Trickster's performance in this historic event will never be forgotten, such dedication and character and stature as only Trickster can offer.
I misread "Angry" as "Empty" like the huge smoldering gay firework dragon was Empty's particles or something.
I saw the comments and watched it. I saw this big fire dragon and it was fairly close to the end, so I thought "awww yeah that's gotta be me". Fuck you Shandy.
"it was [VIPER]Sparky and if he grieifing on the exiled server he was trying to save the mod" Comand'zorz' Asz I don't usually don't grief intentionally but I surveyed the landscape before me and thought, we're losing this fight. I was either gonna hang up my mowtar and uninstall the game or go there and show them that you can't have a server with no admins or plugins or you will have a server full of gap toothed retards all griefing, trying to crash the server, and disrespecting the rules of common decency.
So in your world griefing is A-OK if you are doing it for educational puposes? This isnt playstation, open up the game and take a look at the scoreboard and see those names? Yeah those are actual people trying to play.
Open up the game and take a look at those servers full of 30, 40, even 50 some-odd players right before they go down or timeout due to attacks? Yea, those are actual people trying to play. But thank you, for so brilliantly outlining your ineptitude. By all means, please continue bending over so ExiledServers may ever-so-joyfully continue thrusting themselves into your rear. I don't advocate or condone retaliatory DDoS attacks, but I can certainly understand why players would go to their server, test their limits, and protest their unfair, illegal, and uncalled-for actions against our community. It's not just other server admins/owners either, it's your every-day regular Empires players (some who never have and never would've griefed otherwise). Each time a player griefs or trolls their server, that player casts a vote against their illegal and uncalled-for actions, and against their misguided hatred and server corruption, in favor of servers that promote legitimate competition, player choice, community content, and reasonable deterrence of troublemakers. ExiledServers seeks to offer no alternative to itself, albeit we've been able to uncover some of their methods and defend against their latest attempts to keep our servers offline. The appropriate parties have all been contacted and informed, but the only thing standing between Empires and ExiledServers is the Empires community. Our community, albeit a dysfunctional family, is one of strength, honor, and unmatched dedication to this highly underrated mod. P L A Y, S T, A T, I-O-N $0.02
Dr Rockso, you drank the flavor-aid early and often. You don't seem to realize you were (and are) doing exactly what this mods self appointed nemesis wanted you to do. Do you think they would have left a server you payed for alone? Why don't you spend 200.00 dollars or so a month, not to mention countless hours of community volunteers time in setting up and maintaining a server, and see just how friendly they are. Perhaps you thought you would get admin like Vidkun Quisling did in Norway.
LoL I think I would speak for the main part of the community if I would say: "Fuck off ..." Not that I would say such harsh things ... lol but I will surly do all in my reach to stop the exiled server but I doubt that I will EVER set a foot on that server again anyway, soooooo kthx for your constructive criticism BTW, It's not the first time you defend the exiled server(s), how does that come together? Are you part of "their" group? My condolence ...