Infiltration: Black Ops Field Training

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Empty, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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  2. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Oh, this is saucy.

    An injured infil? I bet that will show up in a future clue.

    Is it possible that it could affect the game (aside from clues)? Remember, this is the Black Ops thing and we have zero intel on it. So far, it's been like a bog-standard round, but I'm suspicious. Maybe the infil will get injured and die by themselves? Maybe there's a hidden class that can search for blood or wounded people or something?
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    could the rifle stop being useless and killing innocents k thx
  4. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Just for the record and for the sake of clarity, I'm voting *changing vote**second time changing vote* to Grant


    the roffle here didn't do anything, even though he tried XD

    the better question is, who did the engineer vote to save that was actually an infiltrator?

    wait, I misread that. I thought that lazybum was the rifleman mentioned in the previous paragraph. Sorry.

    I need to reread this a couple times to get it straight.

    So, 13 left, 4 infiltrators, 4 roffles, 5 base crew or other.

    The infiltrators can only kill one target per night it would seem, or maybe both roffles targeted the same individual, which means that none of the rofs know eachother.

    The infiltrators are highly organized, and follow the orders of a central individual, which would suggest someone in a position of authority, either candles or wealthysoup. I'd lean towards wealthysoup as being the 'lead tester'.

    If I had to guess, I would go with WealthySoup, Candles, Complete lamer, and McGyver, with the possibility of Devorawr as a next up.

    The structure of their attacks would suggest it is someone involved in some sort of structured part of the community, and lead tester is the only one I see. I would bet anything that at least 2 infiltrators were active the first day, and thus, the 2 people who shared the same vote, the vote to antilynch, are a pair of them, and the same pair that committed the first murder.

    Candles and complete both voted antilynch.

    Light is needed to glint of metal. and there is an old christian campfire song called 'this little light of mine' that involves different things you wouldn't push your light in, including a bush. Also, rabidly searching for clues to point to people, but keeping the clues relatively sensible.

    Mcgyver also conspicuously posted a list of the votes earlier, completely omitting 3 of the votes, 2 of which I think are related to them being infiltrators and working together.

    To be fair, Gantrithor and Devorawr were not around the first day to vote it seems. I would say that gantrithor is not the infiltrator because of a lack of any hint, in the slightest, whatsoever, to starcraft. not even in the slightest. Devorawr there is a slight hint refering to a pudgy person and the constant use of a bloody knife. this fits the description of the Heros of Newerth hero, Devourer, who's character model in Dota, wields a large knife, and his skin is patched and stitched together (the knife wound).

    This is suspicious. Infiltrators, in the past, were able to target people on their own, and not forced to fight in teams. In other words, you seem to be under the impression that the infiltrators are voting independently of eachother, and that the vote was split, and thus 2 targets were picked. This isn't how it works at all. The only reason you would think this is if you hadn't played infiltration before, and didn't know that when empty sends the PMs, it usually comes with an added description that ONLY that class would know.

    I don't see any information about a vote for infiltrators. at all. Only that they all send in a target and one of them dies.

    So, how come you seem to think that there was a split vote at night?

    anyhow, Complete lamer and candles are both mappers, wealthy is a tester, and devo is this:
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  5. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    So.. Ikalx the scout voted Lazybum who wasn't an infiltrator? Herp derp.

    Suspected people so far:
    Metal_Smith for having a metal knife.
    Candles for being logical.
    Predator for being a Predator.

    Zioom is the roffle? Makes sense as he hates everything.
  6. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    I guess for the sake of full disclosure, I am a Rifleman, and I killed trickster the first night, but did not send a target this past night.

    in green is the clue towards me. A metal smith would make his own armor, eh?
  7. Candles


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    I'm a programmer, not a mapper. Also, I think you're crazy.
  8. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    I only suggested 5 people I thought more likely than not to be infiltrators. The only one I'm fairly confident on atm is devorawr. the knife, the injuries and the stitching that would be required to fix him up, the heavy foot steps, the breathing. I'm not sure if empty ever hopped on the hon bus, but it sounds an aweful lot like devourer from HoN, or pudge from Dota.

    and being a coder lends itself even better to the structured part of the infiltrators, like they are all publically linked together, in a seemingly structured hierarchytpical way.
  9. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Clarity; I vote Candles

    Okay. so shit has gotten rough. If people are going to start throwing out lists of who they think the infiltrators are, I guess it's time to put out mine.

