Emp_Slaughtered *Released* unzip to empires folder well things are geting worked out left and right... a few more things and i should have a good test compile, that should take a few days to knock the last details out that is... i would like to test with somebody before i say its good that way any last comments can be addressed. *UPDATE* now released *Ver 1.31* http://dodownload.filefront.com/508...79aed530ddcb742f7a43538f953eae340f1295d2db119 mirror : http://empires.m00.de/details.php?file=22 mirror : http://www.hlrse.net/empiresvhe/HELLION/emp_slaughtered_v1_31.rar *Ver 1* http://download.filefront.com/50630...4093362d7cfb2251d0f2192cb13e5a9ec3fe8166caa5b empires.moo.de mirror http://empires.m00.de/details.php?file=22
Yes, there is a bunch of crazy people on irc at most times, shouden't be to hard to pimp somone for a test run
cool thanks guys, i just found out i have to work saturday. it might push me back a few ... it depends on how long on saturday. ill prob let it compile if i get more done and it should be done way before i get back ..
well i think on one of the privious forums there was a message about hdr and empires not needing hdr because it used it own , i do not have a hdr supporting card and was wondering if i should do a hdr render anyways ?
No. Empires does not support HDR. Empires has bloom, though. And don't waste your time on a HDR render, the map will look all black.
due to a power outage i lost 3 hours of my compile in progress now i have to start it all over again so im going to start again now ...
Well, last time he said it takes him about 2 and a alf hours, but with extra lighting, props, and brushes, it will take a lot longer.
yah. maps for Empires most likely have longer compile times than most other mods. due to the fact that the maps are so open for vehicles. so all that free space is adding to the compile, rather than being blocked off with clips or skybox.
If anyone has a map that's taking over four hours to compile, it's either that good or poorly optimized. I've never seen the former. In other news, I have a very nice rig and can do overnight compiles for anyone needs it.
compile times depend on the machine as well and the size of the map both of my DOD: Source maps are well optimized, one better than the other, but still. It took dod_paysage 8 hours to compile (a wide range map) and dod_harbor 3 hours to compile (close quarters) they run at great speeds on servers and client side.
Did you know that anzio took four hours to compile and avalanche took three? And the two are considered to be the most complex maps ever done on Source.
well i guess my map wasnt optimized because vvis took 11hrs hehe but its done now , a few things left i have to do tomor.... today when i wake up is to update the map / put all the info in the bsp... and pray to god that nobody makes me compile it again. here are some screenshots ... btw this map took me forever to carve away at, so i hope you like it ! i compiled so long a new ver of empires came out !
yah? but the question is, what machine compiled them? and avalanche is a small map with very tight spaces. so i can see that. but anzio is much larger, and has some open areas that should eat things up. so if you know the specs of what compiled these maps, just post them here
Small spaces are much, much harder to optimize than a map made of displacements. The specs are unknown, but I'm not joking when I tell you that you should never have more than 4 hours of compiling without HDR. Ever.
small areas are easier to optimize b/c you have more vis blocking. open areas are harder to optimize b/c there it is harder to block vis. with the smaller areas, you can rely on a wall of buildings or corners. but open areas you dont have that. the player sees EVERYTHING. now a map made of only displacements, ive never compiled that. but if its going to match up to other maps of other communities, it will have to be fully detailed. how do you expect to block off props and such in open fields. the only thing we can really rely on is fade distances. unless you want to get unrealistic and stick a massive wall in the center of the map. if the current maps for this mod were detailed to a great extent, the fps would drain massively, especially with all those vehicles moving around. what maps have you compiled? and how long did they take? just so i can get a reference from your point of view. also, words from valve... Skybox: The single worst thing you can do for your map's speed is create a giant skybox around your entire map. This renders useless faces and wastes speed and time. To fix this, think of a skybox not as a box, but as a roof. Use the buildings of your map as the walls, where possible. Long story short, only place skybox brushes where needed. Visibility: If you can see your whole map from one spot, there's not much you can do. Either redesign your map or take drastic measures to optimize it Thats what most maps in this game are like. Wide open for bases and vehicles, and large skyboxes (maybe even larger when aircrafts come in) EDIT - just played with ya ingame you bragged how you had the most kills. haha.
yea its odd, nothing changed in the form of geom, my last compile was 2hrs 32 mins ...32 being rad... i think what did me in was the occluder's and or the fact that i scuplted nodraw blocks on the inside of all the displacements ... that and the hundreds of props i did were the only things that i changed ... here i go though to work on the overview map, does anybody know why winbspzip is not working ?