Griefing and Ninjaing.

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Empty, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    + Sitting in the base waiting for a vf to be built when you only got Standard Armour.

    Yes, that's greifing in my book.
  2. Empty

    Empty Member

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    But yet how is it fair for the team who were winning? They miss out on the final push which is fun for both sides [except if the barracks goes down and stays that way] and only one little fuckwad takes advantage of the enemy comm being preoccupied giving the team orders, if a competant player wants to win the game, we should be thinking of ways to let the losing team come back.

    And the average empires match doesn't even last thirty minutes.

    If I was an evil man who murdered 50 people, I've killed 50 people.
    If I was a good man who was decieved and murdered the same 50 people, the same end has been achieved, with different intents.

    And griefing for the purpose of this thread is sinking the CV or rushing it into a pile of enemy MLs.

    Scouts are also fucking kickass if you know how to use an SMG2.
  3. sol1d sn@ke

    sol1d sn@ke Member

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    Ninja-ing is "turning it around". It's like in chess where you're capturing all of the other pieces but right on the eve of checkmate the opponent's last two, or even one piece manages to catch your king in a trap, resulting in them winning. That's not griefing to me. When your down, on you last legs, you look for any way to win (that's not cheating of course), that's just the spirit of competition to me. (This is strange coming from me because I'm not a big proponent of "competitive" gaming, but this just seems like common sense.)

    If you're walled up inside your base with 3 tank outside, you're not just gonna bow down (or bend over, whatever you want to name it) & say "Ok, we'll play target practice with you guys for 5 minutes before you destroy our barracks". There's nothing saying you're "suppose to lose" in that situation. No, you're suppose to find a way to win.

    And if my team wins by ninja, cool. I won. My team won. I contributed by distracting the enemy team while the ninja did his/her job.

    Think of it like a half-court toss-up shot at the end of a basketball game. Ninjaing is just like that, in that you're taking a 1 in a hundred chance to win at the end of the game & succeeding. How ludicrous would it be if teams ended a basketball game just because they were down 2-4 points with a minute to go? In any competition, you keep trying to find a way to win until the very end, it's just common sense to me.
  4. Empty

    Empty Member

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    But it's not a dedicated team effort to win, it's ONE person deciding to ninja.
  5. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    The thing is, it is a dedicated effort

    There have to be people making sure enemy ninjas, or god forbid, an actual attack, dont kill the command vehicle/vehicle factory/refineries/barracks

    The comm should be helping in the defense actively too - if the base is destroyed, he's fucked


    Why do you hate Empires Empty?

    Why do you hate fun?
  6. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Well, you guys seem to wanna hate me for sinking a commander on money, a shitty ass map, but as soon as someone ninjas on cyclopean, an awesome map, they get cheers.

    Thanks buddy, for cutting in halfway through a good match and 'winning'!
  7. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    But it's still, by definition, just one guy ninjaing, and, by and large, if they succeed it's because just one or two guys slipped up.

    How can you possibly say that that's fun? How can you say that that's a good way for the game to go? Yes, the comm can screw up in research or whatever, but those are at least major decisions -- we can't avoid putting everything into one decision there.

    But ninjaing is just a matter of people occasionally remembering to push the 'DON'T LOSE' button. There's no actual strategy or planning; either you push the DON'T LOSE button, or you don't.

    What's fun in that? When you successfully ninja, what, are you gleefully chortling into your keyboard about how the enemy team didn't push the DON'T LOSE button like they should have?

    Winning should require a cooperative effort by the winning team. It shouldn't come down to who forgot to push the DON'T LOSE button or who happened to have one lucky guy attack when the comm's attention was elsewhere or anything like that.
  8. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    I daresay, while this may be precieved as rude, I have commented on your post within a quote. Sorry for any inconvience, this took too long to do. Also, fixed
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    If the enemy team sucks so badly, why are you losing to them.

    I rest my case.

    By the way, commanders have other things to do than constantly watch their ass. Like, oh say, COMMANDING?
  10. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    It's not up to you to sink the CV. You could like ninja and destroy the enemy CV.
  11. sol1d sn@ke

    sol1d sn@ke Member

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    It's a David vs Goliath thing. Yes, the enemy team was kicking the crap out of us. Yes, winning was a forgone conclusion for the other team. Yes, we basically had no chance in hell of even getting up to the level of the other team's forces.

    So in this situation, what do you do? You attempt a last-ditch ninja attempt, because how could the situation possibly worsen by trying? And against an proficient CO, that's exactly what ninja tactics are, a last ditch effort. Against any competent commander, you have a snowflake's chance in hell of pulling it off, I mean, just post a couple turrets & look around every once in a while and he's set, right? Besides, in this kind of situation, what is the CO so busy researching? He's practically won, right?

    But there's always that hope of a turnaround, and that's why it's not detrimental, like griefing. It's a tactic to win the game, not lose it for your team. And yes, I'm just as happy with a ninja win as with any other, even though I wasn't the one to do it.

    Give a losing team a better option to attempt a turnabout (which I can't think of, how can a team possibly get back on it's feet when it has maybe 1 ref & 3 tanks rolling around outside it's base? Considering equal skill between the teams of course.), and maybe I'll change my opinion. But for now I think ninja'ing is definitely beneficial to the late game, as it makes outcomes less certain in those kinds of situations.
  12. Empty

    Empty Member

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    The comm is busy handing out targets and overseeing the battle at the front lines.
  13. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    I wouldn't want to hurt your pride or anything Empty...

    But you're a terrible commander! lulz, but seriously, you're not that great, you're way better then any nub, but you're Australian, and don't put up with anyones crap, especially from your own team, which is cool, but non-productive.

    So yea, its really annoying to look through 8 pages of barely vague differences in peoples opinions of ninja/griefing and an absurd amount of repeated ideas.

    Get over yourselves, people have already described the differences, try reading the thread.
  14. Empty

    Empty Member

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    See, I'm not complaining that I got ninjad, becuase that's my fault, I'm just as pissed as every time my team has won via ninja or the enemy team has, except yesterday on slaughtered where we formed an NF deathsquad. And owned the BE comm with a 3man squad.
  15. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    That's cause the enemy team CAN defend against a ninja.
    But you can't defend against griefer who's inside the cv (except admin use).
    Really, what are you trying to say? That if you don't like something it's okay to destroy it?
  16. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    Yeah, this thread was over a long time ago
  17. Demented

    Demented Member

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    You can prevent a griefer by putting a good person in the Comm and not letting him step out.

    Stopping a ninja requires a few turrets.

    Stopping a tank rush requires walling in a good portion of the map, then covering THAT with turrets.

    Stopping griefers is pretty easy... Unless they also ninja your CV upside-down.
  18. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Well, people THOUGHT Empty was a good com, but he suicided it ;)
  19. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I only grief when I've clearly stated the whole vote that I will.
  20. communism

    communism poof

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    Hah ever since this thread I've been blowing up a cv 1 outa 3 games
    thanks for the reminder about how sweet I am

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