Addommondȗl, "Cloistergrave" the Succession Fortress

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pickled_heretic, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic Member

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    The first two years were done by blizzerd and I. Now I consider myself to be a pretty experienced DF player, but...
  2. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    I've yet to attempt a challenging environment, but im getting somewhat at managing a fortress, military is still somewhat unknown territory to me.
  3. Varbles

    Varbles Simply Maptastic. Staff Member

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    Hey we should do a new one thats not so completely fucked up
  4. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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  5. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    I agree, i can defend myself somewhat now.
  6. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    i suggest using newest dig deeper mod this time

    also, sparkgear style turns, you get 24 hours ,and not more (too many forts die from "i dont know who was the last guy to play" etc.)
  7. --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--

    --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- Banned

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    What about we create a fortress above ground?

    A huge Fortress/Castle/City/Tower, ect.
  8. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    that takes a lot of time to construct... even as humans.
    you also gotta make massive quarrys and terraform the map :|
    and in the end, its no fun at all unless you set the area difficulty to skyhigh (terrifying etc) and boost the megabeasts stats.
    since if you pick a castle type, its gonna take a LOT of years to make and to do that you need something fun to play with on a regular basis, just normal goblins comming twice a year wont cut it.
    Also, you gotta keep the economy in high check early on so that it doesnt expand too fast, othervise u will end up with raids before you even got a decent self sufficient economy running and buildings fixed.
    and as i think most of you know, raids increase in strength from the point they first occur.
    so f.ex. spamming crafts etc early on is a nono.
    and its not really a newbie-friendly type of fortress compared to underground ones.
  9. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    -offtopic post-

    any one is using dig deeper mod?
    1.4B was just realeased to fix the no-immigrants issue, but it also seems to brake the megabeast ("failed to spawn nemesis "report). Any one knows whats this shit about? im not really into loosing fucking 8 hour work again.

    also @ astro,

    it maybe fun at start, but the longer the thing takes to setup(and is more complex), the more likely it is to be soon left, because noone knows what is going on

    it would take a max 5 people friend group to pull such shit up
  10. --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--

    --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- Banned

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    I find underground fortresses way too easy,

    Maybe it will help to make a city layout before the game starts, so we are nto clueless what to do.

    I find that really easy to be honest,

    I start with a Miner, 2 Masons, A carpenter(and woodcutter if wood is pressent on the map), a Farmer, a Brewer, and a crafter.

    I bring a pick(and an axe if there is wood pressent on the map), some food and some booze, a cage, 3 cats, and around 200-300 wood.

    I start the map with asign my miner to mine. So we will have a good stone reserve.

    I then start building a carpenters workshop, I will then build beds, tables, bins and chairs.

    At the same time I enable carpentry on all dwarfs except my miner.

    I then start building a residence(out of wood). A dining room(main floor) and a dining room(first floor).

    I will also dissable stone gathering on my masons and my miner.

    After I am done with the residential building, I will construct 2 masonry workshops, a still, 2 farms(I'll explain later on), and a craftersworkshop.

    I will set up 3 stockpiles, 1 for furniture, 1 for stone(flux only) , and a bar/block stockpile(rock).

    I will then asign my masonry workshops to make <insertfluxmaterialhere> blocks.

    Those will then be stored onto the stockpile, ready for construction.

    I will asign my two farms to grow crops. Farm A grows crops designated
    for brewing, the other farm(B) will grow crops designated for eating(and cooking later on).

    After some while I will dissable caprentry and stone gathering on my crafter and start producing rock crafts.

    When I have enough blocks stored into my stockpiles I will temporarely dissable my workshops and start building houses.

    After that is done I will continue making blocks again.

    Then, when the trade caravan arives I will sell the rock crafts and buy some food(depending on how it is going, I will probrally also have build an office for my broker).

    Then immigrants will arive soon after, I will asign them to construct more buildings(enable masonry). I will also disable carpentry and stone gathering on my Brewer and start brewing booze.

