The main thing I dislike about comm targets is it's annoying for the commander, they have to keep dropping shitloads of attack orders to keep you up to date, and new commanders tend to be pretty bad at this, and I tend to forget. I also figure that being able to drop them anywhere is what sucks, there's no supply chain involved, your territory should obviously give you the advantage, but the enemy territory should give them the advantage, you shouldn't all have wallhacks all the time, but you do need to know when people break through your lines or if people have snuck past and are setting up a base or something. To solve this conundrum, I present the listening post. Basically these things can be dropped by the commander and function like a combined camera and radar, but with a wider range, I'm thinking half the radar range of a big radar, and two thirds of that would also function as a camera. They have about as much health as an armory and cost 150 res a pop. Commander group attack orders are removed except for tanks, and they only work on tanks when they are within range of one of these or a radar, or if someone can see them, basically if tanks disappear from view they lose their targets. However, dropping a few of these will still allow players to see where enemy targets are, it just removes the need for comms to constnantly redrop them and also allows comms to monitor more territory. So, comments?
I hate commanders being able to give everyone wallhacks all the time at no resource cost So sounds like a good idea
I hate commander attack orders in general. I don't like this much better, but eh, at least it's better.
Well yes the whole idea of wallhacks needs some rethinking, but I don't think cutting it out alltogether is a good idea, because people do need some way of knowing where enemies are. This just addresses the problem of it being a tedious and annoying job for the commander as well as a complete noob trap for new comms.
I'll take anything that limits wallhacks, and these look like they make good targets for scouts with radar stealth.
Yeah they would, you could probably get away with allowing radar stealth to bypass these. So scouts can shut down enemy sensor coverage. Although you would need to prevent them dying to sabotage too easily because they would be such prime targets, as well as make them easy to fix, because I can't imagine many engineers going round fixing all the posts.
I wouldn't say THAT vulnerable, but certainly not as tough as a regular building. Maybe twice the health of a turret, it is quite large after all and relatively expensive. Of course you can hide them in corners but they do need to resist weapons fire somewhat. You could make them susceptable to concussion grenades however. You'd place these like turrets, but less often. I'd imagine them as being half way between building and turret. Improved model:
How about it gets upgraded with lvl 2 and 3 research? lvl 1= HP = turret range= lvl1 turret range Refreshes targets= 5 seconds lvl2 HP = turret +50% range= lvl2 turret range Refreshes targets= 4 seconds lvl3 HP = turret x2 range= lvl3 turret range Refreshes targets= 3 seconds Maybe add on some marking or just change height to symbolize the differences. Also, I would like some kind of comm targets still in. Maybe when someone is in range of one of these towers you can target them. Whenever they get marked by the tower the person who was targeted have the red diamond pop up on them instead of the faint orange one. It would just make the targeted people distinguishable from the other marked people. It would come off if they're not in any surveillance range. And under what restriction would they go? building or turret? I really don't want me using these everywhere to impact how much i can build. Other then those, sounds good
One thing that sounded kinda interesting (from mashav's post) was if it had a refresh rate - if the targets phased in and out every five seconds like we (used to?) have for cameras. Just throwing that in there. I don't particularly like this idea or dislike it...not having to do commander targets is good, just...not sure. Something funny about it....tssk nevermind me. Oh, love the model btw