Lags like shit. Me an a lot of other people in it today lose lots of FPS and my ping spikes. I normally get 30 fps and 80 ping on this server. So tell me why your map makes me have 12fps and 200 ping. This is just like metal smiths version of district. It's something wrong with the map not my comp.
I agree and disagree. The FPS is an issue looking towards the middle. It is pretty unoptimised at the moment, and I know there's an FPS drop in the middle, but looking out of the middle should give you 80-100% of your normal FPS. Your ping however is nothing to do with either this or Metalsmith's district. That's your end. Either way, the FPS is a known issue which will be fixed.
Yeah It's like a horrible slide show for me and my ping only jumps up to 400/600 when my fps drop so it has to be related. And its not even the middle, its the whole map. From spawn to spawn. Notice those screens have barley anything going on and its not in the middle.
My ping in tab menu will show like 80 or whatever's normal the whole time but in netgraph it changes with the fps. I dunno how they can't be connected when they peak and drop at the exact same time.
There is no z-clip or anything on the map, so basically your constantly rendering things like the ref node models and ladders no matter where you are on the map.
Yes, it can be the map, but, ping and FPS are separate. Upgrade your ethernet card to fiber optic and jack into the internet backbone. Your FPS will still suck where it sucks right now.
Woah, that in rate is ridiculously high. For some reason it looks like the server is spamming your computer. Mind taking a screenshot with net_graph 2 enabled? Also, could you post the value of cl_updaterate?
That's the server's rate command. 100k. Also, my god, the first version of a map has shitty FPS for people with £10 computers, shock horror. How about you save some money off all the oxy you buy by taking a week off and buy a computer that even Africans wouldn't be ashamed of.
This makes me want to see the vmf. Nobody in this thread said they were the same, dubee said they were related in this particular case.
bob i'll do that when I get home from work. The old money works perfectly fine for me and doesn't lag or spike FPS. I don't need a new comp because emp is the only game I play on it. And every other map(except metal's district) works fine for me except this turd you puked onto the commmunity.
If your FPS is low enough, it'll tear your ping a new asshole. If the problem only exists when looking at middle, it means your video card is made of shite, and possibly because the map uses a half-way decent water texture. Turn all settings to low/off. To prevent you from being a boat-camping nubcake.
my cl_updaterate is 20.. I think someone had me change that at some point I dunno what it does or what it should be at. Here are the netgraph 2 pics facing away from mid 50 fps facing mid from main base 16 fps in mid 18 fps but almost 300 ping agian note that my ping is usually 80 in this server.