Infiltration Round 4: Can't see shit Cap'n

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Empty, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    Frankly with the clues available, I'd vote sandbag :D

    Now, i would vote melaron but...

    WHY ARE WE VOTING FOR A COMMANDER? having a commander will almost certainly benefit the infiltrators, even if he is a base crew. Killing people quicker means that we all get less information and time to learn about each other. It's BAD. and now imagine what happens if one of the infiltrators becomes commander.

    I ABSTAIN AND SO SHOULD YOU. everyone who has already voted needs to abstain. anybody who does NOT change to abstain will be an infiltrator, voting a fellow infiltrator into the command position.
  2. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    BS seriously ... as the commander you don`t need to use the double kill feature, it`s only if you are SURE (or quite) that you kill 1 of the bad guys
    abstaining is even more BS, a single infil can vote himself for commander then, and will be protected by a bodyguard,
    even if you are certain that he is an infil, you can`t kill him because you have to kill the bodyguard first, that means he would have at least 2 days for doublekill, abstaining is BAD in that case, hell, it`s suicide
  3. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    At least we would know who the infiltrators are. Then the bodyguards just have to tell everyone that they're the bodyguards and that they step down from the position, and we get 2 or more free infiltrators.

    does anyone notice that ikalx is never in any of the clues. how the hell do you put ikalx into a clue!?

    so far, we have:

    put themselves up:
    ikalx, kane, z1ooom, 
    melaron voted for by kane
    aaa50 voted for by complete 
    metalsmith vote for by ikalx
    Astroarchitect - abstain
    edit: i'm going to stick this here too

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  4. Foxy

    Foxy I lied, def a Forum Troll

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    I like how no one listens to me.

    I feel like I could reveal everything. Mwa.
  5. Empty

    Empty Member

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    The idea of bodyguards stepping down is interesting, but the commander is a high profile person, and he desperately needs protection whatever side he's on, since it's known that he has power.

    And killing nobody is an excellent way to let the infiltrators walk all over you :P
  6. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Their is one good reason to vote in a commander. The bodyguard cannot be an infiltrator. If the commander that is voted in is not an infiltrator, then both the commander and the bodyguard can can confirm that neither of them are infiltrators. That's two people.

    Funny thing is, the bodyguard, if s/he chooses to reveal her/himself, probably would be the most trusted person, not the commander. :rolleyes:

    I hope that more people do vote, if only to reduce the infiltrator's voting power. If we all start voting for whoever starts getting the most votes, then that person is almost guaranteed to be the infiltrator, since s/he will have four votes over everyone else.

    But trying to kill an infiltrator right off the bat is like trying to shoot a needle in a haystack. ^^

    P.S. Empty, you seem to have excluded the rule from round one where the Commander could be voted to be killed by a firing squad. If people want to vote-kill the commander, does the bodyguard have to step down or be killed before the commander can be vote-killed?

    P.P.S. If the people do select me to be their commander, I pledge to ask questions. Many, many questions! As Albert Einstein said: "The important thing is not to stop asking questions." :p

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  7. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    alright. if Ikalx is going for me, i'll put a vote in for myself as well.

    IF the commander doesn't HAVE TO kill someone when he's elected, I won't. Otherwise, I'll have to stick with my first instinct, as it's the best I can do at this time.
  8. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    abstain damnit, abstain. the plan only works if we abstain.

    for all we know, Metal Smith is an infiltrator. anyone who doesn't abstain is seriously suspicious.
  9. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    or they read the other thread that says that a commander will be elected regardless of abstaination or not.
  10. Empty

    Empty Member

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    He doesn't have to kill someone, but the kill is a one time thing.
  11. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Let me put it this way. If you don't want anyone dead the first night, that's fine. I won't resort to such powers.

    Lets also remember that the commander does only a couple of things.

    First, it gives him protection from being knocked off at night from the enemy OR disgruntled friendly.

    Second, It gives him the identity of one crew member.

