Getting run over by CPatton while noclipping. After getting pushed into our base on crossroads, pushing out with 3 Bio APCs and killing the enemy CV. After getting pushed into the north west corner of canyon, researching nukes and winning. Jeep rushing on crossroads. On slaughtered, an APC running toward the north east from the S bend bowl goes out of my view and dies from my mortar.
One time I saw a BE medium charge into an enemy base. Just to the left of it was a minefield that went off. It did a perfect barrel and rightened itself back up and kept going as if nothing happened. It was very surreal because it landed it so perfectly smooth without bouncing.
On canyon as a NF gren, BE had gotten Adv. personal deployment. I see an APC driving towards me from a distance so I start firing RPG's at, and at the right moment this guy who just spawned jumps out and get hit by my RPG. Twice. Unlucky indeed.
I can remember when I was setting up some mines in canyon, and a jeep suddenly came soaring towards me. Fortunately, it hit one of my mines just in time, causing it to spiral right over me. That was epic.
ramming an afv so hard in my LT that i did a wheel stand and got stuck that way. firing an RPG across the bridge on slaughtered at a high angle, then pointing straight down causing the rpg to turn sharply downwards hitting behind a wall killing someone. setting up 8 mines inside an NF rax at the very center and then tricking some poor soul into setting them off, all while people were actively spawning there and not being spotted until i chose to shoot someone. at least 8 people spawned without noticing. being on BE with HSM as comm on slaughtered, we were in a losing battle with NF holding us in S-bend while our tickets crept away. a scout snuck around to the NF base without getting spotted. so HSM drops him a rax to E build, he finished it and soon set up a VF so we could build heavy tanks behind enemy lines. what HSM then told us to do was spawn at the new rax as we died (nobody killspawned) and then all build heavies and wait. once enough people got heavies we rushed the comm and killed him. nobody on NF had a fucking clue what had happened. everyone listened to the comm and nobody shot at anything but the comm during the whole buildup. best display of teamwork i have seen yet.
Got 14 kills with 1 squad arty on the last BE flag of district (as NF, got into the tower). Was running from 3 AFVs in my LT on isle, drove off the cliff, hit a rock and went into a barrelroll, fired whilst upside down, hit a passing jeep, killed it whilst landing fine and making an epic getaway. Everyone on our team is dead except our comm (Valiant), me (a scout with stuns next to their comm whilst we still had 5 mins of sudden death left nearly) and a newbie. I walked him through how to squad revive near their comm, and I just comedicly see Valiant drive past with about 7 arty tanks and a mixture of 6 APC/AFVs chasing him. He kept this up for about 3 minutes or something ridiculous. We squad revived and pretty much insta killed their comm, whilst cosntantly seeing this hail of arty fire appearing from elsewhere in the map and people screaming in allchat "FFS HOW HARD IS IT TO CATCH HIM". Shit was the best CV run i've ever seen.
one of my memoryable empires moments was one of Tricksters famours Bio rushes on Duststorm. We had 16 Bio APC's and all charged 3phase across the map. We got to the enemy base and suddnly us at the front saw mines and started yelling "MINES MINES MINES!!!!" well the newbs at the back didnt stop and just crashed into us which pushed us onto the mines, and then ppl tryed to avoid the mines so it was just one hell of an epic rofl moment :p
As a BE Grenadier with ammo upgrade 8 mine the NF comm. Flipped him over. BE Rifle man with Increased damage, in the 2nd slot of a Jeep. Killing loads of fleeing infantry, spamming "DRIVE BY MOTHAFUCKER!"
Here's a demo of what is certainly a memorable moment in Empires. NF was a failteam and was owned hard in escort... the best part is at the end. If you want to skip it and go straight to the end put "demo_gototick 46000" in the console once you play the demo. Here's the link.
having 4 grenadiers work together to 9 mine an APC on top of the map on emp_valley. It worked. after that, we would flood into all areas of the map and mess people up. but I think we lost because we forgot to bring the CV up there too
Killed 11 NF engineers at last wall on escort. ( All of them were repairing constantly the wall until I managed to get behind them as scout with melee upgrade and squad hide. I just walked from one side of the wall to the other and cleaned the wall completely with melee attacks.
