Get absorbent. Rail gun issue solved. Amazing, seems like we don't need to nerf BE heavys now. About NF barracks being huge, I'm fine with it being slightly taller than the BE barracks but slimmer to build... but it is so tall. You can't wall around it to defend it like you can with BE barracks... so that needs fixing.
lol, have u ever played NF? absorbant doesnt help at all. u loose armor nearly as fast as with any other armor. even with 6 absorbant plates u loose armor pretty fast. absorbant has also a big disadvantage - rockets do much dmg.
Absorbant is much cheaper than composite though, so you can churn out tanks much faster, which is a major advantage if you play the game without stupid res modifiers which is how people usually have it set.
Yeah, duel rail gun full composite heavy, I could see that as an issue on fast money servers. Any real server, they would not be an issue.
true, the imba BE heavies are especially a problem at money. but they are still a advantage in late game on any other map. slaughtered is a good example.
I research Abs armour in NF. First of all, it takes ages to research. Then, if You have abs armour, rails don't hurt You that much, but it doesn't solve the real problem: how do we kill them? If they get 3phase You can dream of hitting them with rockets, they just dodge it - but their rails are deadly accurate and insta-speed so You can't dodge it. NF heavy is a big target, its easy to hit it with rails even on the move and from a considerable distance. BE heavy is a small target, its very hard to hit it with a rocket even if it's not a perfect dodger and You are close to him. That is "balanced"? The same thing is about BE mediums with HE compared to NF mediums with anything... BE wins. Small target, easy to drive. I have an average K:D ratio of 5 (counting vehicles only) with a BE medium tank (2 standard cannon or HE), dunno why but it's unfair. NF tanks (LT is an exception) suck, BE tanks pwn, that's a fact. If speed of upgraded rockets would be increased (much), this could be resolved. NF tanks are good against stationary targets (BE tanks are NOT stationary).
NF heavy may be a large target, but it is a skinny target. BE is huger but flatter. Heavy tanks are balanced on how the hitbox is.
NF heavy is also much faster than BE heavy. BE heavies are much easier to hit with a rocket launcher.
I propose that the absorbant research be made a lot faster. and that the anti railgun effects should be at least trippled. absorbant isn't THAT good against railguns, what is it, 20% decrease? I remember playing on a standard res server and having my armour die just as fast, if not faster. NF heavies have no manourveability, and offer a massive flank so that the standard turning sideways and moving foward and back is rubbish.
I think i'll have to disagree with you there on the speed of research Sandbag, abs is already in chem which as we all know, is pimped to the max...lets not make more incentives to only use that one. I don't mind about buffing the armour, but again the same argument applies...chem is brim full of goodness already.
It have been said before but the NF armory slows down the team a lot more than BEs. 1 exit and those side compartments are horrible. 5-6 people can get stuck in there when noobs just keep pushing to get in. And even in with a few people you often bump into atleast one guy going ind and out.
If the anti railgun effects were tripled rails would do -25 to absorbant. They reduce railgun damage by about half currently. But as a percentage of plate of armor per weight it doesn't fair much better than comp.
I said slow down not lose. Being slowed down is very bad when you are under attack. Even just getting people out of the base at lower rate is a disadvantage.
Add to that that it's dirt cheap and I feel that you'd be able to overpower the enemy in numbers pretty well