YAY. I like this topic. Tho I feel sad if one artist is prefered over another. you guys should collaborate if possible.
I'd love to collaborate but it could cause some problems and delay. I'm currently trying to make a few tracks, I hope to make them sound better than my previous tracks. They're still not good enough. I prefer to call them drafts. But it's very hard to get it to sound just right. I have listened to several artists but I'll just keep an eye on this thread and pop-in from time to time to help you guys. I have to tell you that the tracks have been delayed for a long time. I still haven't got a lot of time for Empires but I will try to realize a track I have in mind as soon as possible. I still have to work it out though. The ideas aren't connecting to eachother yet. Which means that I can only make tiny tracks with no real emotions or story. I want it to at least contain a bit of emotion. A bit of life. But that makes the ideas conflict with eachother so I have to get everything straight again. The point is that I am working on new tracks but I haven't got a lot of time to work on them. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in a collab project then please PM me.
Collaborating could be a bit complicated, because everyone surely have their own tastes and styles.. even equipment. Music made with different kind of samplers and virtual instruments ain't gonna sound the same when it's played with another kind of system. But as long as we're working in midi environment it's possible, to some degree, to work as a team. It takes more time than individual songs, though. But it's possible to try. Then everyone should just take somekind of a role, though. It's worthless if everyone just makes epic orchestral songs that can't be put together in anyway. I'd say that I could do industrial stuff to already existing orchestral themes: drums, bass, guitars, sound effects.. Also, I run a soon-to-be-professional mixing studio, so I could do that stuff, too... But then again, it's nicer to actually own the rights to a whole song instead of just a part of it. Taking credit alone for something that has been made as a team is just stupid and I don't want that. Working with people you don't know is always risky in that sense. Just posting to keep the discussion alive and all available options in mind
you guys just decide on a division. One takes BE one takes NF. I say Anicator gets BE and Wer gets NF. and make like 10 songs with conflicting themes. Just because the currnt tracks only number like 5 dosent meant you have to.
That could work. I'd say, let's try it. It can take long to make 10 tracks though because I play in 2 bands and run my studio, but I'll take it as an opportunity. Hope you don't mind, if it takes some time. One new track is almost done. Still some work to do, though. Btw, how many people are now seriously making some music..? I recall there being more than 2 of us willing to help. Edit: NF is fine for me as I kinda like it more than BE. And maybe my style suits NF better, who knows.
I think a single general soundtrack would be a better investment than creating two separate ones, and having to worry about whether or not your music is faction-specific enough. Everybody who offered to create music is listed on the wiki
Ok. The less there are things to worry about the better, I guess. Ok. Nevermind, I just realized the status sections there.
Each artist was already handleing there tracks in a style that complimented one faction over the other. I just paired them with there best match.
Building an Empire (Pre-Game Voting Period Track) Hello everyone, Epic tracks are in the making but let's calm down first and listen to a subtle track. I like this track a lot but I don't think it should be played in-game. Feel free to suggest anything. I just want to make this clear, it is quite hard to make a good epic track. Download Building an Empire (3.9MB,192kbps) - AniCator PS: This track will be part of my second Empires album named 'Empires: Cloak'. It'll be better than the first one.
Thoughts etc etc etc I agree. The newest version sounds pretty darn good. Some minor tweaks and adding a bit more dynamics to it and it would probably be good to go... The good news for MIDI is that most classical music is not only free of copyrights (for the most part) but usually available in midi format. Real samples etc. at http://www.classicalarchives.com/ for and MIDIs can be found at a site like http://www.kunstderfuge.com/ Classical music, especially orchestral pieces, will feature some of the 'epic' sound you're looking for (though you may need to do some keyroll editing to get a decent distortion guitar in :p ). Just a thought, as it could cut down your midi creation time considerably and most modern melodies have probably already been implemented somehow in classical before.
Bring It On (snippet) <- Epic Track In The Making Hello everyone, Here's a small snippet of the intro of the new track I'm working on. Download Bring It On (snippet) (0.7MB,192kbps) - AniCator
Yes I was originally asked to do the music but I hate making music whens its like a job. I just paint sounds the way I want for fun and my own satisfaction. But I really like this AniCator guy. Hes the legit choice in my mind coming from another musicians perspective.