No wonder I couldn't find it. I thought Mayama was just being lazy but if it isn't on the forums, that is a good reason not to find it. Sorry Mayamaaa.
my list of playables [023:01] <Guest4956655> forest [029:16] <Guest4956655> insurrection [02:43:28] <Guest4956655> homeland [02:43:29] <Guest4956655> last city [02:46:09] <Guest4956655> nomis [02:46:58] <Guest4956655> oasis [02:52:55] <Guest4956655> vehicle training [02:53:02] <Guest4956655> uaxatun [02:532] <Guest4956655> trader [02:534] <Guest4956655> terriory [02:536] <Guest4956655> temple [02:53:41] <Guest4956655> territory [02:55:51] <Guest4956655> rail road [02:56:14] <Guest4956655> atol is sinking [02:57:04] <Guest4956655> castle [02:57:06] <Guest4956655> downhilljam
Unfortunately ghost, most of those maps you listed are unplayable in the Orange Box engine. I am planning a major update on Insurrection, however.
Uaxactun was an amazing map made by riot/tiro, but never got completed, it had 1 or 2 small bugs (when underwater you could see for miles) and stuff which he didn't know how to fix, only 1 person (bumgravy) really helped him and then 2.2 came out, influx of newbies, they pissed him off and he left, hes a member of EPIC. He also hates the new version of hammer aswell for some reason. He said he might work on it one day but not at the moment with "the current state of the community". In other words, he hates nubs who don't listen and they upset him a bit D: That was the map thread. Check page 2 for way more pics, including the minimap.
Our forum moved, but we're still in the process of moving shit around, its in the mapping section @ for now, but dont post or anything as itl most likely get moved.
No, post things, it will all move with the URL. Trickster, your an idiot some times. Trust your webmaster Edit: Fix your sig!
Can this topic have it's own sub forums, and move the threads relating to the playable maps list into said forums?