Can you guys give us regular updates???

Discussion in 'General' started by recon, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    So it looks like we aren't going to get any updates then...
  2. Androc

    Androc Member

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    You are not going to get an intravenous, play-by-play account of every possible minor bugfix, no. And, really, complaining isn't going to make it come any faster. It's being worked on, and every SIGNIFICANT piece of news gets out to the community pretty much as soon as the devs can talk about it.
  3. <xP>

    <xP> Member

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    Does this mean everyone who joined before the release of 2.0 can apply for testing? I joined a year ago, nevermind this is my first post :p

    I like to read, mostly, but this is an offer I can't refuse.
  4. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Only those that were active at that time could join, it was open for a while, then closed.
    And Recon, shut up, we can't give you anything if we haven't even decided on what we could possibly tell you, so instead of spending all that time typing, think about this instead.
  5. Lord Strange

    Lord Strange Member

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    I think the testers are right not to post constantly telling us all exactly which bug they tested/fixed each day, it would be lost on the vast majority of the readers including myself.

    However regular updates doesn't have to mean every day or even week. It would be great if maybe every couple of weeks or perhaps when any major milestone is reached that you could post on a closed, stickied post on the forums. This would show that progress is being made without i think being too much work for the testers.
  6. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Models of what?
  7. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    In short, Razorbud hooked something on something so on disconnect something happens.
  8. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Didn't he already tell everybody about that?
  9. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    I could just make a post every week that says "They fixed more bugs."

    Would that keep everyone happy? :P
  10. wealthysoup

    wealthysoup Lead Tester

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    yes, good idea keep the devs occupied in this thread so that it takes them longer to develop and longer to give you updates.....idiot...
  11. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    It's ok, I am the only one who really needs to worry about this thread. Recon and everyone else we will post updates when there is something new to update you with. If we regularly make progress then we will regularly update you, if we sporadically make progress then we'll update you sporadically.

    As for a blog I do think it would be nice to have a place to write updates, which is why we have this forum. I don't think a blog is necessary, at most a stickied thread would do.

    Models are needed, but I don't have a list of which ones and also I don't think razorbud's project was mentioned before
  12. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    We need a locked forum where only the dev team can post. And that forum should be called Blog. Otherwise, the rarely published updates get filled with junk.
  13. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Guess what, that forum did exist once, but was removed shortly afterwards because it wouldn't be possible to do regualr updates. And that thread called Dev blogs at the top of this forum, that's the result of the forum appearing and disappearing. And now it's locked, thanks to impatient people like you.
  14. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    from what i've heard, they aren't having problems with current code as much as they are having problems with previously existing code that doesn't work with OB.

    because of this, it's so much random crap that doesn't have a lot to do with what is currently released. they aren't fixing crashes, they aren't removing or adding features from what I understand. If something major is decided, like the upcoming or already happened scout balance, they'd probably tell someone, or it would probably get leaked.
  15. Androc

    Androc Member

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    Okay, Recon? The development team is, unfortunately, subject to PR and must treat even the rudest and most demanding posters with a modicum of courtesy. I am not. So, let's talk.

    At many, many separate occasions over the course of this thread, your unreasonable demands have been met with reasonable explanations. Updating on every single minor little bugfix would serve absolutely no purpose, would not make the next update come faster, and would probably slow the entire development team down with a swarm of arbitrary documentation. There is, literally, no reason to do what you ask except to satisfy YOUR curiosity.

    However, it isn't your request that I object to. After all, without the involvement of the community, what's the point of having a mod? No, it is entirely your tone and manner of communication. You have repeatedly refused to take 'no' for an answer, you have acted with an utterly unjustified sense of entitlement, and you have been INCREDIBLY rude to people who have done absolutely nothing to you. Unless, of course, we're going to count them providing you with free entertainment. I have no authority of any kind on this forum, but I would ask you to take a little more care with your words in the future.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  16. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I've been flamed about 10 times so far in this topic by members of community. I don't bother flaming back as that doesn't accomplish anything. Maybe you can point me to where exactly I responded in a manor that was anything but respectful. If I offended anyone, my apologies.

    Before you start more flames, let me tell you something. I am a programmer (C++, C#, VB, ASP.NET, learning PHP). I know that no one wants to write a dev blog or changelog (it takes some time... like 5 - 10 minutes). Since you have a huge community, can't you take the 5 or 10 minutes after you're done coding for the day so we can learn about what you did. It's nice to know that progress is being made.

    If you give me some basic programmer's information about what you're working on, I'd be happy to write weekly or daily blog postings in a format that non programmers can understand.

    Also, there's a reason that most programs have a progress bar when they are loading something. People like to know that progress is being made.

    I recently started looking around to see if my request is unreasonable, and I found that all the mods below provide a public changelog / dev blog.

    Eternal Silence


    The Hidden
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  17. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Because Empires is different. It's the kid who says no to crack, the onion who won't make you cry, the spoon that doesn't cup your balls. And other such awesome analogies.
  18. Androc

    Androc Member

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    Well, continually demanding the same thing over and over when you have been told that it isn't going to happen and been given a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why... Yeah, most people would call that 'rude'.

    Yes, except that you're the only one who cares. Everyone else read the eight or so posts saying that all that was happening was the orange box conversion and bug fixes, and everyone else moved on with their lives.
  19. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I never demanding anything. I asked nicely. When most other mods provide what I am asking for, I find it a little strange that the dev team is so reluctant.

    I'm not waiting for the next version. 2.12 is just fine. I just like to know what's coming in the future of Empires and how far away it is.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  20. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Do you really mean that? Do you really? Really? Because personally, and this is just me i'm sure, I get the impression that you couldn't give a shit about us and think we're all a bunch of fucking idiots anyway. Of course, this is just my impression, but considering this is the 2nd and 3rd swear word i've typed here, I would ask you to take that into account and please moderate the tone of your posts a little.

    I would also like to apologise for swearing in a post while adressing you.

    And lastly, as a tester, i'd say what I know about what is going on amounts to a few things:
    1) Bugs are being fixed in the changeover to the new OB source code. This includes a really nasty vehicle related one that makes vehicles almost impossible to drive due to juddering or 'lagging'.
    2) Vehicle scripts and general balancing is occurring across the board, so that the devs can make the game more playable and enjoyable.
    3) Suggestions are being evaluated as to whether or not they will fit into Empires gameplay, i'm sure you've heard that the devs are taking on more ideas now...well, they have to assess them too.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008

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