Looking great though Devourawr. I'm going to refrain from posting too many crappy comments before we get to see the complete picture. As it is now any change in art style will look 'wrong' against the rest of the HUD. As far as I can tell the reworked UI elements at least stand out enough to be clearly visible and that's all I really care about
Spoiler: Devourawr actually i understood you right but stated it wrong - sry (spawn icon still is part of the hud - more accurate the "spawn map" part of it - but declaring it would have prevented the issue!) still, 3d icons as hud/spawn icons are a bad idea - just play cnc renegade, while great indicators ,they obstruct to much! - it worked there because the building pos are prebuild, but in empires you can place 2 rax side by side - tough you can limit the actual button size or resize the whole icon small enough to not overlap - but why not just make a simple & maybe animated one? :-) but as always, thats just a small, fastly&poorly written suggestion - don't feel to much offended by it but there more importand parts that need to be focussed on(you know what i'm refering to) - so as long you not just writing "SPAWN" on the map, i'm sure you find something "matching"/"coherent" to the rest of the hud!
I never saw isle with a volcano in the center. For some reason I really like that idea. What are those pluses suppose to mean anyway? I would have thought it means it's a medic weapon but clearly not the case here. Just that you can click it for more options? Looking fine though, I don't have any complaints.
exactly, probably from additional options. but maybe a downward arrow (like a 'v') would be more comprehensive, in the end thats what is often used for dropdown lists or 3 points (...) or 3 lines above eachother like the menu symbol on smartphones? also to me it feels like the icon should be on the right, dunno why.
@Lazybum @flasche (npost.de) I didn't even notice the volcano in the centre, but it might actually have way more playability with it blocking a lot of the centre access - currently half the little hills on isle go completely ignored. It's essentially an open map - squads have to be everywhere at once in their coordinates and it's just too unmanagable when there are 2 tiers that require ladders if you don't have 64 players. I can't move the icon beyond a few pixels, that would require code support. All it means is you can click it for more weapon/grenade options. That's what it's always been. I could make it a "v" but I'm not sure that it would be any more comprehensible. I could make it cover the side angle, if you think that would help. Example image to follow.
Obviously it wouldn't be switzerland coloured and would look way nicer, but you get my meaning. I have to push within the next 45 minutes so respond fast
Devourawr, did you set these flags on your VGUI icons? http://imgur.com/a/A4PUK They ensure the icons are always rendered at highest quality regardless of texture settings.
Yeah, that was an issue I found with the old icons. Mine have no mipmapping and LoD is always off, in RGBA8888, whereas the old ones were DX5
sorry devourawr, but the weapon icons are still worse than the old ones - i can't tell on 1 sight if the scoped rifle is that or a heavy rifle - the image is just to blurry and the weapon doesn't stick out of the background - would be nice if you can rework that - maybe play with lighting ;-) the new grenade icons are great, much better than that "always the same" special icons like armor or binocculars are good too - though the armor is a bad joke if you look at the files (rifleman has 0.1 resi, gren 0.3 ) and the binoccular is to unknown and useless atm that it would be worth mentioned xP - but thats not your fault, i just want to say that it looks good so far (despite the weapon icons ofc) ...and that much "inner glow" effects... but i personally no friend of glow effects so subjective :-/ (i always deactivate such options like bloom and other unreasonable lighting effects!)
Posting this here because it feels like the most relevant place. After seeing this in game I'm not a huge fan of the glow on weapons in the infantry screen, it gives everything a faded holographic look. Kinda looks blurry too. I like my crisp lines after all. Also after seeing the vehicle weapon icons I would like for the 3 slot bio ml to have a glow on it, it keeps it consistent with all the other bio weapons. Everything else is nice.
I like the new research icons however all of the chassis have the heavy tank icon. Would be cool if they could each have the icon corresponding to their chassis.
I plan to make research much more individual, the only reason all the tanks use that icon is because only 1 icon is pointed to from the scripts. Keep in mind that icon used to be an arty tank You know, I've recently started to feel that the glow is a bit shit due to the massive difference between the BE/NF glow. I'm starting to think making the glow black so it gave a shadow effect might look nicer. It'll be edited in the future, I'm sure. I would like to have at least something on the edge of the weapon to break it up though - at such a small res, it needs something to distinguish it from the background. Good lad.
You know what, I just did some number tweaking and changed the glow to black and I think I've been convinced. Something always looked off about the weapon icons to me and this seems to have been the problem. They look much cleaner and stand out far more. I'm not perfect, please forgive me. If I can change them before they go into the patch I will, if we have to wait a month for the next patch, then sorry.
I like the glow, except for NF. However, I feel like this could be fixed if the HUD was NF themed. How I see it currently, the theme is very BE oriented. It looks good for BE, it fits. For NF, it doesn't. If you can, I'd recommend splitting the HUDS for each team. Also another suggestion, for research icons that have a subtree (IE the main chemistry branch, improved detonation compounds, etc), make a symbol that indicates it has a subtree. Lots of people aren't going to know about the new 3 slot weaponry because the icon doesn't indicate that the research goes further.
You are correct. However, we can't have separate HUDs, it just would take hundreds of man hours to code and design and many, many, many more to bugfix. We hardly have enough to change what's already there as it is, let alone take on more effort. What I can do is make the NF weapons NF themed, however that might break with the rest of the HUD too much, and Empires has always been blue. NF just sorta gets shafted. What do you mean by that second part? There is a subtree symbol - the box with the arrows coming out of it.
Yeah, but the 2slot weapons don't have that, they have a weapon icon. And it goes from 2slot->3slot yet there's no indication of that. Black outline is nice, but I kinda have to see it ingame to know how it really looks. Was the old chassis icon arty? I thought I was copying the be Med. Oh well, it was meant to be a quick job anyway.