    MetalSmith has added some much-needed drama in this game to get things moving again. Basically there are four options, which would be MetalSmith lying about being the rifleman and being base crew, or lying and being an infiltrator, or MetalSmith is telling the truth but lying about not sending a second target, or he is telling the full truth.

    I'll start out with the simplest option. Metalsmith lying about being rifleman and is base crew. This is the most probable, and means he's working with someone else. It would be relatively easy for the real rifleman to show up and say something, immediately throwing suspicion on him of being an infil. Then it would just be a matter of seeing who has worked with MetalSmith to find the others. But if the real rifleman stayed silent because they're working together. If this is the case, there is an easy way to tell. The infiltrators will vote to kill you tonight, because either you are the rifleman or are working with him, making you just as dangerous. They will want to break up your little crew. So while normally I would vote to lynch you out of suspicion, I won't actually need to.

    Lying and being an infiltrator would be a very smart play, however. If you can convince people not to lynch you, or you have convinced the rifleman you base crew and not to kill you, then you instantly control the game. You would make your little list of people who you can tie whatever clues in the story you can find to, then add in an infiltrator or two in it to exonerate them in the case someone calls your bluff. This strategy would only work if the scout was dead, and hey! Look what happened.

    Now, this third part is where we get all meta. Whether or not your are the rifleman, it is possible the rifleman didn't send in a target last night, and lazybum is dead. This points towards Empty's shenanigans. Honestly, I don't believe we are playing a standard game here. Empty's warning that there might be new classes was simply too open. I think there are two riflemen, and get kills on alternating nights. Alternatively to this, there could be 3 infiltrators with Empty's special "lone rifleman" class, who attempts to create havoc in the game. Either way, I believe what MetalSmith has said has some weight to it, and that soon we're going to find out why.

    I'm going to look at a the lists of two people here, MetalSmith and Dz.
    Here is my list.
    Now, before I compare the three I'm going to do something unique and explain why I have named these names rather than just throwing them out there.
    +The first one everyone might be a little surprised at, and it's based entirely on a personal level. Grant has never been so inactive in an infiltration game. In addition to this, I have never had a game where he hasn't coming prodding me for clues over Steam, attempting to debate the game and Empty's posts. Sure, it's external to the thread, but the fact he has done none of that strongly arouses my suspicions. In addition, MetalSmith defends him to attack me, which would obviously make me wary.
    +Predator, I believe we have had two clues for. Rustling in the bushes, and the two teethmarks left in Empty's neck. Pretty simple.
    +Whatever is going through MetalSmiths head, I think he is right in that the infiltrators seem fairly organized. They're probably using steam chats or something to coordinate what to do. In addition to narrowing down a possible timezone, I think they would have told someone to stay tight and hush up. Someone who is relatively new and rarely posts would never be on anyone's mind, and if I was going to pick someone of a team of infiltrators to be quiet, it would be him.
    +The last one I have already explained about MetalSmith, where either he is right, or he is wrong. He will almost certainly be killed tonight if he is base crew/rifleman, so I don't need to vote him. If he survives the night however, I vote him in advance. Going off the assumption he is friendly, and based on the fact multiple people have targeted Candles, then I vote Candles.. Whoever dies, it should be obvious where to look next.

    I don't think McGuyver or Wealthy are infils. Candles has my vote, and I have no information to judge complete. If the rifleman needs people to trust and I lose this vote today, I would start looking here.
  10. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Im not even in the game, genius.
    Besides what? I have pretty pesimistic point of view (or realistic if you like), but there are few things that i truly hate. Im just indifferent to most things, funny enough it might be some weird type of depression, I dont know.
    Its probably a bait to make me post in here again, but alas.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  11. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Going to bandwagon and go for a vote for killing off a developer. Empires has too many developers anyhow right?

