Can someone please remove the map Emp_beobachtung? it is just a beta and is not really playable at all
can someone upload or post links to the new district402 (no turret building version) and beta3 of escort
rezipped emp_smokies_rc1 (included res file for downloads) please update link. thx edit: oh, and maybe add traders_a4 ?
Thanks for the smokies. To the traders thing... nope. Coffee made it sound like in his thread that the map still needed lots of work. He only put the link up for the few people who want to check it out, not for servers to host it. If I am wrong, well Coffee can ask to have it here if he wants.
Traders is worth a download, it is actualy a quite unique map. You cannot hold one position longer then 5 minutes - it will get captured soon after. It forces you as a player to be on a constant move. One of the problems is the way the map looks, it looks so plain.
District402 - No build version bsp file obviously goes in maps folder, text file goes in resource/maps.
well if its for 2.21 emp then u missed emp_king (final version) emp_arid_ob emp_bush_ob emp_vehicletraining_ob
I only check the first post when updating threads. The first post should always be updated with the newest information. Blah is the only map that needs updating, I don't see hazardrc5 and I already had homeland3.
I'm compiling the ob2 versions which feature a few fixes. It's still early in the evening, so i might be able to get them online before i go to bed. I'll post the link then.
Why was traders removed from the list? Traders a8 is completely playable, and OB-friendly, or so I thought
YOUR MAP SUCKSSSSS COMPLETELY. That is totally why I removed it. Or I just didn't see the thread when I updated the list... lol. Sorry.