Official "Your HUD sucks and you should feel bad" Thread

Discussion in 'Art' started by Devourawr, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Alright, so I'll scrap the designs. I'll make some variations tonight - I have some ideas that make it far more obvious, without resorting to size.
    We can't do animated at this point in time - perhaps a good thing, or I would make EVERYTHING fucking jump around spinning. Nobody wants that.
    I have the minimap icons and will be redoing them soon.

    By the way, what do you guys actually want me to work on? That is feasible, Blackred. I've remade the commander overview icon, so it's easier to tell where he is looking and smaller, and messed around with the infantry icon to be a ball with a point, but I don't like the latter - perhaps we'll keep the arrow.

    Any minimap icon suggestions will be read. Also make some paint icons to illustrate what you mean.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
    blizzerd likes this.
  2. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    Oh, if you are done with icons I guess you should start working on remaking these menus
    and submenus, becase thing needs serious revamping (squad menu, vehicle menu...)
  3. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    google/search for "radar icon" and you can find plenty of inspiration for a better matching radar icon ;-)
    (simple but effective)

    why you would mess up with animations? - they are suprisingly simple to do with vtf edit or doable with the plugin for your favorite picture/texture editor ;-)
    (click me)

    why you want to rework commander icon?, the only problem with it is the fact that it lags sometimes ;-)
    (and that it isn't resizing - you have no idea what the com actually can see! - but idk how that could be fixed with a resizing trapezoid frame like at RTS games - propably could cause even more lag with the icon :-/)

    and yea, please keep the infantry icons! :) (also the star for squadleaders)
    (never change a running system - if theres nothing to fix, don't touch it!)

    you could fix the wrong positioning of the mine counter :P
    (sorry dude, but it's freaking anoying at playing gren)
  4. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    The commander icon currently is confusing, huge, and can cut into many things at once making everything else far less visible. This is the general concept I'm playing around with - a fading out vision representation. Look at B2


    Kindly ignore the other icons - the minimap scaling means everything is blurry and shit and nothing there is going to be done. I'm probably going to leave the icons unchanged, with the exception of cameras which are a little confusing.
  5. Awpolt

    Awpolt Member

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    Over-sized Icons are never a great thing. Keep it simple, yet effective. The fading part is interesting, though.
    BlackRedDead likes this.
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    everything looks so cartoony.

    i didnt like empty's achievement icons for this reason either, but it wasnt like it was in the game. i've been trying to put my finger on what exactly it was that was bugging me about this, but i only found out why just now. its definitely that it looks "drawn" rather than an actual icon
  7. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    well, different view... - but idk how your new "fading" com view icon works in conjunction with others, potentially "overlaping" importand icons!
    but it's just to small, also some sort of confusing if you come freely from an RTS game and think that is your position because of that ;-) (yea slap me for that example, but it's just true that small details can change your mind for a moment!)

    the only issue i have is the same color, i would suggest to change color of the actual commander icon to yellow or green (because yellow is indicating authority, but already used for unbuild buildings! - green because the commanders name is displayed in green aswell, but also used for squad... maybe a light purple for both name and icon?) for both teams (you see them only at your team anyway!)

    actually i wonder what resolution you are playing at, my minimap never looks so cluttered!

    also whats that "white fading ring with black frame"?

    but another icon i surprisingly like is your ref icon^^, tough it doesn't really match empire'verse but it is quite commonly known for what it stands (maybe not every young child in the EU, we haven't such oil-pumps here!^^) and does indicate it better than the actual icon (idk, but wasn't that the old one anyway?)

    but the engineer camera/radar icon could use a better one btw ;-)
  8. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Vos facitis opera deorum, Devourawr
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  9. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    i launched the game for the first time in a while. the hud looks better and doesnt blend into the map. so good job on that. nothing looks too out of place (f menu aside). grenades still have that issue with the ammo but im sure its known. few things beside that:
    the turret health indicators still have that problem with the blending into the map though. might have forgotten about that. also the health bar doesnt match the one for infantry health.
    a kinda like that the turret bar extends to the end of the screen, can the one below do that instead of it sorta poking out?

    on a side note: omg i love this forum software. i just copied this section from a screenshot and then pasted it into quick reply with no issues
  10. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    I think you misunderstand, I was referring to the OLD commander icon. This new icon is half the size.

