Simple Solution to this idea, i'll agree with both you and killx. While an arty turret would be nice, a turret that automatically targets both structures vehicle and troops would be a bit excessive, why not try this for the the idea. High cost, but cheaper then an arty tank High damage with low splash damage, and the closer you are to the point of impact, the higher damage you could take. Low health, so the turret can easily be taken out if not guarded properly Another idea to try would be to have it be manned. Primary fire would fire the round, and a 5-10 reload would occur, based on how much damage the turret itself has taken, the lower its health, the longer the reload. Alternate fire can bring up a map. Said map could serve a simple purpose, display where friendly units and structures are, and anything thats marked or spotted. the grenadier artillery feedback could work with this as well. Aiming the turret could be done in one of two fashions, forward and back could increase or decrease the angle of which you fire, and strafe left and right could, in turn, rotate the turret left and right. another option would be mouse aiming moving the mouse up and down would work the angle, and left and right would rotate it, similar to how the tanks and APC aim they're turrets. Again, I'm no designer, or programmer, but i have alot of positive thoughts for this game. If anyone else would like insight or thoughtful ideas on things, just pm me. Sorry if I've hijacked the thread, just kinda thought I'd toss my nickel in on this thought. great models, wish i could do it.
I forgot to update the first crazy props pack with all the issues fixed. I was hoping no one would notice, but someone did notice that the sandbag had wrong collision models (damn you studiomdl), so on request I uploaded the version of the sandbags with proper collision (like on JJ45's map). If you planned on using the sandbags, don't use the one in the first crazy prop pack, download these instead. DOWNLOAD:
Didn't have internet for 20 days, but heres some things that I will be adding to the next pack (sorry for not releasing the arty yet). Replacing the posters with empires stuff, if you want your clan poster on it, pm me the image. Adding some extra skins to it. Ignore the car, I added that cuz I was making a portfolio to show at a school and I used these 3 to show what i was currently doing for props.
War of the bank! Capture the bank to gain additional resources! How long till they're done? That's what I'll do after I've finished emp_stribbar..
Dizzy you old bastard! You did it again. Look what you've made me do: I think someone asked for an generator a "while" back...
:p I think I'll need to fix its proportions first, but I guess I could release it with this generator thingy. :p
any chance that you load the old modelpacks back up? i keep getting file not found errors and redirected to the mainpage :/
I've been adding some details. It currently stands at 2046 tris, which is what I thought it would be when I finish. So my next aim is keeping it below 2500 tris. TODO: -supports -control panel -transmission(or something like that) -fuel tank
Woops, didn't notice, I'll try to find all the improved versions of those models and upload a new zip. @wereaser, you could easily lose a lot of polies on the cylinders, especially at the indents you could reduce it's divisions, if you really want to lose polies, I don't think 2.5k is a huge issue nowadays.
I think modeling is done now. It stands at 2573 tris, which I guess is acceptable, since you probably aren't going to have more than one or two of these in one place. Now I'll either have to do the hardest part or find someone insane enough to unwrap and texture this thing. :D
I like texturing :D Can't be held responsible for the results tho (although it might actually be good lol)
Here's AO and wire: Generator Ambient Occlusion Generator UV Layout I'll try to clean it up a bit(remove some distortion and put stuff in a bit more orderly fashion), but if you want to try with these then go ahead. EDIT: Updated UV layout and Ambient Occlusion map from same links. And here's something that'll help you knowing what is what: What is what.