I've gotten http://www.dannthr.com/ to lower his rates to $100 a minute. that gives us 4 30second clips of professional music to better empires image for $200. If empires decides to do this it would need donations. If any one wants to contribute please say how much. Or if you can find a cheaper volenteer go right ahead.
I had a high distinguish medal in australia's high school composing competition... i only didnt win because people liked rock tracks better than a full string ochestra, which is what i did. Gimme a month or so, when i finish traveling, i will send a test piece over for public evaluation.
If it didn't cost anything, i'd be willing to listen to it and see if I liked it. but $100 a minute isn't worth it.
It doesn't sound worth $100/min. For that price, I want to be unable to tell that they're synthesized instruments. Nothing will ever beat the price I paid for the Empire title screen theme (free) and the quality that came with it (awesome).
its a great offer, and make sure to thank him for it vessboy, but as some have said before, its kinda costly
I'm a composer AND an empires player, so basically I could do something like this for free as I play Empires myself. If I felt like doing it. For that price, you can only get what you pay for. If you do music for money, then I surely sounds like it was made to get paid, not unique in anyway.
I find it hard to take such an offer seriously... only two minutes of music? I would love to hear anything you produce, and I'm sure many other people feel the same way. I like that your heart is creatively pure, and I have no doubt you would do us proud with your musical talents. I like the idea, but I think it should be done in a way that all songs deemed to fit the Empires theme should be accepted. There are many ways to incorporate a playlist of variable size with no maximum. In this way, we only have to decide which are "good", and not which are "best" (potentially damaging some pride).
I appreciate your words. If there would be a contest, I'd be happy to be part of it, because I love making music. But there ain't anything wrong with the music that is already in the mod. I like the way those songs create atmosphere that suits Empires perfectly. I'd still take part in the contest. Edit: One thing this kind of a contest would need is time. If you put a strict deadline, the music will suffer from being made in a hurry.
Our current music tried to get the feel of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_G6QbeZVqk But failed. It's bizzare how much this music fits empires.
our music mimics the style's sound. But is composed with out the expression. They fail to inspire emotion or thought. as music goes, thats fail. Our opinios may differ, But ours is uninspireing