Poor attendance of the Official 1.08 server

Discussion in 'Archive' started by eth0, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    This thread sure as hell doesn't apply to me; even if no one's one, when I feel like playing I join and at the very least, go afk until someone else shows up. Or practicing jeep racing, getting used to commander interface, or any number of things.

    When there are a fair number of people online (8+), I like conquest maps SO MUCH MORE then any other type. But when there are few people on, I do enjoy the other game types.

    As long as SOMEONE is playing empires, be it 1.07 or 1.08 RC, I wouldn't be too concerned about whichever server is full vs. empty. After all, when the RC goes public, it won't matter at all. And there is still plenty of community feedback; the RC forum is on fire, most of the time.

    I will say this, however. If you ARE playing on the 1.07, and there are newbies around, for GODS SAKE, try and accommodate them. If they need to know about gameplay, explain it to them. If the teams are skill-stacked, even them out. DONT just pwn them until they leave; that's the perfect way to make them never want to play the game again. This is an issue I feel is so important, I could almost make a thread about it.
  2. pickjaoe

    pickjaoe Member

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    Point in case, using the BE AR 1.07 version against a server full of new players. It just makes them mad and never want to play again, so don't do it.
  3. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    Amen, pickajoe. Amen. I honestly think the RC forum needs an "Appropriate behavior for senior members" guide, and get it stickied. Not everyone seems to realize that there are a HELLUVA lot of tactics that they've picked up over time, or how much better they are then the new players. YOU GUYS are all the diplomats for this mod; your behavior will directly effect how popular it is. If you make the game not fun, people will leave accordingly. If that means letting the newbies pwn you for a few minutes before ruining their shit with a LT rush, so be it.

    If that means going spectator and taking a few minutes to explain the commander interface, do it. RTFM is fun to say, but it doesn't help anything.
  4. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Empires has constantly had arguments between the senior members... Many people sometimes get caught in the crossfire; though thankfully they have been very rare theese past months...

    Behaviour is another thing entirely. People sometimes get too worked up and think of Empires of something more then a game. Also getting compleatly blown of the face of the Earth by veterans over and over again isn't fun. You complain of playing with nubs, but the nubs complaing of playing with veterans... Be generous, take a nub under your wing, I don't care how many times you tried to teach or how bad your day was, treat other players with respect...
  5. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    damn straight!
  6. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I always say, that if you can explain the what and why of what you are doing without anger or frustration, people will either help you improve, or they'll respect you.

    The problem when confronting someone with a big ego is that around half of that ego is well-earned when we usually only see 100% or 0%. Either you're a complete idiot or I am, 100%.

    It doesn't help on the internet, and it doesn't help when someone is bugging you to get Research and place turrets and control a couple fronts and build them an APC

    I propose, instead of promising to be nice to newbs, promise to stop other people when they aren't nice to newbs. I'm unsure if I really need to explain this more.
  7. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    I only do things when I feel like it.

    Also, playing district/glycen all the time gets boring after a while.

    Alsoalso, I got tired of all the political bs and clans taking themselves, super seriously so I've kinda grown a slight resentment towards the community.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  8. Aurora

    Aurora Radiating love, empathy and maternal instincts

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    I don't play because there usually aren't other players on the server, or the map is way too big for a few players.

    But it is more than just a game :gasmask:
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  9. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    I must say that when the map went to duststorm the other day, it was one of the best games I've seen in a while. Classic maps are the key, methinks, but with small player numbers they can be too large.

    I agree completely with BL about the whole ambassadors thing. You don't have to let them win, just go easy on them if you can see they're struggling.

    There's a lot of pressure on a relatively small number of players at the moment. I can guarantee that player numbers will pick up after public release, and so the pressure will become less too.
  10. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I don't play now because i have a job for 2 weeks, after that, we'll see. A classic citymap would be good though, but the size scares off most mappers trying the idea.
  11. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    same here...
  12. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    Well i'm glad we've had a good amount of feedback regarding this subject, i was personally curious for the "why" at an academic level, and it was mentioned that many players could be busy with exams/education etc but interesting that there have been some specific and common points raise thus far.

    Most interesting is the map-type issue; personally the only issue i've and other have have universally expressed is the use or availability of the nuclear-based weapon on emp_escort. To fully appreciate this i've played both nuke-whore and NF-fodder recently and for what i think is a good map this really is the party-killer making the map a simple BE-nuke-whore walkover+final APC-spawn-rush.

    Your point, while i'm sure as you've indicated controversial, is valid nonetheless. It would be a real shame that stacking by any clan was killing player numbers as regardless of clan, clanners are by definition the main-stay of any community as to be honest i regular hope on the BSID 1.07 server to try and encourage a few i know to have 1.08 to join.

    As an impartial player, being an ex-BSID, i believe this certainly was the case up until recently. I know that Thor is again actively trying to arrange clan practices and holding them on the Official 1.08 when possible.

    As for me, i try to play only on the 1.08 server but sit in spec until there's at least 8 players, less than 4v4 makes for a pretty pitiful game regardless of the map :/
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  13. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    Where can I put my signature here? ;) I Absolutely agree with this.

    But there's another simple reason too. I just don't have enough time to play as much as I would like.
    If I want to play and have time to, I just enter the empty server and wait 30 min. or so, and there are at least 6 more players in.
  14. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    This thread makes me very sad. I expect it makes everyone sad. this is a very trying period. we just have to stick together, work out what we're going to do.

    I propose we double the PUGs up to twice a week, one on a tuesday perhaps; people who enjoy the game don't want to be waiting a week before getting their fix, plus, lots of people go out of fridays.
  15. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    They all surprisingly take too much time to finish. Just like Combat maps for NS, its a nice change to play a less serious game after a long game on a classic map.
    But as it is now im experiencing the complete opposite, classic maps end quickly and out of 3 hours playing I spent 2.5 playing conquest.

    Its great to play different gametypes with a game you're comfy with and adds a lot of different experiences, still classic maps is what makes this game a lot more fun to play than any commercial game out there imo.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007
  16. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    I have to say i too felt a bit of reservation making this thread, but i though that it could be productive in garnering opinions, so chin up, it's not that bad!

    This is, howover, is a positive thing that i'd like to participate in.
  17. REX

    REX Member

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    Well I always face empty servers a few times a day........ that is indeed sad, but what is even more strange is that after a failed attempt I usually look at the forum and see 9-10 people online ?

    We need an instant mass message saying HEY do you want to PLAY ?
  18. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    well if we get rid of flag cap maps or convert em leave glycen.. i love that map
  19. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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  20. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Agreed. Usually when I see district or escort are being played I don't join. They take FOREVER to play. Usually they are ended on a ticket win which means forever and ever.

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