Sabotage entirely too powerful now

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by TheFoo, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. TheFoo

    TheFoo Member

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    I think it was just a tad bit over done. Drain is too fast and being able to kill a ref faster than any other class seems a bit overkill!
  2. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    have you ever seen an engineer take down a ref properly? IE, throw 7 nades, jump on and decon?
  3. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    it makes up currently for the lack of usefulness of the scout in everything else... slightly
  4. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    yes but engineer is limited, it takes far longer to drop an ammo box and nade down a building than to run up and sab real quick. Also you are limited on how many buildings you can do this to since your ammo box doesnt move with you and has a significant cooldown

    whats happening is scouts are running(or like driving jeeps) around the map just sabbing buildings quickly and immediatly leaving, you simply cannot keep up with them and save all your buildings. Takes far longer to repair a severely damaged building plus the time you spent repairing hes allready to the next building or 3. And if you try to catch him which may or may not succeed all the buildings you didnt go to save will die shortly after.

    1 min of scout driving around killing refs, 10 min of rebuilding all refs, rinse repeat. Takes no effort.
  5. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    how are they getting past the lines?

    don't those noobs place turrets or something? and even then, surely you have these... the gun to use on the scouts until they are dead, right?

    also, you don't need six bases around the map, man
  6. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    not every map is slaughtered or canyon.

    stop talking smack
  7. TheFoo

    TheFoo Member

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    Overpowering sabotage isn't the answer to balancing the scout class.

    Turrets? Come on, this entire post is about sabotage, turrets are useless against a halfway competent scout.

    Guns would work if the opponent couldn't turn INVISIBLE!

    Again, balancing scout is one thing, deciding to completely overpower one part of the class because the rest isn't up to par is ridiculous!
  8. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    Eh, I have been in full corners crouched while rank 3. People still apparently see me all the freaking time and murder me anyway. Hide is only particularly useful for getting past turrets.

    That is besides the point, the sab rate now is high but an active defense can trivially handle it. The only problem is that the game right now almost always has a team completely ignore defense.
  9. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Actually guns are pretty effective, even if you're shooting at an invisible target.
  10. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

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    This feature is so new that obviously people are going to be taken by surprise by it which makes it seem more powerful than it really is. Fact is only one dedicated player with help from 3-4 mg turrets is enough to defend a complete base, catching scouts as scout himself and then going engineer and fix anything the scout sabbed and have time left to build anything else around the base. That's really what a counter is, completely nullify the damage done and then some.

    The only way this does not work is if the scout is good enough to kill the defenders and keep them pinned until the buildings he sabbed go boom, but if that happens it's just a matter of getting outclassed and you can't balance for that.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  11. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    this only works AT a base. Its fairly typical now for a scout to go around the map and kill all the refineries that are not at your base then go for your base. There is just no way to repair the damage fast enough compared to what the scout can do.

    Scout sabs a building 8 seconds or so...
    Engineer with repair upgrade 20 or so seconds.
    the scout only needs to drive a jeep around the damn place sabbing everything in sight. I have played games where we loose because its the other teams idea to attack our main base with tons of lights to attract our attention while a scout goes around and kills the refs. 5 minutes later the enemy owns all the refs and we are stuck with the base ref. A scout should NOT be able to take out things and if the do it should not be soo god damn fast... its just ridiculous.
  12. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

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    People have gotten a bit lazy about refineries and grown into a habit of placing one and then forgetting about it.
    If scouts are sabbing your refineries then send out an engineer to repair or recap if he can't get there in time. There are several refineries that are easily defended (base/choke point/frontlines), these provide the necessary resources required to maintain an attack. The ones lost to sabbing are usually the outlying ones that get little to no attention once placed, these are luxury refineries that should require an effort to hold.

    One caveat is though that the team is large enough (10 people or more) to actually be able to spare that engineer as I agree that the game is somewhat broken resource wise for small teams and not being able to hold the luxury refs with this new patch isn't helping that. But we're not balancing the game for small teams here and a simple fixed resource rate instead of the current dynamic one would solve that problem more easily.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  13. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    But scout can't build a new refinery if the old one is destroyed.
    So engineers are a lot more usefull at this.

    In general I like everything, which makes the scout more usefull.
    I rather liked to see more team based things, like scout can give targets to his squad by only seeing them thru the binoculars.
  14. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    Maybe players should not be able to just rush and grab every ref and expect to hold them without putting down a defensive line or anything?

    I'm with Sneaky. Players should have to defend refs and fight over them -- you shouldn't be able to just rush to a ref, grab it, then forget about it for the rest of the game.

    Also, like -=SIP=- said, an engineer can not only destroy a ref, but replace it. That's a big difference, and the scout can't really match it. I'm fine with the scout being better at destroying refs than an engineer is, given that.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  15. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    Jesus do I gotta fucking spell this out for you?

    Just because the feature is new doesnt mean its the only reason for it to be considered overpowered, its not something new to have someone go around killing your refs but before it takes a significant ammount of time and you get NOTICE that its under attack. And you cant pull your head out of the fucking sand and realize every map isnt drawn with a strait line of battle. Lets look at an example shall we?


    every ref circled in red can easily be sabbed by a scout in a jeep or so, now thats alot of fucking refs. They can sab a whole lot faster than you can fukin build shit. It will keep the res income of the map at a minimum which means oh shit we cant afford anything let alone turrets for EVERY FUCKING NODE.

    and its not like a fucking engineer is going to spawn out of nowhere and go save the ref, fuck hes doesnt even KNOW its been sabbed and about to die, he has to fucking go run up and inspect it to know, "oh theres no attack notice for sabbed buildings??" well by golly george who fucking knew?

    the realilty of the situation is it takes a scout 8 seconds to kill a building. Thats 8 seconds of his active time. You cant even spawn in 8 seconds.

    Its not like people dont want to fucking defend there bases you fucking morons, they dont even fucking know its under attack you twits. So stop calling everyone else fucking morons and pull your god damned heads out of the sand. You cant always afford to throw up a defense around all your ref, you rely on player response, but you have no notice and scouts can do too much damage to fast to respond.

    heres a simple equation you guys cant seem to get to sink in, no money = no buildings or vehicles = no defense. Oh really george? again who fuking knew?

    "you shouldn't be able to just rush to a ref, grab it, then forget about it for the rest of the game." gee isnt that what the fucking scouts are doing? running in, grappin a ol' sab on it in 8 seconds and driving off and forgeting about it? gee didnt you just defeat YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING POST with that comment.

    talking with you guys is just frustrating, you just keep talking about things that dont add up. Please THINK before you post an illogical post here again? I dont wana hear anymore about having people defend refs they dont even know are being attacked, its just asinine and makes you look like a fukin idiot.
  16. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I did the same as engineer every time I played isle and I wanted to win.
    The only difference as scout is that it takes like 5 sec less and i cant wallspam
    the refnode.
  17. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    oh I do that same thing an engy, run around kill ref, for sure. But like I said earlier you have restraints as engy, with unable to move your ammobox. A significant cooldown on your ammobox. AND the enemy gets notice that your attacking it. Hell in the time it takes an engy to kill 2 of the refs a scount can sab like 4 or 5 and be cruisin for some more.
  18. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    I, for one, pretty much assent to most of what keef is saying. IMO if they want to use the scout as he is they need to remove his sniper rifle, remove his binocs (both useless), and call him the 'saboteur' class.
  19. flounder

    flounder Member

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    I'm ignoring the replies this post and simply agreeing to the posted topic. This is what happens when you randomly change script values w/o testing. Two thumbs way down on the new scout.
  20. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I agree with the pickled guy.

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