Yea, and then each TD weapon should be classified as a "new" weapon to prevent noobs from equipping a Standard Cannon into the slot, like arty. Have 2-3 types of armament for it and stick them around in places?
Well, lets get the discussion rolling again. I vote for pure damage to hull as a % of it's max health, to an extent. It will be a unique new weapon that allows the TD to be effective vs tanks but not vs infantry. Any other means just makes it OP vs lights/meds and not heavies.
Summary so far of stuff posted previously As a summary of new proposed stuff so far: 3 new weapons, for TD only currently... -Normal cannon with bonus hull damage per plate of armour. -Shredding cannon to get rid of armour, but little hull damage. -Armour piercing cannon to hit opposite side of the tank too. 2 armours: -Armour that repairs hull as plates are lost. until no plates remain on that side, when hull then takes damage as normal. -Armour with just n% hull damage resist(33%-50%?), so takes longer to kill the hull. Both of these armours are proposed as an alternative to a fixed chassis resist vs TD cannons. And can be equipped on any vehicle.
For my money the "shredding cannon" is probably the best implementation. 4x more damage to plates than to hull would make heavies have to respect it's potential, without making it just eat heavies for breakfast.
The idea was to have multiple... Not just a one... People need variety. They're all pretty unique and effective in their own right... I'm all for other suggestions though. What the tank destroyer needs is something that makes it different to the current vehicles we see. More ideas people!
Let's just ask Harambe what he thinks we should do. But really, I support all of these. They are all unique and provide different styles of play with the tank, along with different ways to counter the heavies, and it allows heavies to counter the TD.
Yes, it needs its own weapons. No crossing with the 'normal' vehicles. Just like the 3-slots MG on APCs. Also I cant find it mentioned in this thread, but please, please no MG on that thing.
What about a cannon that hits x armor plates on the hit side? To be able to use them as support tank.
You mean a cannon that damages multiple layers of armour? That need code support and makes no sense since plates are just HP, no thickness or durability. So one layer with 100 hp equals to 4 damaged layers of the same armour at 25 hp.
Make it take the slot of the aircraft weapons, make it a blue box and rule it a new type of weapon rather than a "cannon" This is why I support an "Armor Piercing" cannon to allow it to deal some hull damage to allow light tanks to out maneuver it and make it so heavies are weak to it.
If a round can penetrate armor, then it can penetrate the hull and injure infantry inside. Look at the effect of APFSDS rounds on armor. Something interesting to add ingame IMO.
Mmm, I know I said what I felt about a lot of things said in this thread so far. About hitting people in the tank itself though... it's kinda novel but it makes me thing of getting bioed and hopping into any vehicle and dying, it's just kinda annoying to be honest. It is like the ultimate sticky stun though, if you can kill the driver then the tank is pretty much stuck til he drives a jeep back. It'd be kinda neat if you could toss grenades into all the open hatches on tanks to insta kill the driver, like a lethal game of basketball. It would feel ridiculous in a more tactical game(mostly because I would assume the hatch would be closed) but high stakes basketball sounds very empires like to me.
If we are getting that AP ammo what about Shredding Ammo? For example: if you hit left armor, you also damage front and back. Something for that supporting role of TDs