    Third, it gives the opportunity to kill a second person one time during the game.

    Giving the infiltrator this role will hurt you if you stop suspecting the commander like people did in the first game. You should NEVER stop suspecting anyone. The worste case scenario is that the infiltrator gets the chance to kill 1 to 2 extra people and give them the name of a single base crew member who they CAN'T kill because it would really mess up the idea of the commander.
  12. Meliarion

    Meliarion Member

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    Having a commander elected is good for the base crew. The double kill power should not really be used unless you know the identities of two infils. The commander having a bodyguard allows them to act more openly and strongly against the infiltrators.

    For this position you should elect someone who has a history of trying to lead the team as base crew, i.e. metal or myself. Anyone else who puts themselves forward now necessarily attracts more suspicion as infiltrators will be trying for the job as well.
  13. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    lol ... that turns out to be a election campain, vote me, anyone else is suspicious! xD
  14. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    not exactly, any of you too can possibly use your "history" to get voted, and you still can be infils

    also the "else" part was a bit faggy you know

    the only reason i see that people would vote for you guys is that there as no clue about you , that makes you a little less likely to be inf
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  15. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Metal Smith, just to clarify, that one-kill thing can be used ONLY on your election day. You don't have to use it, but you can never use it again.
  16. Meliarion

    Meliarion Member

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    I was just saying that only me and metal were acting as leaders when there was no commander in previous rounds, therefore there will necessarily be some reason to question the motives for standing now there is a position to take.
  17. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    I kinda got killed a bit too early to "acting as leaders". Besides, neither of you really did anything that helped get the infiltrators, either. Also, your grammar is horrible and I have no idea what you are trying to say in the second part of your sentence.
  18. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Hmm..well, my avatar, signature, my clan affiliation, are probably the most likely. It's not going to be my name at any point, I don't for having a uniquely unaffiliated name :p

    That's logical. However, anyone can want the position for the power rather than having to be listened to. It's also a chance for base crew to get more of a role.

    And tbh, you acting like a leader before is quite right. Acting is right. You marshal everyone together, and think you can point them in a direction against the foes. But it doesn't work like that - this isn't a battlefield, this is a murder investigation. Everyone is suspect, so pointing them in one direction and trusting that you're always going to be right in your target is folly. Shake things up and see what falls out! That's the way to truly find where the apples are among the oranges...if you put them all into a bag, you never know what you're going to pick.

    I'm actually tempted to vote you just to see what happens...but I won't because other people provide a quicker path to victory by being more dynamic.

    I would vote sandbag though, I'm feelin' he ain't a badguy.
  19. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    You know what? I think I'll vote Sandbag too. It's very unlikely that he is an infiltrator, and besides that he isn't being very power-hungry at all. That, and I don't want to see Melarion or Metal as commanders more than I want to be the commander myself. :unsure:
  20. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    Well thanks. as i'm in the running, i'll vote for myself, because I trust myself not to be an infiltrator. I vote sandbag

    now presuming i'm not an infil, that means that any potential infiltrator that wants the seat is now going to have to get 4 votes. This means that they're going to have to either all vote for their guy, which is going to be obvious and they won't do, or they'll hope that some members of the base crew get some momentum behind an infiltrator by accident, in which case they can swing it fairly anonymously within the group by voting for their man. So the worst thing you can do if you're not an infil is to build up momentum behind some random guy. keep the votes low and it exposes whoever votes.

    The other option is that you think i'm an infil in league with infiltrators aaaaaa50 and ikalx to make me look like a good guy. I've explained in previous rounds why double/triple bluffing to a croud doesn't help - because a significant number of the croud will still believe the bad result. That's why i'm mentioning this here because I want to keep everything above board and clear to everyone . Hopefully the idea of an infiltrator (myself in this hypothetical situation) pointing out the (hypothetical) scheme of two fellow infiltrators will show that there isn't any funny business going on here.

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