    So vote going to Candles.
  12. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    First, I have to say wtf is wrong with you all, this is the worst base crew performance I have seen. Secondly, the 'sad down in his room' part MUST be a hint, Empty's English is normally flawless. Also there are a lot of clues towards knives, anyone here got something related to a knife?

    There are a lot of sad people here ;) but the only one with a sad avatar is Grant.

    Also, we really need to get our shit together, the scout is dead, the engy is dead, our roffle just outed himself(?), we can only win by thoroughly analyzing 1) The past posts by people we now know are not infils, 2) Empty's clues, 3) The targets of the infiltrators (they went for an afk), 4) Voting behaviour.
  13. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    "ah whose this guy" said complete_lamer as a man who was never in the group showed up

    still waiting to vote
  14. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Knives are very versatile tools, something a McGyver would use. Either that, or survival tools, very helpful in the badlands of australia.

    I'm not banking on any of this though.
  15. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    Somebody called DESTROYER is completely unsuspicious of using knives on the other hand...

    But OMG, I just realized: Those knives could point to Crocodile Dundee, therefore to Australia, therefore to Devourawr!!!

    Just an overview:

    3. DDD
    4. Candles
    7. Grant
    8. Metal Smith
    9. LordDZ
    10. Imspartacus
    11. mcgyver
    12. imacmatician
    14. predator - predator movie clue?
    15. complete_
    16. metruption - very silent
    17. Devourawr
    19. Dragown - very silent
    20. wealthysoup
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2014
  16. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Knives are too elegant bro ;)
  17. Candles


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    Jesus fuck, this is going into full-blown "CLOUDS CAST SHADOWS" territory now.

    There's one vote for Grant and three votes for me with the reason literally being "other people are doing it". I would like to remind everyone that there are 14 players in total, 4 infiltrators and at least 3 inactive players. Over a third of the active players are infiltrators. We don't have the luxury of bandwagoning onto random players simply to bandwagon on them, and I'm liable to point out that Metal Smith barely escaped being killed last voting round by a single vote. There haven't been enough voting rounds to make out any patterns, but both LordDz and McGyver have shown no hesitation on voting for people.

    Now, here's the real problem. If the infiltrator's believe Metal Smith, then he's dead, no question. If we don't believe Metal Smith, then we'd lynch him. If the infiltrator's don't believe him for either reason and we do believe him, he's perfectly safe. The issue arises when we consider the opportunity cost of lynching (why do I always say lynching when we don't actually hang anyone) him and the infiltrator's consider the opportunity cost of killing him, assuming the infiltrators believe him and we don't believe him. If the infiltrator's have reason to suspect that we'll lynch him tomorrow, they have little reason to kill him tonight because they'd be using a kill on someone who was going to die the next day anyway and pull blame from them. If we have reason to suspect that the infiltrator's will kill him tonight, then we have little reason to kill him because, again, we'd be using a kill on someone who was going to die later anyway. In other words, the question of killing Metal Smith lies not on if people believe him, but on what everyone thinks everyone else thinks.

    Lets have some numbers for their own sake out there: There are 14 players, 4 infiltrators and at least one special class remaining, of which one is a rifleman. I reject the possibility of there being multiple rifleman because either he's inactive and doesn't matter, or he doesn't exist because the clues indicate a single rifleman. (Of course, there could be a class that takes two people and rotates rifleman between them, but that's just conjecture at that point.) A random vote from a basecrew has a 4/13 chance for hitting an infiltrator (because they wouldn't vote for themself). Assuming Metal Smith is telling the truth, then there's a 4/12 chance for hitting an infiltrator. This chances increase dramatically if there's a second scout or someone does know more about who's who.

    Anyway, I think Metal Smith is either batshit or an infiltrator. I'm still holding my vote, but I'll jump onto a bandwagon if it'll save my ass later on.
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    How do you even know about the clouds cast shadows thing. That was like 4 years ago, way before you came along.
  19. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Much in the same way new people know about Mr die.
  20. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Mr die gets flak somewhere in the empireverse every odd day. This one is nearly a hipster reference.

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