Ive been making some crazy props the last few weeks, and I digured I could share em with you guys, if you want em for your maps. I'll probably be making a lot more and can take requests once in a while (aslong as its not incredibily boring like a rock or something) They are not high quality, or freaking amazing, and you dont have to critisize it as I know they all have lots of oddity's and what not. Some have spec, some don't, don't ask :p PICS 1st props pack: http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/284/icsab7.jpg http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/4978/bwsmi6.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2848/sbsaq4.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/8928/tcsoz2.jpg 2nd props pack: http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/2258/lightpolemodellololai0.png http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/2532/schnischnaschnappiwr9.png http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4656/sodamachine01ssep0.jpg DOWNLOAD 1st props pack: http://myfile.ch/?d=E5E78AC34 If you notice any issues with some of the models in this pack, pm me, I have better versions of em somewhere on my pc, but out of lazyness I havent bothered updating this pack yet. Sandbags PROPER (accurate collision model): http://myfile.ch/?d=0A28EFD54 2nd props pack: http://myfile.ch/?d=EA70F54A4 More coming soon - downloads updated on april 9th 2008
I'd love to see some NF-city style props. All the props we have now are suited to a BE-futurist style city, I wanna make an old ass NF city to fight in. The props you have now are really good too, I could probably use them all.
Isn't that because there are no NF cities? Could have read it wrong though.. *edit* Nvm... there's at least one city.
Polycounts? Any LOD models? Wireframes? Me would like to have. :D Did you do these in Maya? Looking good, but isn't it Imperial not Empirial?
With a land-mass that effing huge (look at the map) there damn well better be more than one city. Otherwise, where did they get an army big enough to face the BE across the entirety of a continent?
Dizzy, i could really use the sandbag models, but with dirt instead of snow ! They look very good. btw small suggestion: the textures on top of the sandbags, wouldn't it be better if you'd turn them 90 degrees? And i have some bunkers in my map, which are placed on cliffs (on an island) and have artillery cannons on top of them. Currently i'm using the empires BE artillery cannon because i can't make one myself. If you are bored you could always make a new and awesome artillery cannon. And it would be very nice if i could place sandbags around them, for realism (i don't know the size of your sandbag model, but i think it's a little too small for that). The cannon itself should be a little bigger than the BE artillery cannon. One last thing: the cannon must look like it's able to rotate. It won't be used, but at least it should look like it could be used to blow up cruisers an other ships. Doesn't have to be detailed. Some big, round platforms above eachother could very well be enough to make it look as if it can rotate. EDIT: This is what i'm using now ... you can easily see i need something better ;-) http://users.telenet.be/samhannes/mapping/emp_volcano/primitive example.jpg
I would definitely use those. A non-snowy version of the sandbags would be good, couldn't you do it with multiple skins, so that it's just the one model? What I would like to see is domestic Brenodi objects. Furniture, food, everything you would find in a home.
Did someone say domestic Brenodi objects? Yeah, I know the texture sucks arse. But that's the best I can whip up in one and half hours.
could you do some ruins? you're really good. I mean ruins as in, piles of rubble, some spent shells, perhaps a crater or one of those "hole in the floor" models". best yet: some death carcasses for the current vehicles. currently we only have a destroyed med tank, and that's entirely brown. would be very nice to have destroyed models of everything.
woah slow down, don't know who to reply to now ok anyway, errmm lets see, I'll zip and upload all the models right now And Im afraid the sandbags is unwrapped badly, I could idd try and rotate the top uv's so they stretch in the other direction, but not sure if that will make much of a difference. The reason why I didnt try to fix it is because has occlusion baked on it, and thats the only one that didnt have artifacts. (I probably don't have enough disk space on c for it to render well) and yes lol empirial , I think I wrote empires first, then removed res and made it empirial lol , I'll change that aswell. About the polycount, its all quite low poly, I think the barbwire was 500, the sandbags 1500 and the cone 120 or something, and the first one I really don't remember, but I think that one had the highest polycount, but nothing too scary.
Okay, got me chair in game. :p Looks much better in game than in Blender. It's just a static prop atm. 572 tris. 512x512 texture(I downsized it as there was no apparent quality difference between 1024x1024 and 512x512 due to my really shitty drawing skills). If anyone wants it I can upload it somewhere. Blame dizzy. His models gave me the inspiration for making this. :D Okay enough of thread hijacking. :p Nice work Dizzy and thanks for giving me inspiration to make that quick model.
hah no worries about the thread hijacking, itll be wereaser and dizzy's crazy props thread :D edit: I updated the first page with the download link I changed Empirial to Imperial on the concrete bags (dno how I overlooked it, the file name has always been imperial) I also made a version of the sandbags without snow and slightly better textures ontop (rotated them 90 degrees as suggested), which is included with the file. Enjoy :D I'll either be trying to make a soda machine or artillery thingy next, or something completely random
You can make "ruined" walls and such via brushes and displacements relatively easily in hammer, though other ruined whatsits would probably be done better via models.
I love this thread! Remember you can never have enough models to choose from when you're making a map !!