This community NEEDS a drama topic. Everytime they lock one, another gets created. As this particular topic has remained relatively civil, it's perhaps better to keep it open for a while Especially since it's rare for so many of us to be standing on the same side. It's like group therapy.
because the accused has asked for us to explain in full from our heart what we have to say and asked the moderators NOT to lock this thread because they want to hear our full opinion, and from freedom of speech we have found out that sadistic gayer and his ass kisser pcwizdan and pcwizdan's ass kisser x13ld(wahtever) are guilty of doing attacks or failing to live up to their server name.
I will lock the topic if you keep accusing other people (i.e. Rockso) of being accomplices just because their opinion doesn't mesh with yours. That concept does not apply here. This is not a government run site.
I don't think Dr. Rockso had anything to do with the attacks, I just wanted him to reconsider his opinion about what people did on that server. I hoped that somewhere between googling flavor-aid and Vidkun Quisling he would have a epiphany about the situation. He is entiteled to his opinion though and I normally agree that griefing is a serious problem. This was more like the civil disobedience of the 60's or the one Chinese guy standing in front of a tank in Tiananman Square. Those people said I think this is wrong and I can't do much but I'm going to do what I can to try and stop it.
Wohoo, first post since registering! Anyway, since the word is out: yes, I know the truth. I was there for the 1st ddos attack on viper's, then [REB]smiley's, and then nacho's. By the 3rd ddos attack, it was clear who was the person attacking the server as it is logged that he would (re)join the server multiple times right before each attack. And that person under the alias.../<Windows automatically restarting your computer for an update without permission.>
It's more like a riot than 'civil disobedience'. Though, I understand. As a volunteer server moderator, once the server is down you're just another one of the I wouldn't begrudge you exercising your only available option. Heck, I have such a low opinion of humanity in general that it would be hypocritical of me to condemn you. So, I leave you with this inspiring note: Onward christian soldier, burn them filthy witches!
I just thought it was a great place to show just how stupid boosting out of the VF was. But it seems normally the empires community doesn't like cameras placed in front of their NF VF's. I don't see it as greifing, but admins taking advantage of the environment to see exactly how others grief their own server and ways to avoid doing it. Without their own server to run, they have nothing better to do, and this server obviously has no admins and none of this "Faggotry" other servers call rules. I think this server did it's part in giving normally law abiding members of the community a chance to understand the mindset of the common griefer without soiling their name in the community.
Thats alot of ranting with no substance. As I have said, I dont see any evidence that the exiled server did anything to anybody, just alot of heresey. I know that it DID happen as I experienced it. And it was annoying. So I went to the other server with people, and every game got griefed. THAT did for sure happen. And it was annoying. There are better ways to handle this sort've thing that involve server logs and cutting through any he said she said bs. How exactly am I bending over for anybody? I dont see any proof, but I saw people acting on suspisions. I dont know anything about exiled, maybe they did do it, maybe they didnt. Pardon me all to hell if I dont automatically roll with mob mentality and accept whatever anybody says about any little hunch they have, I believe in justice, not witch trials. And if it turns out that for sure exiled did do it, I wont appologize for one thing I have said, as I havent said anything beyond "Where's the proof before taking action?" and I'll say it again if the situation ever arrises.
This is the internet. We tend to act moralistically; and buy that I mean punish evildoers in a black and white world.
I'm not defending them persay, and I dont know them from Adam. In fact the more I find out about them, the less I like them and I wont be setting foot in their servers either. I just dislike seeing rumors accepted as fact, especially when its a situation like one online where logs can clear everything right up with no doubt at all. Do you not see how its somewhat counterproductive to suffer attacks and immediately accept heresey to determine who did it? If by chance it wasnt exiled (which seems unlikely after looking into them a bit), then whoever did do it remains free from scrutiny. Possibly waiting to do it again, which isnt good. And Sparky, I cant seem to find anything on google that explains to me how heresey becomes fact without following a concrete chain of evidence, can you possibly drop me a hint and explain to me how this is achieved so that I can begin to inform members of my country's justice system? I am certain that magic would in fact end up saving alot of time and money. Apparently I've been banned from g4t servers for my posts, thats pretty disapointing. I hope people are treated with more fairness if this game ever gets a steam release. Also, I wont fuck off. And if you are ever in the same situation, I'd make the same type of posts on your behalf *Even if my personal hunch was that you were guilty*. Despite your apparent angst towards me and the bannings that were uncalled for since I always adhere to every rule in every game I have ever played in my life.
Right rockso, lemme explain the situation. Empires has 2 mainly populated servers... Viper - US Main - EU These 2 servers alone are enough to handle the capacity of all the empires players atm since its not a hyper populated game. A random person appear (connected to people who are ddos'ers and hackers) and release a server. suddently the 2 most populated servers get DDOS'd to hell while his server remain untuched. Now here is the thing... The empires community doesnt give a little tiny winy flying fuck about this emp_newbie who wanna host a server etc etc, its ONE GUY and he is hosting a UNNEEDED SERVER. Now lets say the chances are 75% that he is connected to the DDOS'ing... hell lets say its 25%, it doesnt matter. Then the whole community doesnt give a fk about if he is innocent or not, this is 1 random guy, the community will not miss him, noone knows him. If he infact IS the ddos'er, then he realise the server wont last (since clanners go in there and grief / get banned... and not having the clans playing there leads to instant fail) and the server gets shut down. If he was connected to the ddos'er, then he will give up and stop eventually. If on the other hand he was NOT the ddos'er, then we lose a random server in the serverlist and a random guy noone know. Boo Fuckin Hoo. Noone gives a shit. Now lets say he is the DDOS'er and noone take action. Then the ddos'ing keeps going... and going... and going... Since he would want his server to be populated he would do random ddos attacks at other servers untill his server is the one being populated all the time. So yea... to put it simple, it doesnt matter if he is innocent. the possible gains from taking action far outweights the losses (like if there is any).
But it doesnt even adequately address the problem. Lets say buddy in question IS the ddoser. %100 certainty, no need for heresey, there is concrete proof. So people grief his server, ddos it, whatever, it goes down, fades away. great victory for all except that the person or persons in question can still attack the other servers, the ability to do so has not been addressed. Imo its better from any perspective to put server logs into the hands of people who can do something to permently stop the attacks rather then just griefing a server (and all of the players on it that are not involved in anything and just want to play their favourite mod) running the owner out of the community and calling it a day.
Rockso this is the Empires community. They shoot first and ask questions later, although I will say the circumstantial evidence is damning. And tbh, on the internet, circumstantial evidence is most of the time what you get. The devs are not condoning griefing or retaliation ddos'ing, that's the best you got.