    Then I'll just expand my city, start building a military, smith weapons and armor, ect.

    It is a race against the clock,

    I also won't use traps or drawbridges to protect my fort.
  11. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    why would you waste 300 pieces of wood on cabinets and chairs, especially if its a woodless map

    why not have miners mine out needed materials and then make everyone masons

    you can always specify who can use the workshop

    also why Flux blocks? i though with that setup you want to avoid wealth
  12. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    astro starting on a map with a lot of wood (ill assume you did, since no sane person spend 300 wood into furniture othervise), water, soil, flux, non-hostile land, etc... iow good conditions... IS DULL AS HELL.

    im more of the type who prefer spawning on a terrifying map location with 3 undead cyclops, minotaurs + tons of random small type hostile creatures on it along with 500 depth cave. Being forced to quickly melt down some sand into glass to make greenhouses for the farms to avoid the giant skelleton eagles to pick off my farmers, etc.
    its WAY more fun.
    on a map with "perfect conditions" you basicly cant fail... which is no fun at all :P

    If its gonna be a big fortress construction overground then it is way more fun building it if you actually have to "use" it right off the bat and actually needing it to protect your citizen which without it would suffer imminent death.

    Once the basic economy is all done etc then ya can make some big construction like a cathedral to the blood god etc in the middle of the fort for lulz.

    But the whole problem is, there is no way in hell the newbies can manage to keep themself alive in that type of scenarios...
    hence why i said we should remain underground so that newbs can do "anything" without having too much hostile creature interferance. (since creatures doesnt actively run down into caves, yet they do run around randomly overground)
    since by doing it that way we can use a very hostile map and the newbs can just remain inside the cave if they dont know wtf 2 do.
  13. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    actually,what about a terryfing green glass mountain keep
    sounds badass enough for me
  14. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    Glass fortress with obsidian roofs xD

    must.... build... fortress... naow...
  15. --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--

    --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- Banned

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    I prefer making furniture out of wood, simply because I like wooden furniture.

    And I like to make clear glass windows, and wood is a requirement for that.

    Also, when I start on a map my only requirment is to have flux and no aquifiers(as I won't be able to get to the stone without building a doomsday aquifier penetration device).

    Other then that I try to start on a terryfying location, I modded goblins to be stronger, and either way I start on a freezing or a scorching location. I also changed the dwarfes and goblin starting biome to ANY_LAND. I play as dwarfs though, not as humans - simply because goblins won't attack humans.
  16. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    I found a site for my glass fortress xD

    Location+Info (the thing nextdoor to the right on the map is a goblin fortress, note: i edited the ini file for a 8x8 zone and im human)
    Landscape (on the far left of the map you can see the dark entrance to the 500 size cave)
    Residents (the magma pipe is not visible yet) :rolleyes:

    and i got 3 diffrent kingdooms to start war with ^^

    iow: It's going to be FUN™ :D

  17. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    how are you getting those class1/class 2 things? i keep seeing it in df threads, but i never got anything like this? Is it a mini-mod or what?

    8x8 lol, happy fps
  18. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    Caves :)
    in my case, a max sized one :D

    to see them on a map you have to either A) set it as an option upon world creation or B) find them beforehand in adventure mode
  19. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    oh yes caves, i was alw wondering how do they look like on the embark screen. Those 3x3 grey city like things perhaps?

    anyways ,i was asking about the dwarf(human?) profesion names not caves :P
  20. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    i thought u ment BUILDINGDESTROYER class 1 (trolls) and class 2 (hydra) xD

    and yes, they are the 3x3 or 4x4 rock thing dependant on how concentrated the cave. + they show up as a rock on the medium world map so its easy to find the locations.

    Well to fix a dual class... its really simple.

    Find a dwarf with the unit list then press v, then y, then p... from there u can type in any custom profession name you want... and from the menu earlier you can also rename the dwarf into anything you want.

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