonus DMG to walls? because i got idea from https://wiki.empiresmod.com/User:Brutos/Wall_Suggestions
It's a Tank Destroyer. Not a wall destroyer... But we do have arty for destroying buildings if infantry or tanks won't work for destroying walls. If the TD could hurt walls significantly too, it may detract from the combined arms intention (and we have plenty of ways to destroy walls) but it might be a concept worth exploring...
How would it detract from combined arms? As for today best ways to destroy walls are using Arty (additional research), using grenadier which isn't effiecent with full-built walls and engineer deconstructing (which makes him completly vulnerable and causes engifights with calculator).
I suggest another synergetic usage of tank destroyer. When a tank gets hit by tank destroyer weapons it will take increased damage from other sources of damage that arent tank destroyers. Basicly putting a - resist to all other damage sources except tank destroyer
Didn't people want that for plasma cannon instead of it's heat to target? Still has the same problem, debuffs like that need to be shown somehow through particles or whatever.
Does it though? Im not sure if theres a consensus about ROF and damage of tank destroyers but what I have in mind is that it would be HIGH damage, low ROF-> The weapon would be really strong -> The impact sound should be really strong. Make the impact sound so distinct that thats your debuff. Maybe a crack in the middle of your frigging screen? Anyway you get the point. I dont think we really need debuffs icon . Bio doesnt have a debuff ico? I think?' You just know you re biod cause of the sound I think or the way your infantry says üghhh"
You don't have to be harsh when someone takes back his previous statement. People are stubborn enough.
That was harsh? I was just trying to understand, I feel like he meant effects and not debuffs judging from his post but he said debuffs for both effects and the actual debuff.
I'd hope for straight damage to hull for armor piercing. This makes light tanks more viable and heavy tanks less viable so, if it is going to be a tank game, there are a variety on the field to counter the TD. [/QUOTE] So, make it sound like a metal shell is going through? I got this.
I gave it a mention less to tell the one getting hit that a bad thing has happened and more to clue in the people shooting at him that now is a good time to shoot at him. Like some way to say that he will take extra damage if you shoot him, or at least that side. It would also be nice for bio in a way, so people know that one side of the armor has the bio effect already, so they should a different side. I know it was mentioned some effect should happen if a vehicle is overheated, like steam rising off it or something too. = I don't mean some icon either, that's a bad way of doing it. It just looks kinda lazy ya know? Smokes, green shit on the armor, sparks flying off it, those are the kinda effects tanks should have to show that it's not just at 100% health all the time. I mean it would be best if the armor could deform or the texture gets drawn over showing damage, but that's really hard to do well, or even half assed.