Griefing and Ninjaing.

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Empty, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    ninja'ing... no fun. yeah, i've been there. I think about 5 - 10% of games end in a ninja, at most. dominating the enemy and then losing and then losing: I could see how that would be irritating. not me personally, but then i don't really see it as "cheap" and "overpowered" in the slightest.

    but you know what really sucks? what REALLY isn't fun? when a team surrenders. commanders driving the CV into your base to end the game. this is very real and it happens. when a team is dominated, with lower technology, the prospect of fighting for another 30 minutes when it is guarenteed that you WILL lose, just sucks. coming out of the barracks every 8 seconds and being hit by an artilliary shell, while your team can't even keep it's armoury alive, sucks. If people don't have a reason to keep fighting in terrible conditions like that, a reason to stand up and fight, then they won't. they'll surrender- hey, there was even a long topic on the forum for a surrender button so that teams don't have to endure the inevitable domination.

    but empires is better than that. in empires there is always a chance that by holding on for a couple more minutes, you can still win out. there is always a reason to fight nuke tanks as a grenadier- that you will slow the enemy down long enough to still win the game.

    I would say that ninja's are the "lesser evil", but for heaven sakes, ninjas create the best moments in this game. that desperate last stand while you hope you can survive. the sneaking past an entire team and into a base to save your team. stopping ninjas is not hard either, it's not an effective tactic, it's just one last roll of the dice that a team can do before they are crushed into the ground.

    if you are sick of just getting rail heavy tanks when the enemy CV drives into your base, or when you're about to crush their base and their CV drives into a lake. if you're sick of teams giving up and the game being decided as soon as one team controls the map, you'll support ninjas.
  2. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    it's all in the context.
    the values of modern western society consents that suiside is so wrong that you'll be denide the sure comfort of hell and be rather sent to the limbo while if comitting murder in the right circumstancess you might dodge the bullet of everlasting torment.
    glad to be of assistance^^

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