SnakeDfox was overlooking BE base on slaughtered on the hill closer to SE. He sniped someone with the shotgun pistol. I stickied someone on District and he ran back to middle to get fist ammoz and health; consequentially killing 3 other people. On Escort, the third flag, I drove off the cliff to get to the NF territory, but I exploded 5/6 mines on my rear armor, thrusting me OVER the two bridges and past the buildable bridge. I've done quite a few barrel rolls on Escort. 3mines. The most epic display of teamwork I've seen was my rocket-pod APC. We filled up an APC with 6 grens + driver, and the 2nd slot fired his rocket, moved to slot8, slot7 guy went to 2 and fired his rocket, then moved back to 7, then slot 6guy...etc etc. Restricting the VF and forcing my team to use HEMG APC's. BE base stood no chance
LONGGGG TIME AGO I won the last 2 games by ninjaing the other teams comm because my team was losing. In this game, we were playing isle, I think drag was the nf comm (I think he was the comm in one of the previous matches where I ninja'd), and my team was once again losing. I had snuck by the entire NF team on top of the hills looking for their comm when Drag drove right past me. I was almost certain he saw me, but this was back in the day where running over people didn't kill them. So he just kept on driving, past a NF barracks and to the small single island hill thingy with the refinery. At this point I was on the hill next to their barracks, he says Not this time! and gets out and starts shooting at me. At this point I start to laugh (wait for it). So we have a little mortar/gun battle from half way across the map back when smgs were good at longer distances. Eventually he kills me, but I made sure it took as long as possible. He starts laughing and says something along the lines that I am not going to get away with that again and he hardly ever gets ninja'd. He turns around and kaplow. He sets off Simon's 8 mine that is there just waiting for him. Simon and I had both tried to ninja him. Drag saw me because I let him. Simon was waiting by the refinery he parked by. I was giving Simon targets so he could see where the comm was going, and the comm just by chance parked right next to him and got out to shoot me. During our little gun battle, simon dropped all his mines. It was quite funny watching the comm try to shoot me, with simon only a couple of feet behind him dropping mines. Back when you could actually rush the comm (and after they added the running over people death), the funnest map to rush on was money. I would always rush the other maps in the comm, but was hesitant to do so on money, it just seemed so easy to stop. But I did not want to play another money stalemate, so I decided to give it a try. I tell my team the plan, they are all like wtf. And I say just try it. I drop the a couple of starting refs. And take a leisurely cruise into the NF base. On the way, half my team is still screaming grief, but I am used to it because at this point I am the only comm that rushes. I drive my comm into their base, and their team goes crazy. An admin was on the other team and thought it was hilarious so he turned on all talk, there is nothing as satisfying as comm as hearing, oh shit, here he comes again. I got all the refs down and vf while hardly ever stopping, I got like 30 kills before my whole team showed up in afvs to find me still cruising around their base that had only 2 refineries and a barracks. I never thought a comm rush could be done on money, boy was I wrong. That was the best map to do comm rushes on.
i seriously feared you as an enemy comm on money. sure, I know how to place walls, not that that'll always protect you, if you're facing the wrong way at the wrong time. but i remember seeing you plow down about 6 guys in a line, like skittles. few knew how to block of the area BEYOND the ramp, and even then we needed people guarding the wall to stop you jumping out and deconning the wall. the thing is, if you do place the walls and fail, you've now placed walls blocking your own tanks getting out. nightmare.
Once on Escort, I tried to sticky an APC, but just as I threw the sticky, the driver got out and blocked it with his face. Completely ignoring my presence, he ran to a nearby turret to assist building it, along with 2 other engineers.. 3 seconds later, I get 3 kills.