    Anyway, I went about making the spawn selections physical representations of the barracks but then realised this will make 0 sense on infantry maps where there are no buildings. Here is what I had. I also don't know why that guy is a different colour to everyone else - he wasn't a squad leader or anything special. If anyone knows please tell me.

    new spawn selection2.jpg
  11. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Here are the new HUD icons. Please place them in vgui/hud and test them out. I won't be able to work on Empires for another month, so this is it for now. Enjoy! They're much nicer than the crap I've been messing around with the past week :P

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  12. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    MHMMM that slight blurr on edges and nice color palette
    The only thing that looks weird is the recycle icon (too white?)
    and what is restrict.vmf for?
  13. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    You know how I can tell you haven't played with them in game? Because recycle is SUPER green, it just gets an in-game overlay :P
    Restrict is the icon which shows on areas where you can't place turrets. Think District
  14. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    Yup, I posted before playing the game (and restrict reminded me of restricting VF)
    Also, what about adding text in the restrict icon then? Because I've seen many players asking why you can't build turrets in places, [You cannot build here] or something
  15. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    the circle looks worse. it has transparency issues (very visible on the teal icon)
    a red icon usually indicates something that isnt allowed. a red revive icon means you cant revive

    devawrawr ignores my posts anyway so who cares what i write here
  16. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    What teal icon? Please elaborate on the transparency issues though, perhaps I missed something.

    I'm going to pretend that second part is sarcasm because that's the dumbest shit I've ever red. It's ALWAYS been red. Empires has always had a code overlay making it red. You think people see the current revive icon and just walk the fuck away because "oop, that dude in the circle is red, guess he can't be revived"? Humans aren't dictated by traffic light colours. Cannons are red. You think nobody uses cannons for that reason? Or how about people playing NF, do they look at the minimap and do a fucking backflip because there are ENEMIES LITERALLY EVERYWHERE THEYRE SO RED. rant over
    Avatarix and BlackRedDead like this.
  17. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    the color on the circle in the screenshot you posted above. the one you didnt know why they were a different shade (they have revive). outside of the black circle are little pixels of that teal color. its also on the other regular players but its more noticeable on that specific one it probably has to do with you shrinking your original icon down so the transparency/fade of the icon is all messed up

    well you're redoing all the icons anyway so why not color coordinate the actions they represent?
  18. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Oh yeah, you're definitely right about that. To everyone else, like I said above, ignore those improv minimap icons, they're garbage. Yeah, that icon was supposed to FIX the transparency issues you see on the arrows and other icons (obvious on the left hand side of every icon) but they're scaled down from something fuckhuge like 512x512 to 8x8. I don't know why that is and will be looking into it further to see if we can up the quality.
  19. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    but to be fair, that explains why BE is so often stacked! :P
    (unless i play BE, then it's NF - maybe because i have "Red" in my name" - damn that must be a causality!!!)

    psychologic study reveals that ppl wearing red have an advantage over ppl wearing blue btw
    (in empires it is actually black/dark grey against beige/brown)

    the 3d rax? - yea, nice idea and would be cool for imaged buildmenu's ;-) - but as hud icon they are to much! - keep simple and easy indicating icons :)
    but why you need to downscale them from freaking huge 512²px to 8²px? - doesn't it use mipmaps?
    you could fix the icons, downscale them manually and add them as mipmap ;-)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  20. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Ich verstehe that sometimes you have problems with reading posts but please, you really have to try harder - it's very tough to have to constantly spell everything out for you in particular. The raxes are not HUD icons - they do not display on the minimap. They only show on the spawn selection menu, where the blue circles currently show.

    Sadly they do not use mipmaps.

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