Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this thread is no longer about removing mines. Urethra Franklin, completely unprepared, has been swept away by the shitstorm as DDD predicted. GG.
Gentlemen ironic shit posting is still shit posting. This is a thread on discussing landmines, I think we are above calling each-other faggots.
Then I guess its time to stop and remove the thread then seeing as your not respecting your own thread.
Everyone in favor of removing mines should go die in hell ( and is a faggot ) Anyway urethra doesnt get an oppinion cause he doesnt get to be part of the community with his shit ideas, just like mrdee and his shit ideas doesnt get an oppinion in this community
i think grenades are too powerful because they don't have any counters besides another grenadier if there's a counter that is across classes it might be more reasonable
There is so many times when I was in the losing team. I lay down mines at a choke point in hopes that the enemy commander would drive by. It'd blow them into the water. Many times I've won games because of mines.
That's not really an argument for mines in my eyes. To me that's like saying "Well I was about to get knocked out, but then I kicked him in the nuts!"
Stop posting in this topic. You have not given any good reasons to remove mines other than the fact that you think they are over powered. You have not responded to any legitimate questions or alternate ideas anyone (including myself) have posed against the idea. Trickster, as amusing as you may find this thread, please lock it.