Yeah but I never listen to you. Besides you are probably still wrong, I almost certainly have a better opinion of why it sucks than you do. Motion tracking is pretty OP in NS if it comes to that.
It looks stupid, you yourself say you design based on function, the damn thing has no obvious function, it's a bunch of pipes held together with some chain link fence. It also looks about as portable as ayers rock. The brenodi one at least looks lightweight and is obviously identifiable as a radar dish. The repetitive white tiles texture looks stupid though.
In the improbable event I require your advice on how to do anything I will ask for it. Until then you may wish to conserve your energy.
I actually find that model really good. Sure, it doesn't show alot about it's purpose, but some of these things just have the workings in the base and the rest is just a big antenna.
The shape is largely irrelevant, all you need is big coverage, large mesh arrays work well, as do large parabolic reflectors to gather from a wide area and focus it onto a reciever. Mostly though it just need to be big and metal and held out of the way of the terrain.
I like this. There's a bit of criticism to be found in Empires at a commander that doesn't update targets constantly. Any agree that the engineer's camera effect should be updated as well to be comparable? Not the range, but the updating times. Appearance is fine. Good job Chris.
Because the Devs don't know how to model fast enough? And they are too paranoid and/or lazy to recruit more modelers. Cause that's the main problem with how long it takes for the devs to update the game, is modeling.
Read the first post, Chris has already kindly provided models. There is no reason not to implement this.
Yeah, you're right, I think it was time this was just In. But it is under consideration, I think Brutos already has too much to code, so let's not push too much. It's here, let's just make sure it makes it in. As long as it does, then i'm happy.
Then more coders are needed! QQ how hard would it be to learn how to code for source games? If I'm going to start programming there's no time like the present.