How about just giving mine detection or something like it, that would make mines more visible to everyone? Then it cant be annoying and if you step on it it will be just your own fault of not paying attention to where you are going? Iam 100% positive that its seriously easy to see all mines and avoid them as gren, and if I step on one, it was most probably because I was occupied by shooting something or being shot at, or just not paying attention or something in that way. ( or fail jumping :D ...or ofcourse somebody else stepping on it, but thats just funny and gives the other guy more reasons to be careful ) This is also why I pretty much NEVER use defusal, mine detection is just absolutely enough and I need other perks. The only time I would use it is while in a vehicle and its either very expensive while there are also too many mines or there is just loads of mines and you are doing some vehicle rushing. But still, I almost never use it, unless its really too many mines and I died too often to them in a vehicle. Just saying mine detection is definitely enough to notice them or just have a chance to notice them and being able to choose. Either make it same as mine detection, or just somewhat less noticable so that gren still has some better detection. Or just make it same. You just cant complain then, if its shining "HERE IS A MINE!!!", you were just not paying attention and you deserve all that the mine is gonna give you. You really cant have any more visibility than that. I would take that as better solution than for example removing mines damaging infantry. Even though I understand that there is seriously almost no skill with mines infantry kills most of the times. This way, you would have to place them at locations where enemies are busy or something in that way, and would require more thinking at placement, if your target is infantry. oh also, maybe disable that if you are in vehicle? That would be a bit too much I think... Actually....the difference between gren detection and everyone else can be that gren can see it while being in a vehicle and others cant. How about that? I think thats awesome and solves the problem while not removing the whole mines kill infantry feature After all, the problem isnt mines, but people not seeing them / being very badly noticable. Just to say, I laugh many times when getting kill at infantry, but I dont take it as anything really skillful. U just gotta do it because you can and it slows and reduces enemies / waves. This way, it can be more fair and people get a bigger chance.
to be fair I remember running into that guy and I remember a lot of people just making jokes though he seemed to have a proper interest so fair play.
Still not huge on that whole mining the rax and to an extent the vf deal, it can be rather hard to avoid in such a small area. Too bad mines can't phase through buildings like ragdolls can.
Mining buildings is cool sabotaging. However, spawning should be protected imo, not that much because of the mines but because of spawn camping. I don't think it's fun to use your reflexes to kill a camper even with some invulnerability.
yeah thats a really bad design flaw model wise. it simply shouldnt be possible to reach the enemy spawnpoints. but that than raises a new problem because engis could repair in total safety (which maybe isnt so bad since if a whole team repairs a rax, noone protects comm) anyway, we dont have different models, so either comletely disallow mine dropping in rax or dont - in the end we could live with it for a decade and it didnt break the game. you shouldnt let the enemy that close to your rax in the first place - also you should have at least a 2nd one close by. and if the enemy swarms your base so badly he can keep mines in multiple raxes, well you have different problems i guess.
mines ought to be lethal against infantry but maybe some considerations that make contextual experience of mines a bit more interesting: being on top of a mine should dampen damage taken by surrounding players, like if you 're standing on a mine and goes off, surrounding players should receive less damage. if you crawl prone over mines, damage for friendlies should be reduced. could usher in interesting play mechanics. and one foul mine won't like wholly stop an advance as fun as getting 4 kills is maybe mines should only explode when you step OFF. like you would walk on, hear a click, and if a gren runs to defuse it before you step off, you're safe. makes a kind of tactile/pavlovian sensation for the mine experience instead of instantly dying which isn't quite as fun as fun as 9-mines are, they don't read too well to regular play and are almost wholly niche. grenadier defusal skill renders mines wholly useless against vehicles unless in certain circumstances. consider: mines perform damped damage (or little to none) but the mines still explode and cause heat damage or something or other. this would assist greatly in holding checkpoints especially in the defense of losing teams. possibly in tandem with the previous point maybe make the grenadier's defusal as infantry extend the time to explosion after step-off
"9 mines" are horrible. Its unintuitive, it takes forever to setup, its just a mess. It is pretty much just a bug that got left in because there is some utility in a remote detonation munition. There are plenty of games where you can do this and they all have a much more sensible way of doing it: Grens should get a choice between C4 satchel (that takes a few seconds to deploy) and mines. With Ammo upgrade they could carry 2 (as you can already place 2x4 mines and det remotely it doesn't change much). I'm sure this would need animations and models and such and such and therefore won't happen - but theres no-one that can convince me that it isn't the best solution.
Mine damage was reduced in a very recent previous version (2.52.1) by spartacus and was hated by the majority of people (with the exception of guess who). it was reversed in candles' first patch (which shows how much it was not liked because it was one of the first things reversed) why are repeating past mistakes
How about if right clicking just detonated the first mine dropped? Like how 9 mining actually works, but you don't have to drop that extra mine or even all 8 mines. Part of me wants to say that right clicking with rpg or mortar can also detonate mines because right clicking doesn't do anything there, but I think that's either going to be really annoying to some grens or a rather subtle and nice buff.
Yeah I did make the same suggestion years ago. That would at least cement it as somewhat of a feature. Without an animation or some kind of feedback it is always going to feel half baked but that would be a step in the right direction for sure.
I was there, too. That's even more reason for me to bring it back : It was tested publicly. To be really honest, I don't think any harm was done essentially to the gameplay. It's the same as my APC nerf, people hated the change not because it fucked up the game, but because their interests were involved. "The majority of people", don't kidnap people, especially new players.
I dunno about that, not even counting district or escort mines can sometimes make up half my kills. Though probably half of those kills are tanks or jeeps...