Poor attendance of the Official 1.08 server

Discussion in 'Archive' started by eth0, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Caggers

    Caggers Member

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    I don't play very often for two reasons: first being I get really tired of the arguments between players and between clans, including my own. I've had to try and play peacemaker several times just so I can get on with a game. I love empires, its my favourite mod but so many people in this community have bad feelings toward each other, which is a shame, because having got to know alot of you, I know that you are all really nice people. I know that im not completely innocent myself as i have got into arguments before with people.

    The second reason is that I have Windows Vista Business (32-bit) and it crashes an awful lot in empires, generally when loading a new map. Thats why I love the flag maps, because they DO take a long time to play (when both teams have good players, not stacked) and can't be LT rushed like all the other maps seem to be lately.
  2. picard131

    picard131 Member

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    Good lord, man, you're right! Whar's our RC fifteens?
  3. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Well aren't you two a bit behind. :P
  4. picard131

    picard131 Member

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    Oh, wait. There it is. On my comp.

    *goes prone*
  5. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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  6. grayclay88

    grayclay88 Banned

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    I can't fucking join the server.
  7. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    I don't play cause I know its gonna zap 2-3 hours easily and that might just be 2 maps may only be 1 if they are the infantry type. At times this game can be incredibly fun and keeps me glued to playing it for the whole day/on and off all weekend.
    On clan stackage... its not clan stackage its skill stackage that is what makes. It is obvious that clan members want to play on the same team, but when other clans join the same team that is not a good sign for enemy. But its not just clan members, its clanless regulars, they know whos good and try to get on their team every fricken map they end up on the same team...could just be their friend and their chummin around. But I have seen ,and I'm sure I 've participated in it albeit rarely, where one team will have multiple clan members+ regs maybe 1or 2 noobs, when the other side has maybe one or 2 clan peeps (+ clan dosn't = good all the time, ie I suck) , maybe some regs and then noob city. I like noobs I was one and still am in relatively but a team full w/o experienced players = death and boredom this is where its stupid some maps 5-10 mins maps over, map change. Another long pause then do it again. Now if your being stacked against and just get totally anihilated every map for 2-3 maps it becomes boring. Boring= death for a game.

    Ditto On the fact that I don't play this game for the infantry maps, they are cool in their own way but not why I play empires. And this is still a concern for me. It bothers me when after 2-3 maps I've spent all my time running around on foot on these giant assed maps getting refs building stuffs, fending off tanks, whatever and never drive a tank the whole time as resources on some maps are too low to keep everyone in a tank including peoples like me who sux in a tank. But I get bored of getting run over, or shooting the same large tank for ever with mortars and him being able to fix it quicker than i can get more ammo. I realize that many people like the game play as it is , as do I and have found a nich outside of a tank and have fun either way... But when I started empires it was all about the tanks. And a huge part of it still is about the tanks. The Artillery, blowing things up. Not shooting them with magic guns. There were a few servers I used to play 1.7 on that gave more res/faster research. Then I didn't have the reservations about getting a tank and getting it blown up and spawning and getting another tank as there was so much res thats all people were doing. That is unless they wanted to / prefered to go do something else. Then the getting a he tank w/ coolant and armor didn't take for ever and it's always a pain when forever never comes.
    But I would imagine once dedicated servers are up and would be able to control the map rotation ie voting or pre voted rotation/team balance along with training the mob so it at least TRYS to be civil. Things will get better.

    But theres also times where I stop playing when my cpu crashed... It could just be that it can lock up peoples computers... I'm fine when a game crashes and I can return to windows...but when it brings the whole whale down then the boat sinks yah?

    :headshot: Theres my essay... that was messy
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2007
  8. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    whoa.... For those who saw momo's post and decided not to read it, well played.
    Clan stackage isn't the problem nearly as much as skill stackage is.
    Infantry Maps take too long and they are on too often
    Tanks cost so much as a percentage of total resources that there's no room to waste them, which takes away the fun from driving because the stakes are so high.
    Tanks are also hard to kill
    Faster res/research is more fun
    Crashes aren't very fun.
  9. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Synopsis mebbe?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2007
  10. Awrethien

    Awrethien Member

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    Just a thought though about seeing people on rairly is that when people are on late at night they are good. No n00bs to be seen.:cool:
  11. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I play now and then, but usually leave because I'm a bad loser and provoke a whole lot of flaming.
  12. Bag Of Minge

    Bag Of Minge Member

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    Hello i am new.
    But anyway i do play, it is just that
    1. You can't make your own server
    2. The currant server is on the wrong side of the ocean (i am australian) so i can't get on, because it is not here.
  13. L3TUC3

    L3TUC3 Member

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    1. Why would you want to play by yourself?

    2. Europeans can get on the server, yet is on the wrong side of the ocean for them! Australia must have some sort of anomalous one way internet connection I suppose, because I can read your message yet I'm not in Australia!
  14. cHoCoBo lOl

    cHoCoBo lOl Member

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    im new as well, but i do play, every day

    i was using my brother's name earlier...

  15. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I hate you, Vroom.
  16. cHoCoBo lOl

    cHoCoBo lOl Member

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    i know, i do verily muchly know
  17. cHoCoBo lOl

    cHoCoBo lOl Member

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    but this is his little brother
    the one that pisses people off with jeeps...
  18. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    :D Roger That! + Explosions, Blowing things up = fun
    Perfect :) Thanks Knight <BOWS> Hmm... Could you do that for the bible:confused: :) Thats what killed me on my speeches always running too long but my essays :rolleyes: .

    Also few other :) in synapsized form.
    Also I'd guess to say that 1/2 of the community is on the other 1/2 of the time zone. Before this 1.08 server I hadn't really played with anybody from the European servers. Times just don't always line up.
    Com Bashing sux and is embarassing,,
    And simply I wont join if an infantry map is on server and no one cause theres nothing to do... unless you put in a target range for target practice??

    I to have seen 9 10 peeps on forums but 0 on server. I tried using the send message thing but I guess theres no pop up for that.

    This is a kick ass game that I've been addicted to since ...I dunno 1.7ish time few months b4 1.73 came out. When was that? Duno, but when 1.08 came out it simply rocked my world and the only reason you hear me in your minds complaining about this vonderbar game is cause I'd be geeked to think input like these contributes to the greater good round heya:|ove:

    This is a high stakes game , takes high output to be competetive. I'm not always up for poping nodoze pills with diet coke chasers ALL THE TIME:headshot:
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2007
  19. Hikuso

    Hikuso Member

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    Meh, i KNOW i should atleast download rc 15 and try it out.... but, prone....

    I find it hard to belive i'll like it, doen't seem empiresy ;)

    Also, stop stacking my team (you know who you are)
  20. Aranjedeath

    Aranjedeath Member

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    Id have to comment on the attendance as well.
    I when i started reading this thread it was about 4 pages. I am now posting and it is 8.
    when your all bored and notice things like this, go and play.
    I have to go to bed now, but i commend you all for a valiant effort keeping emp not alive so much as on(like a computer).

    *edit* and now im on the 9th page - lol
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2007

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